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FR 808 [ Regular] UTC-4 | 50 slots | Shaddaa Server | Public Hive | Custom Anti-Hack Tools | TeamSpeak Server

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Hello DJ and Ameo, great server you have there.


I was just wondering and speculating if it is possible for you to go back to a higher difficulty? I remember when you were trying to make it work so in LU511 that the map waypoint only worked with GPS etc. but don't think you got it working then.

Is there any possibility for your server to be at least that difficulty of where you can't spot players from afar thanks to the mouse scroll trick?
I usually try to avoid servers with a too easy difficulty and have noticed that your server's difficulty has gotten easier over time.


Thank you for your time and for the server.

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Hello Nihoggr,


Thank you, we try to do our bests !

On time, Sir ! We changed the setting 2 dayz ago ;)

No more crosshair. So you can't no more spot players/vehicles that way.


And thank you to be one of our oldest players around here.

Edited by Ameo

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I don't know if you accept these kind of informations for use, but I was playing in your server again today and experienced a combat log.

I was in the NWAF. There was a bus driving around there, with a survivor as the driver. There was at least 1 hero and 2 other survivors running around in the field, looting the buildings and killing zombies. As I am a hero too, I did not open fire.

But quite soon things got interesting: I heard a sniper shot near me and witnessed how the hero was shot to death. Soon the sniper opened fire to the other survivors, but I don't know if he managed to kill them.
I immediately started to look for the sniper, since he was dead to me after killing that hero character.

After some searching, I found him beneath a tree around 043 049, aiming towards the hangars at the south. I opened fire at him and unloaded all 30 bullets from my automatic rifle to his face+ chest.

When the smoke cleared out, I realised that there was no body or no death message and so I came to the conclusion that he was indeed a douche who combat logged out of there.


I don't have any names, unfortunately, but the sniper was wearing a ghillie and sporting a DMR or M24 by the looks of it. My weapon of choice was a silenced M4.

The sniper managed to take about 7- 9 shots at the group in the NWAF.

Time for this occurrence was around 18:45 UTC+2, which would make it 17:45 in France, and the date was 09.09.2013.

If you manage to salvage some more info based on this and act upon it, I'm happy. If not, at least I tried to bring justice to the fallen hero and party bus :)

When I left, the 3 survivors were harmed but alive and the sniper had left the server.

Edited by Nihoggr

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Je joue très régulièrement sur ce serveur avec mon équipe, et cet après-midi vers 16 heures 30, j'ai enfilé une Ghillie Suit près de mes camarades avant de renfiler mes vêtements de civil, et j'ai été kické du serveur.


A ma tentative de reconnexion, j'obtiens l'erreur "You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Admin Ban (Auto-Ban - SetVariable #0)).


Je suis donc dans l'impossibilité de me connecter, et j'aimerais savoir si ce serait possible d'obtenir un déban, ou au moins de savoir quand je serai débanni, puisque en toute évidence, je n'utilise aucun logiciel tiers ou aucun logiciel apparenté à de la triche, et j'ai néanmoins mangé un gros ban pour du bug côté serveur...


Bien à vous et encore bravo pour ce serveur qui, il faut le reconnaître, offre une qualité de jeu assez impressionnante, et plus en plus rare ces jours ci.



Bien à vous,


Imperator Rex (Mon nom In-game également)

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stefaan, endja, oz - C f*ing loggers!!(servers hopping). right now on dobry hill. if you care about your server please ban this g@y w@nkers. signed: today s dobryy masters MUAHAHAA

Edited by kapnobatai

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hellloooooo oz is spawning middle of dobry hill after server hopping!!! cmon admin do your duty, it s a pity, fr 808 is a nice server..anyway he s f8ing dead and burried..but still, stressing..!admin ban clogger oz....

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!admin please check oz..he spawned back to dobry hill the 4th time, last time took him max 2 minutes..cmooon..anyway, f8ing dead and burried :)))))

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so, we re a squad of 5-8 decent players, looking for a nice pvp action, fr 808 provides..but if admins don t intervene and ban the cloggers, everything is useless...back to the hardcore de servers

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=)))) still, i admire the tenacity of stefaan, endja and oz coming back, server hopping or not... sorry for the multiple posts but as long as no side chat and they re still coming back using same server hopping spawn i really have to inform the admins about their server..it s a nice one, keep it up and clean...and of course, thanks!

Edited by kapnobatai

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Hi Ameo,


I was banned about 30 mins ago. It says: Battle Eye Auto Ban (Admin ban Set pos #0).

I was sitting in a car and a friend of mine drove it from Pobeda Dam to Gvozdno. In Gvozdno we both got teleported to Pobeda Dam 2 times for about 1 sec, then we came back again. Then I got kicked/banned and our car was lost. My friend ran to pobeda dam and found our car (it got teleported there). The car of my other friend (we are 3), who drove right behind us, got teleported to pobeda dam, too. The street which caused the teleport was/is in Gvozdno. Coordinates x: 07/09 y:03/04 on the dayzdb.com interactive map. The road which goes to the farms i think.

My friends are on the server right now and our cars are still bugging and teleporting. They go into the car and the cars teleport and so on...


If you have a question or so, feel free to ask. We have tents and cars and so on and I dont want to "start" on a new server.

Unban me please if you can,

Regards CinaticX (its my ingame, too)

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First thanks for the unban :)

And well...our jeep with all the loot inside disappeared. Is there a way to get it back,? Do you need specific informations or so? I would be very glad if its possible...and if not....well...thats dayz :/

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 The server will be converted to a DayZ Epoch Server within one week. Same server, same IP, new adventures, join us for the next step of the DayZ experience.

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shame to see another Public go down.



It is not because us hosts aren't willing to keep them alive, but it's not worth it when the playerbase is hardly interested in it anymore.

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You're right guyz. I'm a defender of the Public Hive servers, but now less ans less players are playing on, so we had to make a decison.

New topic incoming in the right section Bone ;)

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