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Hi everyone!! New and excited!

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So I am about to purchase Arma 2:Complete Collection and I am getting this ASAP, I would like to see if any veterans wanna be my friend and show me the ropes? I am always looking for new friends and I love to laugh and make you laugh, so come on let's be buddies :P

Any advice to a complete newby when it comes to DayZ and PC gaming in general?

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When you find an Axe and have it in your inventory: Right click, select 'Remove from Toolbelt'

Edit: Aside from that everything else will be part of the experience :thumbsup:

Edited by GBTP

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The only advice is to explore and enjoy (if you can).

And yes - grab an axe - sound advice

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The only advice is to explore and enjoy (if you can).

And yes - grab an axe - sound advice

Or a baseball bat

covered with nails

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I would say avoid playing with expericenced players, experienced players have bad habbits.

Play on your own or with another noobie and make mistakes for yourself.

You learn more from your own mistakes than the mistakes of others.

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Its super easy to pick up! For me I tend to "Think realistically" as in, if I was in the actual situation.

The Axe is your best friend in my opinion. Guns draw in zombies and ammo can be few and far between. I actually tend to keep my gun put away and bring it out when there are others around. Most players will shoot first and ask no questions later lol.

Food can either be canned goods, MRE's, and I think nuts (those are the ones Ive found atleast) or fresh meat by killing chickens, sheep, cows ext. Then you have to find matches to cook it and fire wood. Matches are the tricky part. Wood can be harvested by any tree in the woods basically :3

Enjoy! Have fun!

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Welcome to what will become your second life.

When im allowed to play (as in, if my Girlfriend lets me) I try to go into the game as green and fluffy tailed as i can. However I have found, after 3 weeks of owning this game, that its a death sentence waiting to happen.

Unfortunately you will find that us "greenies" or noobs are the prey of Spawn Killers and people who shoot on site..or if youre very lucky you will meet the guys who tag along with you when youre both unarmed, and kill you the moment you find some decent loot (love those guys)

That being said, this still is the GREATEST video game experience of mine, I think about it at work everyday, I even see in Real Life things that i would use to help me in game hehehe.

My best advice is to go into the game with as much precaution as you would if you were in that environment in real life. DONT trust people unless you have them covered (as in with fire power, or with a bit of observation.

Also make sure when you announce to the GLOBAL chat, that youre looking to team up, make sure you dont give people your exact location.. Try to get them as close as you can and question their intentions.

If you feel you can trust another player, there is a little greeting move that myself and others use, its using the "Q" and "E" buttons which is the peek around corners buttons. Press them after each other to show others that youre kinda waving hehe.

One thing i used to do when i first started is press the salute button "\", altho in most occasions i found a bullet in my head. :)

Theres lots more to tell you, but it might ruin your experience. Either way you WILL effing love it.

All i wish is that time would accelerate 4 hours so i can go home and play too :D

Hope to see you in there dude. Good Luck

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3 tips:

You will get yourself into far more trouble than you were in previously the minute you see a gun as a solution to your immediate problem.

If you are thirsty, you won't be able to drink from a lake with an empty can. It is only for throwing to distract a Zombie. Later, when you find a canteen, you can fill the canteen and then use the empty can to boil the water but that is not day 1 stuff.

If you have a knife, you can't kill anything with it - it is only for gutting an animal you already killed.

From what I am reading just today, see if you can install 1.7.6. It's probably a lot easier at first. Plus, I am on that still, and can come help.

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Oh I'll give you one more real quick: You are going to lose all your stuff trying to figure out your backpack unless you go right now and look up the backpack tutorials.

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Oh I'll give you one more real quick: You are going to lose all your stuff trying to figure out your backpack unless you go right now and look up the backpack tutorials.

Definitely good advice, while it makes sense once you know how to use it, it is definitely a little tricky and unintuitive at first.

You poor bastard. Wait until you experience the bugs in the new patch... at least you won't know that it is worse than the last patch I suppose.

The new patch is fine, they are working out the broken bugs and people are pissy about having some weapons removed, but getting used to the more formidable Zombies will benefit you in the long run and bandits will be less of a threat.

Really just jump in and have fun, it's a great mod and you have a world of fantastic experiences, euphoric and crushing respectively, ahead of you.

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Thanks for the advice guys, I can't wait, I'm installing now :)

One last thing. The "z" button is your best friend now. Use it early, use it often.

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HMS & GBTP covered it all. You really have to experience the journey to capture that magic that makes this game so bangarang.

That being said, I benefited a great deal from the ARMA II in-game training, especially the armory. It sounds stupid, but ammo is limited enough that I never feel like I get enough "shooting practice" in game, so I'll go to the firing range and work on accuracy, leaning and shooting, etc. Not as fun as zombies, but helps a bunch with confidence.

I second their advice about 1.7.6. It's going to be very frustrating trying to learn the basics of the game with the changes made in 1.7.7, in my opinion.

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Only tip i have for you is to play by yourself.

Best way to learn the ropes and have fun is to be on your own.

good luck my friend.

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We in the TMW (Trusted Medics of the Wasteland) actually hold training for new players. We go through everything you need to know about running around in Cherno!

If you are interested, go to our forums and sign up! Here's a link to where you sign up for training: http://tmwdayz.com/f...play.php?fid=48

We're also a great group to hang around with, you can join our Teamspeak at: ts.dayzmedics.com

Hope to see you around!


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My advice?

Download 1.7.7, find a Vanilla server with nothing else added. Just normal DayZ with not added loot or more added vehicles. Also make sure there are at least 20 other players on.

And learn the hard way. If you learn this way be prepared to die a lot, become very frustrated and annoyed but you will quickly learn. And you will very quickly become a good player who knows how to deal with the difficulty.

Stay away from servers with starting gear and loads of vehicles though. Those are just easy mode servers where everything is handed on a plate for you.

If you learn on 1.7.7 you will be able to tackle anything in future.

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Definitely try a vanilla server first, you will miss the whole point of dayz by joining a 30 helicopter 200+ car modded server. If you do happen to 'lose' something out of your backpack..look around you in a five metre radius on the ground, if there is not enough slots in your backpack the backpack will reject it and throw it out :)


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A very important thing is.. do not get attached to your loot. You WILL loose it, you WILL get bugged or killed on sight. Loot comes by and goes.

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A very important thing is.. do not get attached to your loot. You WILL loose it, you WILL get bugged or killed on sight. Loot comes by and goes.

A got attached to my loot once..... Poor Sally

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Hey, my advice is watch the bottom right screen when you finally enter the game world because a string of text will pop up displaying your starting area which can be greatly useful! Look up an "interactive map" and figure out exactly where you are so you can go from there. Avoid the big towns in the beginning (as temping as it may be) you more then likely will be killed in and around them! When runinng through the wilderness try not to run through open fields as much as possible and stick to treelines! Scanning a town for a few minutes from a distance before entering is a good idea. When you spawn into the map I believe you always face North. If you find a map you can hold left shit and press left mouse to set a personal waypoint. Use an interactive map to look for the right areas to find the items you need and lastly have fun!!!!

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