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Rise From The Dead!

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Alright so here is my idea along with a scenario.

So you and your buddy are the only people on a server, ok? And you guys get ambushed in cherno or whatever, attacked by zombies. Your friend dies, but you live....

So you head on up to camp, and realize, oh you need medical supplies. So you head on back down to cherno, and hit the hospital. Well, heres where my idea comes in

When a player dies from zombies, they rise from the dead. For instance, lets say you have on a Coyote Backpack, Camo Clothing, And Maybe a M4A1 CCO SD, Heres what happens.

Upon death, the zombie eats whatever he wants, ok? then, when he's done, within 15 minutes,yup, you guessed it, your player will rise up, and start walking around like the undead. Now the Physical Features are what makes this Unique. When rising from the dead, your friend will keep the Backpack, and Camo Clothing on his body, while the M4A1 CCO SD will remain on the ground where he died, while the magazines will remain on the zombies inventory. The zombie will look like your friend, but with the usual blood on the face like a wounded solider_EP1 would look like.


-Duplication of Bodies when the zombie rises.

-Zombie Spawning issue, maybe would require zombies to spawn when the player is farther away.

-Instance loading, as in The space would already have to be loaded in the inventory.


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They're "infected", not "undead". Therefor it is impossible for one to rise from the grave in DayZ.

This idea has also been discussed to death, use the search function.

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I thought of this too, then I was informed that the zombies from Day Z are not the risen dead but are infected living people(like 28 days later)

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Hello there

This has been covered in depth before I'm afraid.



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