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Suggestion: Grocery bags.

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So I just had an Idea I thought was sort of interesting. Its been a while since I saw anything for DayZ (waiting for final Product) But I noticed a player with no backpack. I said to myself "how does he carry anything" then I thought why doesn't he find somthing to carry items with. Thats when I though of Grocery bags. There is an abundance of plastic grocery bags or garbage bags in most peoples homes. Easy to carry easy to find but relatively weak. You could store them in your rucksack and maybe give someone a carepackage if you felt nice; or maybe use them as a makeshift bandage? Or just keep some beans in them. Just like the opening from 28 days later, He carries a grocery bag full of money around. Anyway Its just a thought maybe you guys like it maybe not.post-162524-0-38397500-1371096135_thumb.

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I vote yes.

Because.. why not.

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*cough* repost *cough cough* http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/119268-suggestion-bags-boxes-bulk-items/

From what info has been released, Inventory will be handled with 'pockets' on clothes as well as packs, the player you saw without a pack was either a bandit skin, or some glitch that makes packs invisible (riding a bike I think is one)

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*cough* repost *cough cough* http://dayzmod.com/f...xes-bulk-items/

From what info has been released, Inventory will be handled with 'pockets' on clothes as well as packs, the player you saw without a pack was either a bandit skin, or some glitch that makes packs invisible (riding a bike I think is one)

It says nothing about plastic bags in here.

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i just don't like it..

we have backpacks.

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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It says nothing about plastic bags in here.

..The packs would range in size and type, starting with a grocery bag (6 slots, commonly found in markets) pillowcases (8 slots, found in bedrooms), burlap..


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This idea is bad; have you ever taken out the trash before? You should know how ungainly and inconvenient a bag full of a crap (sometimes literally, if you have dogs and/or babies) is to carry around? Imagine that, except your driveway is twice as long a walk to your garbage can. Now three times as long, and your bag weighs twice as much. Now you're being chased by zombies and you could be shot at any moment, and you're trying to hold your AK47 in one hand.

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Why not? Someone (Hetstaine?) jokingly suggested shopping trolleys once as well.

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