Raven_2012 0 Posted May 10, 2012 I think adding missions for dayz would be a cool idea, now that I think about it. As long as it doesn't take away from the gameplay and structure as it is now. I think a party of 4 or more players when they group up, should get a sidemission or sidequest that pops up now-and-then. This idea will get players to force to group up to come together to accomplish a common goal, but at same time a player who doesn't want to group up can still go solo and play like normal Dayz, with his or her own personal goals. So groups of 4 and more that finish a sidequest would get a reward of good lot that the group could share. Then later on if the group splits off those players wont get any more mission that would pop up, only when in a group of 4 or more. Some how Dayz would have to add a join group feature in game. In a way the add mission won't take away from the old Dayz style of play, but would add a new element. Which is what gamers want, the new elements that don't take away from the old. I don't want to personally stop playing because some new feature took away from the game. I want to keep playing more and more because the mod keeps getting better and better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanceUppercut 7 Posted May 10, 2012 i like it, group up and when you finish have a shoot out to see who gets the gear Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildGunsTomcat 78 Posted May 10, 2012 /signedI agree. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geamr 0 Posted May 10, 2012 That's the exact opposite of what this mod is supposed to be. No. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 12 Posted May 10, 2012 I'd like to see missions but more in a backstory kind of way. i.e if you find a radio you can hear transmissions in certain areas of the map that give you locations to find information and items. I guess some similarity to geocaching. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yourself 2 Posted May 10, 2012 That's the exact opposite of what this mod is supposed to be. No.I agree, half. If done right, this could be good. I'm thinking less traditional questgiver NPCs though and more hidden clues and without the whole group system. For example: you may find a note that points to a secret stash in a zombie infested area. You now have the choice to either a) attempt to retrieve it on your own b) get some friends to help you and share the items or c) try to get some strangers to help you, with all the potential risks that any interaction with unfamiliar players brings along.The clue could sometimes give a hint at what is inside the stash: a complete survival outfit, a cache of military grade weapons, an ammo dump, the location of a vehicle and parts to fix it (hidden in seperate spots) or even just plain food and water. The difficulty in obtaining the stash would have to rise with the potential reward.Clues would also be lootable. So if you stumble across a dead player with the bloody note clutched in his hands you can continue where he left off or you could even attempt to trade the note with another player (again with all the risks involved).Furthermore the clues would be linked to the stash, i.e. the items will only spawn after the person carrying the clue would get near it or interact with the hiding place (not sure if this is somehow technically possible).Just some thoughts that stumbled into my mind wanting to get out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GovMcFly 4 Posted May 21, 2012 I like this idea, especially the part about getting random radio transmissions to start a mission. However, I think, if coding even allows, say 10 or 15 people at a time get a mission over the radio. And by mission, I would say there is an npc who is dying and he is saying he needs help at the barn in XXX village/town. Has a body, some loot and extra zombies around it. Maybe he died at a campfire or bled to death at a flare hoping for help. Either or, adds a bit more fun since you have survivors and bandits going to the same place. Maybe everyone on the server gets one every 30 minutes. But, on a server of say 50, 5 sets of people (10) each get a different mission location so as not everyone is headed to the same location in a giant cluster f. My two cents, again, since this is a mod only, i don't even know if that is possible through the coding. Be fun though. I'm sure not everyone would like that idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pills (DayZ) 1 Posted May 21, 2012 That's a pretty stupid idea, the fact that this game is such a sandbox/make your own adventure is what makes it so great. Survive, just survive. Not idiotic missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
resident emil 1 Posted May 21, 2012 Early in gaming history, like way back in the seventies-eighties, there was a wish to emulate realistic situations in adventure games. Since there were several restrictions limiting how this could be done (hardware limitations, no internet so no multiplay etc), developers had to find ways around those limitations. Another issue was that gaming was still (and would be for many decades) very influenced by traditional storytelling, and was as such pretty linear in its nature. One solution to these problems were to implement NPC's (Non Player Character) in the game, with the purpose of driving the linear story and assigning missions to the player. Thirty-forty years later we are still stuck with this solution. Most modern MMO's still utilize NPC's to drive the story and assign missions. Even EVE, which I regard as a quite progressive MMO, has NPC's doling out missions (Kill that pirate, defend that outpost, mine this much Veldspar).Now that the technology and we as players has matured to a state where this NPC structure is no longer needed, we still try to force this mediocre solution where it is no longer needed. DayZ is giving us an opportunity to get rid of NPC's and linear mission design, and is moving that responsibility to us as players instead. The mechanics for player driven missions is already in the game. Sure, there are things that could be implemented to make this smoother, but it already works. Why would you want an NPC telling you "Go fetch me 10 cans of baked beans. Then I will send you to collect 10 cans of soda", when you can have a real player ask you "-Im in a really bad shape. If you give me a transfusion I'll give you my AK". Then you could tell him "-I have no blodpack. But if you'll give me 3 makarov mags now I am willing to raid the hospital to get you the blood", and the mission is on its way.It would be nice if you could stash stuff for at least a couple of hours, "-There's no use shooting me and taking my AK as I have already stashed it. I will tell you were it is when I've got the transfusion". This would be totally in line with the game's trust issues. The options in this situation vastly exceeds the options in normal NPC interactions.Another feature that would support this kind of player driven missions is if we could leave notes to each other. Let's say notes could be taped to church doors and town limit signs, "Me and a team of four passed thorugh here on may 21. Found loot in red two story brick building. Left MP5 mags and metal scraps in church. Heading north. Need AK mag's and food if you're willing to trade. /Emil". Or, "Found unmarked military camp 1km NW of Pusta. Zombies encountered far outside the camp. Beware!". (I haven't found such a military camp at Pusta, it's just an example).Do you see the potential for this in the game?Good luck out there,Emil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jk_scowling 44 Posted May 21, 2012 Please, no missions, that isn't the point of this game. There are plenty of games that follow that model, this mod is an open world sandbox where player interactions are the driving force and imo should stay that way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eegore 23 Posted May 21, 2012 What about "Objectives" vs. "Missions" Such as having a colony of survivors pop up somewhere. Maybe see barbwire encircle Kamenka, or a settlement appear in a field. NPC's would be within, some friendly, some not, but no NPC dialogue etc. The Objectives would then be unique to each player: Help them survive, or take them out, burn the settlement for fun or loot it for goods. I think that system would work better in this environment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
resident emil 1 Posted May 21, 2012 Why do you need artificial objectives/missions when the world is full of actual objectives/missions?What good would a bunch of stupid NPC's be except as cannon/zambie fodder? Go save some survivor who is stuck bleeding in Elektro or something instead. Set your own objectives. Roleplay. Pretend that you're a team of scientists out to collect samples from zombies. Treat every survivor as potentially infected and shoot them on sight. Pretend that you need to go to Elektro to collect samples at the hospital and that you need to get back to the airfield within 36 hours to be evacuated.Pretend that you're a former law enforcer. Study other players from afar to evaluate if they are good or bad. Take out the bad ones, help the good ones.Roleplay that you are slightly stupid and blindly trust everyone. See how long you can survive this way. Each time you get killed by a survivor. Respawn and slightly adjust your morals. Only trust people who lower their guns, then only trust people with noob equipment, then only trust people who blindly trust anyone.Or drop all your weapons and promise yourself to not pick up another one until you crossed the map. Or decide only to live from wildlife and only drink water.The possibilities are endless without the need for artificial content. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites