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What is bis_greetedpeople, and is it a sign of a scripter?

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This causes kicks. It does seem weird. Can anyone (maybe faco) tell me if bis_greetedpeople is something I should ban for?

Thank you.

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You are reading my mind, we have the same question :D

It cause setvariable restriction #0 if remember well. We don't ban for that for the moment but yes it will be great to know.

Edited by DJ_Teschmi

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This variable is not used in Dayz mod. So the player is using some code from another source (pbo, cheat tool...)

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I have seen this on a number of people before on our server including myself, My conclusion was it wasn't a hack as it just seemed to common place. The only scenario that it could be is a hacker is getting this code to run on everyone in the server.

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