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Contaminated areas

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When entering a "contaminated" area, infection could be caught by the player through the air, by using a gas mask or hazmat suit, you could enter safely. Infection could be stopped by consuming antibiotics. Also, if wearing a hazmat suit, a zed can tear open your hazmat suit rendering you vulnerable to the infection. Bullets can also rip your suit. To fix a damaged suit, a bandage could be placed on the rip to seal your suit.

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Great suggestion!! Hasmat suits and gasmasks would be a great addition!

Only criticism would be that bandages are not hermetically sealed, they are designed to breath to promote healing, so you wouldn't gain from sealing a hole in a hazmat suit with a bandage.

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I do enjoy this idea, but I don't know if I would like hazmat suits in the SA. It would be really neat if the virus was passed through air particles, and as a result certain areas needed you to wear a surgical mask, or something of the sort, instead of a hazmat suit.

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true, maybe only some areas like stary would be contaminated and suits couldn't be repaired? or a new item could be implemented to repair them? ^_^ and surgical masks would be a good implementation, the could be found in hospitals or in medical tents ^-^

Edited by Legoroxby

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I thought about this before around the time dean was talking about craping in SA. I think that infection and chance of getting sick with any disease should be really easy around places like cherno, electro, stary, and NWAF.

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That sounds really nice. Maybe you could put a surgical mask in your toolbelt and have a lower chance of infection?

Simple surgical masks protect wearers from being splashed in the mouth with body fluids and to prevent transmission of body fluids from the medical professional to the patient. They also remind wearers not to touch their mouth or nose, which could otherwise transfer viruses and bacteria after having touched a contaminated surface (fomite). They can also reduce the spread of infectious liquid droplets (carrying bacteria or viruses) that are created when the wearer coughs or sneezes. They are not designed to protect the wearer from inhaling airborne bacteria or viruses particles. They will trap some particles but are much less effective than respirators, which are designed for this purpose.

Safety guidelines for healthcare workers recommend the wearing of a face-fit tested respirator mask conforming to United States standard NIOSH N95 or European standard EN 149 FFP3 in the vicinity of pandemic-flu patients, to reduce the exposure of the wearer to potentially infectious aerosols and airborne liquid droplets.

With the nature of DayZ everyone will have at least one to one hundred poorly bandaged bullet wounds so you would really need a suit to get into such areas...

Edited by Enforcer
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Also if you walk into a contaminated area unprotected and contract an illness, that illness could be contagious to other players near if the other player isn't protected via a surgical mask or respirator as stated by Enforcer. Also if an infected player Defecates and someone walks by they could be infected. So proper medical safety must be taken into priority if you don't wanto die of infection. Due to this high chance of infection, antibiotics and epi pens would turn into a currency. Because in real life epi pens don't wake up the unconscious, they reduce the severness of virus'

edit: havent had a few post in a while im starting to become lonely

Edited by Legoroxby

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Rocket has confirmed gas masks in DayZ and in the stage demo at E3 they showed the player equipping one ingame

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Rocket has confirmed gas masks in DayZ and in the stage demo at E3 they showed the player equipping one ingame

Yeah I saw that. He didn't mention whether they would be funcitional or just stylish. Although I can't imagine him putting a gas mask in for cosmetics.

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Yeah I saw that. He didn't mention whether they would be funcitional or just stylish. Although I can't imagine him putting a gas mask in for cosmetics.

Knowing BIS i am pretty sure a lot is just for cosmetics, at least until enough cry that thay want function, too.

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Knowing BIS i am pretty sure a lot is just for cosmetics, at least until enough cry that thay want function, too.

Why is that?

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When entering a "contaminated" area, infection could be caught by the player through the air, by using a gas mask or hazmat suit, you could enter safely. Infection could be stopped by consuming antibiotics. Also, if wearing a hazmat suit, a zed can tear open your hazmat suit rendering you vulnerable to the infection. Bullets can also rip your suit. To fix a damaged suit, a bandage could be placed on the rip to seal your suit.

Great idea, not sure about the hazmat suit but as the gas mask is already confirmed this'd be a great idea. Perhaps infected could knock it off?

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Why is that?

Every vehicle has features only modders brought into play so far, that's why. It's not like they can't do it, claiming to give the player a realistic experience. So far the vehicles ( still impressive in their state ) are just like in any other shooter.

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Every vehicle has features only modders brought into play so far, that's why. It's not like they can't do it, claiming to give the player a realistic experience. So far the vehicles ( still impressive in their state ) are just like in any other shooter.

You talking ARMA 3?

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I doubt you would find hazmat suits in Chernarus. If you could, it would be in a military area, like the NWAF.

As for gas masks, they just aren't practical. Filters, especially old ones that Chernarussians would probably use, don't last long in contaminated environments. Not only that but I don't think there would be many filters just floating around Chernarus. Most would be expired anyway.

And don't count on running for very long with a gas mask on, you'll pass out.

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I doubt you would find hazmat suits in Chernarus. If you could, it would be in a military area, like the NWAF.

As for gas masks, they just aren't practical. Filters, especially old ones that Chernarussians would probably use, don't last long in contaminated environments. Not only that but I don't think there would be many filters just floating around Chernarus. Most would be expired anyway.

And don't count on running for very long with a gas mask on, you'll pass out.

Well we could just have them at the Military areas and say that the Military was brought in to contain the situation but failed. As for filters, they only last several hours.

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Also if you walk into a contaminated area unprotected and contract an illness, that illness could be contagious to other players near if the other player isn't protected via a surgical mask or respirator as stated by Enforcer. Also if an infected player Defecates and someone walks by they could be infected. So proper medical safety must be taken into priority if you don't wanto die of infection. Due to this high chance of infection, antibiotics and epi pens would turn into a currency. Because in real life epi pens don't wake up the unconscious, they reduce the severness of virus'

edit: havent had a few post in a while im starting to become lonely

Great idea m8, Hazmat suits that are bright yellow :)

Maybe have the northwest airfield contamintated so if players want the big guns they gotta risk their ass to get em lolz

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Wait a second... the OP's idea is kind of entirely flawed.

The "survivors" (us players) are immune to the 'zombie' infection, which I believe is airborne. The only reason we get an infection from them is because of all the nasty other pathogens that reside on their bodies. Because of this, gas masks and chemical suits would prove useless and just a major inconvenience.

Edited by Death Dealer

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Wait a second... the OP's idea is kind of entirely flawed.

The "survivors" (us players) are immune to the 'zombie' infection, which I believe is airborne. The only reason we get an infection from them is because of all the nasty other pathogens that reside on their bodies. Because of this, gas masks and chemical suits would prove useless and just a major inconvenience.

when did they say that players were immune to the zombie virus? oh never? yeah thats right.

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when did they say that players were immune to the zombie virus? oh never? yeah thats right.

This idea is still flawed. The virus would have to be airborne for gas masks to actually serve a purpose. If it was airborne and we weren't immune, wouldn't we already be infected? Yep.

Also, how come we don't turn into the infected? Because we're immune.

It just doesn't add up.

Edited by Death Dealer

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Well obviously we should have a contaminated area in dayz, them bandit will be climbing in yo' windows and snatching up your gas masks so hide yo' bandages, hide yo' guns and hide yo' beans cause them bandits are out to eat everything.

You are so dumb.

(250 post, no more posts for me)

Edited by CoolCain10
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Like I said before only sertan areas would have a high enough concentration to have any affect. The airborne virus would be identified with a yellow mist. And the gas masks could be taken on and off when needed

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This idea is still flawed. The virus would have to be airborne for gas masks to actually serve a purpose. If it was airborne and we weren't immune, wouldn't we already be infected? Yep.

Also, how come we don't turn into the infected? Because we're immune.

It just doesn't add up.


edit: holy sh....i...i just thought for a ...minute it was g00...

Edited by joe_mcentire

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