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What would I do in the case of a zombie appocalypse?

I WOULD MAKE A SETTLEMENT, without a doubt!

The idea that players would be given the ability to construct things once they've survived several weeks and collected enough supplies appears to be a very, very popular one with this community, so I thought I'd share some of my ideas. I like the idea of making the game a little more true to the 'survival' part, rather than just KILL KILL KILL. Player-buildings would, obviously, be fully destructible. In order to keep a small community going, for example, you'd need the support of many players!

Players would be able to customize the location and orientation (rotation) of these objects, to construct shacks, houses, buildings, etc. or fix up an old building to make it their home. Anywho .. It isn't like there's a lack of space. Most of the game map is empty woodlands, as we all know : and there are all of those islands, which would be perfect for settlements! Fallout 3's most popular mod was the 'Real Time Settler' mod, in which a similar system was introduced. An image of a settlement constructed by players is below

7070-4-1276809193.jpg It would be equally cool fixing up a pre-existing structure, or cleaning up a pre-existing town though.



Some things I think players should be able to construct in the future :

(Feel free to criticize / suggest - I'm totally open)



[ Workbench ] - Used to put together a lot of these objects, with scraps found in the world.

[ Makeshift Wall ] - Made up of boards of wood and metal sheets. Very easily destroyed.

[ Chain Fencing ] - Used to fence off bases constructed by players, unpassable. Can be cut open with wire/bolt cutters, and holes could be blown in it very easily with explosives. Vehicles could probably destroy these very easily if rammed.

[ Plywood Wall / Drywall ] - A little harder to destroy, but still pretty flimsy. Opaque, so players cannot see through it like the Chain Fencing. Maybe it could be destroyed by the zombies, if bashed down?

[ Cement Wall ] - Tough, but still breakable. And RPG or well-placed block of C4 (if added) could blow this open.

[ Metal Wall ] - Thick metal, used to wall the toughest fortifications. Welding torches could break through this.

[ Door / Gate] - Various types of doors. Wooden doors are obviously easy to break down (and bashed in by zombies perhaps?), whereas large, thick metal doors are very difficult to open. Keypads could be added to prevent players from entering ... easily

[ Generator ] - Used to create 'power', to fuel the devices that will follow. Runs on gasoline.

[ Chest/Locker/Safe ] - Something players could put in their fortifications/communities to store items. Could be locked. Openable, perhaps, with rare bolt cutters, depending on the quality of the lock used.

[ Light Fixture / Floodlights ] - Provides light for you in your shack/fort, uses power

[ Radio Tower ] - Uses power, adds your town name to the map (ie. "Manhattan" next to a dot on the map). I'm guessing that this object would take a LOT of resources, and run on immense amounts of power. (Available only to the largest of settlements) That way, if the town is raided and destroyed by bandits, it just becomes ruins, and the map marker is removed.

[ Terminal/Computer ] - A variety of uses for simple computers in the game. You think about it. Maybe you could research things, if you find old website servers, harddrives, or military information servers?

[ Ammo Press / Weapon Press ] - Used to press out very specific types of ammo. You must first find the specs/blueprints/cast (whichever) before you can produce a certain type of ammunition. Uses metal. Take a LOT of resources, and are only available to the largest of the largest of settlements.

[ Forge? ] - Toss in ores to refine your metal, for guns etc.

[ Farming ] - Grow a couple potatoes, raise some cows : good stuff to keep a settlement of players going.

[ Chemistry Sets ] - Allows for players to create vaccines/cures/meds if they manage to scavenge the right chemicals from the world. It would also be nice to set up other medical objects, that players visiting the settlement could use.

[ Powered Gates / Powered Blast doors ] - Very difficult to destroy, powered by a motor. Comes with a keypad to open/close.

[ Wrench/Screwdriver/Drill/Sledgehammer ] - Cool engineering items that could have a variety of uses.

[ Furniture ] - Allow players to place chairs, tables, beds, ovens, etc. that are crafted / dragged in from elsewhere for scenery (or perhaps they'd have a use)

[ Water Pump / Water Well ]

[ Lootable garbage piles ] - Those piles of trash / bits of metal / wood you find in every city should, if this system is introduced, become lootable. In these piles of junk, you'd find the scraps of stuff needed to build the objects mentioned above.


== Ideas that are probably not feasible ==

[ Flags ] - Allow players to customize flags (to a certain, manageable extent). They could place these flag around town, use it as a marker of a trading outpost, or use it as a banner for your group of raiders.

[ Custom Signs ] - For example .. you'd have a sign that says "Rivet City" above the city's gateway entrance, or a sign off to the side saying "Do not raid! You are welcome in our settlement!"

[ PA System ] - You can set these up around your city, to play some music for people who are in your city. They'd be songs added to the mod by the dev team, of course - ambient music like this ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I52SEq384Eo

[ Area denial weapons ] - Bit of a silly idea ... You could set up this 'turret' to scan back and forth for players, and gun down anyone who comes near. This could be put inside of a house, as a form of security. This is for a settlement that spends a lot of time offline.


== Ideas from other users ==

[ Small Helipad ] Allow for some air support/transport from a single helicopter in the village/town/city/whatever it is. (messageboy)


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I would like to point out to others before they post in a rush. The OP doesn't expect this idea to happen any time soon or at all. This thread looks like just a place for us to entertain the idea and put in our thoughts which who knows might get picked up in half a year or a year from now.

[ Small Helipad] Allow for some air support/transport from a single helicopter in the village/town/city/whatever it is.

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the base work for implementing this is already in the game, with the real time placement of barracks and such in SP, this would be an amazing addition once dayz really gets moving

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Nice I like what you have said in here, especially all the detail you go into. I like the idea of these things being useable in cities that are already present. I don't believe that there needs to be new cities built, instead there should be a goal of restoring the ones we have!

I detailed this a bit here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13084

But I would love to hear your thoughts.

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I am sure some of your ideas are where this game is headed at some point. I can see the future where small safe zones are inhabited and protected by survivors, constantly doing battle against Zeds and waves of bandits (Mad Max style)

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I think an easier idea on the devs may be to make the structures in the game baricadable within the cities and towns. then the zeds could pull them apart on ocasions for a nice light snack.

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FANTASTIC idea! Obviously not something for the near future, but this is something that would make DayZ one of the best games/mods in history!

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Thanks for all the positive feedback so far guys

I'd really like Rocket or one of the Developers to see this! I'm just curious about what their plans are for 'construction'

Please continue to post feedback / suggestions

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I was thinking...

some thoughts on End Game- with Society Faction building

(forgive the grammar - writing on IPhone Undecided )

What if players cone across the remains of factions/groups that were wiped out due to the Zeds.

Players can then decide to take up this factions banners, (arm bands)

Once you sign up at one then there will be info on your character - stats that others from your group can see.

Other factions can also see if they are allowed at the location where it's kept.

There will a wide range of factions which are based on what kind of groups would evolve out if this zombie apocalypse.

When you discover one of these former faction hold outs... You can go through the notes and info left from the original members who either left or dead. Your are the next generation of society.

Theses notes could be journal entry of a mother singing her child to sleep as she says in her next line how she wonders is this will be last night to sing this song. Everyday can be your last. Notes can also be info on how they were looking at getting power to some towns.

There would also be information tell the player there other groups out there and even though at times there was conflicts, it made trading and surviving better.

Once there is a group of 3 that are part of this faction then the book/symbol of the base and identity/ can be moved to what ever location you wish. Radios will have a channel for their faction (if you gave a radio) that will give info on the last known location of the base.

Ideally there would be about 5 factions and players don't need to join them. You can do lone wolf. If a faction player sees the other player with ni armband then they know they are a lobe wolf or a new player.

This idea is actually for the future of DayZ since you would need a larger map and more players on the server. This will also encourage to find a home server basically but faction stats and membership is cross server but like tents, what you build or layout will only stay on that one server.

This is aimed at being social, while grounding it within what happen during this zombie apocalypse. Players will still kill each other and there will be faction tension but also there can be trade as well as backstabbing.

Players who leave a faction or back stab the one they are a member of will be flagged. Meaning at the faction's core book with player stats- you will also see names that left or did the faction wrong.

To keep faction from hording vehicles... They will have a life span after you fix them. So sooner or later the engine will just die. This means factions can only hold vehicles for a period of time, allowing them to respawn and others can get a chance.

I have more but I need to do some research before saying more.

The core is to allow players to be social, connect with the DayZ world, but also still allow players freedom at the say time bring players to bond.

This would of course be after tasks and side missions are brought into the mod, if that happens.

This also eliminates the survivor /bandit mentality .

Let me know what you think?

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seems a awesome idea, i would also ad a trader like npc in the village

as i think when people try to rebuild live as it was (or at least make it better)there will also be greedy people that want to make a profite

as trading material i would just say building resources and ammo you don't want, to trade it for other ammo and food and so

nice idea how it is though :)

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All of this is possible in the current Engine Rocket said so in an interview the Network just needs cleaning up.

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i wanna see where this is going. i support this, since when u have all the good stuff u just want to shoot other ppl down. this would give things to do.


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Yeah, as someone already said, we have a basic system like this with the tents. This would be really hard to work on, but worth the job, would be a significantly addition to the game, opening a variety of new objectives.

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I like your thinking, logan .. I've added 'flags' to the list, as something related to those. Not so sure factions are something that fits the 'DayZ' style though. Factions would have to be something unofficial, imho

any one else have any ideas/suggestions/comments relating to this topic?

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I think we should keep pre-existing factions out of this. This is a zombie survival simulation, not Fallout 3. However the settlement building would be freaking awesome, and i think Rocket intends to implement this anyway.

Something like real time settler would be great but I just dont think the engine is capable of that. What we would have to do is gather the materials and then build buildings that already exist ingame. Ive seen this done in mods before, however the building of a huge settlement out of a bunch of different materials to form something unique is out of the question at the moment, the Arma 2 engine and probably the Arma 3 engine dont have this capability at the moment. However, i am entirely supportive of this idea (except factions).


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Rocket has stated that the Engine can create buildings in real time the problem is the network code. Wait until Arma 3 for this.

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The idea of factions is a good one IMO, but they shouldn't get too overbearing or it takes away from the original feeling of DayZ. Having a choice not to join a faction shouldn't make you weaker except in the sense that you don't have as many teammates at your back, while joining a faction may mean pooling resources and a more co-ordinated approach, but you would have to work hard to build whatever it is that you want to get.

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Let's not get off topic now. I made no mention of factions in the OP :/

People are just going to get angry, as factions are not a very popular theme on this forum (it'd be best to make a new topic if you want to discuss that)

Anywho ..

I guess this system would add a use for the crowbar as well - It could be used to pry some structures open / destroy anything you've placed in the wrong location!

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Let's not get off topic now. I made no mention of factions in the OP :/

People are just going to get angry' date=' as factions are not a very popular theme on this forum (it'd be best to make a new topic if you want to discuss that)

Anywho ..

I guess this system would add a use for the crowbar as well - It could be used to pry some structures open / destroy anything you've placed in the wrong location!


It's not really getting off topic factions and Building can go together.

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I'm arguing against pre-existing factions. Now if player group up, make themselves a banner, and build a fort and call themselves a "faction/clan", i have no problem with that. User generated factions/colonies/raiding parties/clans would be awesome and a realistic and welcome addition to the game imho.

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I'm arguing against pre-existing factions. Now if player group up' date=' make themselves a banner, and build a fort and call themselves a "faction/clan", i have no problem with that. User generated factions/colonies/raiding parties/clans would be awesome and a realistic and welcome addition to the game imho.


In that case it's alright i hate pre existing factions also.

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