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Ok, now once was funny but 3 times is a bit much..

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Got a gun, gear, backpack, pretty much everything i need....except 1 morphine. Wouldn't you know it, got 1 hit by a zombie, broken bone...

can't crawl into certain buildings because of steps. Can't go upstairs.

So so frustrating...

EDIT: My suggestion, add a 10-15 minute timer for the bone to heal and/or have the option to use morphine to instantly heal it. I do not think that this is unreasonable.

EDIT2: The title of this thread was in reference to another thread I made about my experience and pride of crawling a long distance.

here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16565

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Good. You are frustrated, enough to come here and post about it. Now clean out your pants restart your character and continue your job AS AN ALPHA TESTER!

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I think this is exactly the kind of thing Rocket created this mod to see. Make a game or mod that creates this kind of response.

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Why is everyone so hostile when people post issues with an Alpha? Yes, we get an Alpha has issues, but the only way to fix them is TO POST ABOUT THEM.

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A game created to be hard simply for the sake of being hard will fickle out eventually. Rocket needs a proper balance between sensibility and realism rather than making it difficult just cause.

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When will you "IT'S ALPHA HERP DERP" retards realize that if nobody points out the flaws (IN AN ALPHA HERP DERP) the game will never get out of the alpha phase?

Grow the fuck up and quit knee jerking any time somebody posts. Idiots.

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Yeah, because a corpse can break a bone easy right? That's realistic, huh. Rotting corpse is strong enough to break bones one shot and only morphine can fix a broken bone right?

Thanks for the response Riner, you're what this community doesn't need.

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if you want to get up stairs:

1. Get to base of stairs

2. Press stand key

3. While getting up hold FORWARD facing the stairs

4. You will get up, and leap into a prone.

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When will you "IT'S ALPHA HERP DERP" retards realize that if nobody points out the flaws (IN AN ALPHA HERP DERP) the game will never get out of the alpha phase?

Grow the fuck up and quit knee jerking any time somebody posts. Idiots.


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My de

When will you "IT'S ALPHA HERP DERP" retards realize that if nobody points out the flaws (IN AN ALPHA HERP DERP) the game will never get out of the alpha phase?

Grow the fuck up and quit knee jerking any time somebody posts. Idiots.

My Dear, *flaws* belong in the bug reporting forum. Your frustrations with this game are fair consideration, but please review the million other threads concerning the very same topic before relentlessly repeating the same tired old shit.

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I'm sorry, did I express any frustrations with the game?

I do believe the frustration I expressed was with the retarded, worse then WoW fanboy douchebag community that seems to frequent the forums of the game.

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My de

When will you "IT'S ALPHA HERP DERP" retards realize that if nobody points out the flaws (IN AN ALPHA HERP DERP) the game will never get out of the alpha phase?

Grow the fuck up and quit knee jerking any time somebody posts. Idiots.

My Dear' date=' *flaws* belong in the bug reporting forum. Your frustrations with this game are fair consideration, but please review the million other threads concerning the very same topic before relentlessly repeating the same tired old shit.


There is not a single fucking thread about broken bones and lack of morphine. When did I say this was a bug? It's a balancing issue. I posted in this thread to see if my issue was warranted. If I got a response from people, then I would post it under the patch notes. FFS, come off your high horse.

I'm sorry' date=' did I express any frustrations with the game?

I do believe the frustration I expressed was with the retarded, worse then WoW fanboy douchebag community that seems to frequent the forums of the game.


Not only that Ganzor, but his post is hypocritical since we are sick of the same tired attitude douches like him exhibit on the forums.

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I'm sorry' date=' did I express any frustrations with the game?

I do believe the frustration I expressed was with the retarded, worse then WoW fanboy douchebag community that seems to frequent the forums of the game.


Exactly. Repeated a million times via other threads. Look I understand this view, but it's pointless reiterating it over and over ad nauseum.

Good constructive topics get bumped off the home page due to 90% of whine without any corresponding suggestions for addressing the issues. It is far easier for the devs to see and review a singld thread with a million responses about a topic than sorting through a million threads on the same topic.

That is all.

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A game created to be hard simply for the sake of being hard will fickle out eventually. Rocket needs a proper balance between sensibility and realism rather than making it difficult just cause.

Or.. bare with me.. it's an Alpha and he's just testing shit out. He doesn't "need" to do anything.. and instead of deciding what will happen if he doesn't do things a certain way.. just wait and see instead.

In the meantime, go test, report bugs, suggest... suggestions.

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My de

When will you "IT'S ALPHA HERP DERP" retards realize that if nobody points out the flaws (IN AN ALPHA HERP DERP) the game will never get out of the alpha phase?

Grow the fuck up and quit knee jerking any time somebody posts. Idiots.

My Dear' date=' *flaws* belong in the bug reporting forum. Your frustrations with this game are fair consideration, but please review the million other threads concerning the very same topic before relentlessly repeating the same tired old shit.


Than why are flaws being posted on announcements in the patch notes.

Oh that's right, because we're allowed to do so. The OP wasn't even inflammatory. Your responses are not warranted, nor required, nor wanted.

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Good. You are frustrated' date=' enough to come here and post about it. Now clean out your pants restart your character and continue your job AS AN ALPHA TESTER!


I could see posting this response to a whiny OP but this post clearly shows an issue with starting without morphine in particular. It's not a BUG, so it doesn't belong in the BUG REPORTS section.

I think that's exactly what the forums are for, so take your unibrow over to the next troll thread thx :D

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And thusly, I am *allowed to do so* also. I'm simply suggestion adding to an existing thread on the same topic to help keep the thread rollover down.

Your choice, my choice, we have so many choices.. What a wonderous happy world it is.

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Here is my suggestion. Broken bones only last 15 minutes. Long enough for it to suck ass, but short enough that it doesn't equal a death.

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And thusly' date=' I am *allowed to do so* also. I'm simply suggestion adding to an existing thread on the same topic to help keep the thread rollover down.

Your choice, my choice, we have so many choices.. What a wonderous happy world it is.


No b/c your post just made you the same annoying troll who you usually troll with those responses. PARADOX?!

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I think that's exactly what the forums are for' date=' so take your unibrow over to the next troll thread thx :D


The Unibrow is epic and you know it! Envy!

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My de

When will you "IT'S ALPHA HERP DERP" retards realize that if nobody points out the flaws (IN AN ALPHA HERP DERP) the game will never get out of the alpha phase?

Grow the fuck up and quit knee jerking any time somebody posts. Idiots.

My Dear' date=' *flaws* belong in the bug reporting forum. Your frustrations with this game are fair consideration, but please review the million other threads concerning the very same topic before relentlessly repeating the same tired old shit.


Than why are flaws being posted on announcements in the patch notes.

Oh that's right, because we're allowed to do so. The OP wasn't even inflammatory. Your responses are not warranted, nor required, nor wanted.

I disagree. His post lacks a lot of detail and is not very constructive. It seems more like a rant to me but that's just my opinion. People can use the excuse that they're "just" providing feedback.. but it seems to me a lot of these posts show way to much emotion and not enough real detail. Also there are lots of threads on these issues.. not to mention this is more of a suggestion.

Sounded to me like he was complaining about personal gameplay.. not making a suggestion, providing possible solutions or even clearly defining the exact issues. It also did seem like bugs to me.. not just suggestions alone. Take the time to gather the details and fill the form out. If you REALLY want things to change.. then that should not be an issue. Otherwise, I think OP is just venting.

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Good. You are frustrated' date=' enough to come here and post about it. Now clean out your pants restart your character and continue your job AS AN ALPHA TESTER!


Oh shut the fuck up. He has every right to come here and 'moan' this game can be fucking irritating, Alpha or not

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