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Zombies- make them harder or nerf them?

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Basically what the title says. I want to see why people choose what they do. I personally believe they should be harder to encourage teaming but another perspective would he nice. Please elaborate if you're going to post.

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You played epoch yet? Those zombies are tough and they SWARM you as they should!

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I haven't actually. I'll be sure to check it out though.

I've read a lot of post lately and it seems that this is a subject where the community is at two extremes.

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DayZ+ got some nasty zombies.

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Before they increase the power of the zombies the glitchyness of them needs to be addressed.

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Personally, I think zombies should be the main source of danger in a zombie survival game.

Therefore, they should scare you, they should possibly kill you (if you got unlucky/careless) and they should be anywhere in large numbers.

As for their AI: should be pretty basic/primitive: they should be mainly attracted by noise, and pursue any living thing that catches their badly sight. They pathfinding should be very straight forward towards their pray, but they should only go down by a shot/blunt trauma to the head (permanently), bullet/hatchet to the knee cap (turns them into a croucher/crawler) or some bullets to the torso (knockdown for X seconds). They should be slow, but fleeing players should become tired by running/sprinting/crouch walking, tired/out of breath players should have the same speed as zeds.

And they should be kind of weak in their damage output, but they should be infectious so any hit should have a X% chance of giving an infection (which should be deadly when untreated and slowed/stopped/deadly anyway (here, I'm indifferent) when treated properly)

Project Zomboid has the perfect zombies imo, here's an example for the attraction by noise (start around 5:49):

@MrTone: A poll would be nice.

You played epoch yet? Those zombies are tough and they SWARM you as they should!

What is epoch?

Edited by kingkrabbe.#bof

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I think you'd have a split in the community, some will want the game harder to survive in to match the initial appeal the game had. Others are in it for the PvP elements, and find any buffs to zombies and decrease in loot a bad thing, as it hinders them in what they want to do.

I personally am for a harder game, as that what I look for in games, and it's what drew me to DayZ. So long as it's reasonable and you can come out of zombie aggro alive if you have the skill and know-how. Zombies should be hard because they're zombies and their existence means the end of mankind, but they shouldn't be hard for the sake of being hard.

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make them harder and more dynamic. So yes shooting legs will reduce their speed, knockdowns possible. improve their behaviour and yes make them harder. In my opinion if people want PvP to be the main aspect they can go play COD or Warz.

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They should be harder, end of, no argument, done.

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I agree with a slower movement, and bigger mobs of zombies. but not walking, simply a reduce from sprinting to a jogging :)

and for mobs of zombies I think I recall hearing or reading Rocket saying : you can expect roaming groups of zombies in the SA

Edited by THSay

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