NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) 137 Posted June 11, 2013 (edited) =========Introduction=========Welcome to Sahrani a fictional Atlantic island created by Bohemia Interactive (BI) for use in "ArmA: Armed Assault" (Better known as Arma 1) and it's expansion Queen's Gambit in the form of United Sahrani.Bohemia later revised the map and re-titled it "United Sahrani" for the DLC "Queen's Gambit"Thanks to the hard work of .kju[PvPscene] and the rest of the contributers to the Caa1 Project we are able to bring this amazing BI map to the DayZ Audience.Sahrani has a robust history and we will eventually add to this story by way of revealing the events that led to "Day Z" on Sahrani.The Sahrani Map is approx. 400 km2, (20,300km x 20,300km edge to edge) however actual land mass is closer to 100 km2 for the mainlands (Kingdom of South Sahrani (KSS) and Democratic Republic of Sahrani (DRS)) and approximately 120 km2 including all the smaller islands.The topography and terrain is varied and dramatic, offering what many consider to be the most dynamic setting ever put forward for the ArmA Universe.Please check back for updates to this main page as the Mod Evolvesor you can:Follow on TwitterLike on FacebookBelow you will see how we have broken the map up into Zones, right now we have left all the "I" Zones empty however we have full sets, and plans for these islands coming in the works. There are currently rare vehicles spawns there.=============State of the Mod:=============We are under active and heavy development. We have received the source files for the map from Bohemia Interactive and are doing a full port over of the map for Arma 2, this will fix lots of stuff users likely don't notice, and some that they do. Long term it will allow us to make the map higher resolution and add/remove ANYTHING we want. We are also going to be opening up buildings from Arma 1 in order to allow a MUCH higher percentage of the cities to be open. We have a couple people working on it now, but can always use more coders, and modellers, artists, and hands on deck in general.============Download/Install============DayZ Commander Support is Live - Big Thanks to dotjosh!Play with Six Support is Live - Big Thanks to Sickboy!Manual Download for server files or client files available in our forum section on you run into problems please email us ([email protected]), post to Facebook, or make another thread on hereIf there are any questions about the port or future plans ask below.Please feel join the conversation on Teamspeak! DayZ Sahrani Dev team:====================Active Members:ShermanFTW - Founder, Modelling, Art, CodingSeven - Lead ProgrammerM1lkM8n - Lead TerrainYoshi - Art LeadNonovurbizniz - Project Coordinator=============Retired Members:=============PepinKR - HUGE Thanks for the beginnigns of an AMAZING Crafting SystemNWP - Thanks for all the coding/programming advice and general help=============HUGE Thanks to:=============Bohemia InteractiveWe can't thank the following enough:- Ivan Buchta- David Foltyn (Dwarden)- Ota VrtatkoBohemia Interactive ForumsWe can't thank the following members enough:- Kju[PVPSCENE]- Bushlurker- Mikero- W0lle- Mondkalb- Icewindo- SmookieEnormous Thanks! to:DayZ SA Dev TeamDayZ Mod Community Dev TeamThanks R4Z0R49!DayZ Mod ForumsThanks to All the Mods for all their efforts and time spent helping the mod grow!Thanks to SmashT for keeping folks updated on the unofficial mods!Caa1 ProjectThanks to everyone who contributed!OAC Core ProjectPwnoz0r for his Easy Server Installer!The ENTIRE OpenDayz community and the admins for their supportVertHostingThank you James Warner!DayZHorror -For all their help during the closed beta tests- Cookies- SmKes- ALL THE GUYS! GREAT COMMUNITY! Edited June 11, 2013 by NonovUrbizniz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) 137 Posted June 11, 2013 (edited) Changelog:========Base DayZ Code is 1.7.5 v0.2.1 PUBLIC RELEASE 26 May 2013:=====[Fixed] Zeds are easier to avoid. (than before not than the Official Mod)[Fixed] Some buildings not Spawning Loot. (there are 100's of added loot positions to A1 buildings with and without interiors) ALWAYS CHECK a building 3-4 times before giving up, loot chances are low. So you may check a building 2 or even 3 times and not see any loot.[Fixed] Global FPS Drop on all clients when player changes clothes.[Fixed] Large Nested Base craftable without required loot.[Fixed] Some Craftables Not spawning.[Fixed] Missing Texture error at millitary zones.[Fixed] M16 Spawning with MG36 rounds.[Fixed] MakarovSD Spawning with Standard rounds.[Fixed] Combat Roll Glitching.[Fixed] Infinite Morphine.[Fixed] Zeds Hitting through walls[Fixed] KSVK no longer destroys/replaces backpack[Changed] All Extra building locations have been redone.[Changed] Custom buildings now spawned server side. (Should stop out of sync doors)[Changed] Reduced ammo from UH1H Camo (UH1H_TK_DZ)[Changed] Reduced ammo from MH6J (MH6J_DZ)[Changed] Reduced ammo from RHIB (RHIB_DZ)[Changed] Bag of nails now has a ~7% chance spawn chance (Same as knife)[Changed] Reduced chance of zombies spawning under floor of buildings.[Changed] New Loading Screen.[Changed] Player crafted deerstands don't spawn loot or zeds.[Changed] Craftable Gun Rack Stores Weapons and acts like a tent *WEAPONS ONLY[Changed] Craftable Ammo Box Stores Items/Weapons/Backpacks acts like a tent[Added] VSS_vintorez[Added] KSVK[Added] SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT[Added] SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO[Added] SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper[Added] Buses (Takistani and Chernarus)[Added] GAZ limo[Added] BAF Offroad Moutned M2 MG (.50 cal)[Added] Pickup Tubeframe[Added] SUV[Added] AN-2[Added] MH-6J[Added] Different Ghillie suits for bandits. ("Half Ghillie" for bandits green pants)[Added] Female Players can now wear ghillies. (Just a trick for now but works)[Added] Bandit Clothing now lootable. (KSK German Bandit Skin)[Added] Soldier Clothing now lootable.[Added] Rocket Clothing now lootable.[Added] Can now cancel crafting.[Added] Debug land now resets player to mainland if they logout there. Also given warning.[Added] Random loot on new character Bandage + 2 random of [Painkillers,roadflares,spare bandage].[Added] Ability to drink from well's without waterbottle.[Added] Industrial Sheds (4 types)[Added] Enterable Churches[Added] Arma 2 pubs[Added] Arma 2 Deer Stands[Added] Arma 2 Fuel Stations (Known "bug" we disabled auto refueling but will add slow auto refueling with the next update) Jerry Cans can ONLY be filled at above ground tanks for now. Brown/rusty or White long above ground tanks (Green Military refueling station tanks also disabled)[Added] Bars (2 types)[Added] Ladders to the back of some 1 entrance/exit building (Known bug ladder placement is not always correct)[Removed] Peripheral Dots FULLY removed, no white/red/green dots at all period[Removed] Original DayZ code for local vechicle creation to generate junk.[Removed] All of the CAA1 custom weapons.[Removed] CAA1 balaclava[Removed] Radar from UH1H Camo (UH1H_TK_DZ)[Removed] Radar from MH6J (MH6J_DZ)[Removed] GPS from RHIB (RHIB_DZ)[Removed] Lockon for KSVK M107 AS50[Removed] Auto filling at fuelstationsv0.2 Closed Beta with DayZ Horror 14 Feb 2013:=====[Fixed] Updated to DayZ base code[Fixed] Extra Buildings added and placements adjusted[Fixed] Spawn points (No more spawning in the north)[Fixed] Swimming on spawn bug[Added] Basic Crafting/Base Building Mechanics[Added] 3 crafting books for base building:[Added] Crafting Book (Camp)- Build Ammo Crate- Build Weapon Rack- Build Bench- Build Razor Wire[Added] Crafting Book (Small Fortifications)- Sand Bag Fence- Sand Bag Fence (Corner)- Sand Bag Fence (Round)[Added] Crafting Book (Huge Fortifications)- Tower- Gate- Fortified Sandbag Nest[Added] BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG[Added] AK_107_pso[Added] AK_107_kobra[Added] AK_107_GL_kobra[Added] AKS_74_pso[Added] M40A3[Added] m8_carbine[Added] m8_carbineGL[Added] m8_compact[Added] m8_SAW[Added] m8_sharpshooter[Added] MakarovSD[Added] RPK_74[Added] Sa61_EP1[Added] SCAR_L_CQC[Added] SCAR_L_CQC_Holo[Added] SVD (standard non-camo/non-nvg)[Added] VSS_vintorez[Added] Swaped BAF_L85A2_RIS_HOLO For BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT[Added] HMMWV Dessert and Forrest Camo[Added] UralRepair_TK_EP1[Added] AH6X_EP1[Added] UH1H_TK_EP1[Added] RHIB (Speed boat with .50 MG)v0.1:- Initial release+++++++++++++++NextFuture Versions!We are currently working on the next version which will be based on 1.7.6 for now, and will add (only some features listed for now):- Streamer friendly UI option- Custom added junk/crafting loot- Drink From all fresh water source- Build fire without matches (moved to wood inventory)Coming Soon- BRAND NEW ZOMBIES- More Open Buildings- More Crafting Books- More Custom Loot/items/weapons- Map Level Improvements- More Vehicles from Arma but in a controlled manor TANK ISLAND anyone? Pop by have a battle, don't spoil the survivor fun on the mainland!- More Custom Art Edited June 11, 2013 by NonovUrbizniz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) 137 Posted June 11, 2013 excessively reserved? We have LOTS going on and kind of want to keep all the info centralized here. Feel free to delete mods if you feel it's excessive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ergo46 5 Posted June 11, 2013 Very Good Map! The crafting system is great, and the array of weapons is also good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
around100bums 0 Posted August 31, 2013 downloading this map now! looks real good Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slingshot (DayZ) 4 Posted September 2, 2013 good work :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) 137 Posted September 11, 2013 Without the help of Grafzahl, Cookiezzz, Skaronator, and Marcel this flopping on the deck would have lasted a bit longer to say the least. Many of these bugs were well beyond my scope of ability or understanding. THANK YOU! 0.7.8 Change Log[Added]- ALL Bicycle damage reset on restart- MH and AH6 Magnum PI Heli's- Storage Counters in Gear Menu (thank you Marcel of the DayZ Community Dev Team!) [Fixed]- Custom Skins not saving to DB fixed- "Burn Storage" bug fixed- Crafted "Storage" not saving to DB fixed- Crafted "Storage" recipe/storage corrections- Gun Rack = 3 Wood + 2 Nails- Capacity = 20/0/0- Weapon Cache = 4 Wood + 4 Nails- Capacity = 5/75/0- Storage Box = 3 Wood + 6 Nails- Capacity = 20/100/10- "Drink from well" bug fixed- Heli Wreck loot fixed (temporary - specific loot per wreck type removed)- New Vehicles types added to SQL tables- Refuel bugs fixed- Repair Vehicle bug fixed- Skin bug fixes- "Storage" Crafting bug fixed- Vilas Weapons- Zeroing removed from all sidearms- Magazine types narrowed (keeps ammo a bit rarer, more precious)- Weapon Config Fixes - MG36 MG36_Camo, M60, large guns should all be backpack friendly. 0.7.7 Change Log [updated] - Base code [Fixed] BUILDINGS + Added Loot- Army Huts - Added collisions to outside stairs (easier to walk up now)- Army Huts - Removed ability to crawl under (no more l exploit looting- Army Huts - Widened collisions on doorways (won't get stuck running through doors)- Army Huts - Improved loot positions- Raised Guardhouse - Collisions for stairs fixed now enterable- Raised Guardhouse - Texture erros fixed, now appears blue i/o white facing sun- Raised Guardhouse - Loot added- Arma 1 Pubs - Collisions widened for Stairs and hallways- Arma 1 Pubs - Improved loot positions- COUNTLESS sidewalks, retaining walls, and builidings have improved pathing for Zeds- Green Military Fuel Stations now fill Jerry Cans [Changed] ASSETS- Bloodbag only gives 4k blood- DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1 // 18 slots- DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1 //12 slots- DZ_Backpack_EP1 //24 slots- DZ_British_ACU //20 slots- DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1 //22 slots- DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch //8 slots- DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1 //10 slots- DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1 //16 slotsMECHANICS- Bloodbagging is slow 2 min- Bloodbagging has chance for infection- Bloodbagging has chance for cutting recipient- Fire - Build Fire moved to Woodpile NOT matches- Fire - Light Fire requires Matches or Flares now- Fire - Storage containers can be burned (tents, ammo caches, Box Storage etc)- Chop Wood - Takes down most trees- Chop Wood - Can Be done next to single tree now- Drink From Well - Added all water sources- Crossbow - Reload time decreased- Crossbow - Quiver converted to 20 Round Magazine- Crafting Recipes Reworked- Loot Tables - Almost entirely re worked- Crafting System Modularized- Flies removed from Dead Players- Zombie Spawn radius reduced for players in vehicles- Zombie Spawns completely redone [Added] ASSETS- Brick - Throw to Kill Zeds- Crafted Wooden Splint - Crafted Item (Wood + Tape = Wooden Splint)- Duct Tape - Crafting/Junk- Icewindo Sahrani Citizens- Increased drops for Crafting loot- JSRS key added to server files- Money - Junk for now- Propane Tank - Reacts like Jerry Can to Damage (burns)- Radio Re-added - Can pickup Radio Distress calls from animated heli-wrecks)- Scrap Elec. Wire - Junk for now- Scrap Electronics - Junk for now- Vilas AKS Pack- Vilas Dutch Pack- Vilas Police Units with Custom Textures by Pliskin- Vilas Western Weapons PackBUILDINGS NOW OPEN + Added Loot- Garaz Mala - 1 bay garages- House Y - 1 story residential- Olezina 2 story House- Schnell Gas StationINTERFACE- Crafting added to Inventory- Entirely revamped interface- Made "Streamer Friendly"- New Gear Menu Colors- New Lobby by Seven- New Main Menu Colors- New Splashscreen by Yoshi- New UI Colors- RA_Chat_Off Key added to Server filesMECHANICS- Animated Heli Crashes- Multiple Types (black ops, racs, un, standard UH1, blops, un, standard Mi17, and Mh60)- Highly Tunable (frequency, loot, smoke, distress call radius)- Chance for Radio Distress call upon Heli going down- Auto Refuel added to Gas Stations ONLY- SLOW- Burn Storage- Chop Down Tree- Custom Skins added to inventory of Dead Players (prevents duping bug for Strip clothes script)- Self Bloodbagging- Slow - 2min for "succesful tranfusion"- CAN NOT MOVE during transfusion- Chance of Infection- Chance for bleeding- 4k blood only from full bloodbag- can not administer bloodbag in combat- Side Chat Voice discouragementSKINS- Skin_SMD_ATACS_DES - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_ATACS_URBAN - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_RACS_MP - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_RACS_MP_Tan - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_RACS_MP_Tan_Digi - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_RACS_Soldier - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_RACS_Soldier_Digi - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_RACS_SWAT - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_SPD_BLUE - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_SPD_BLUE_DIGI - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_SPD_SWAT_BLACK - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_SPD_SWAT_BLACK_DIGI - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_US_SpecOps - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_US_SpecOps_DIGI - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SMD_US_SpecOps_MP_DIGI - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- Skin_SniperD_DZ - (Bohemia Original Texture reworked by ShermanFTW)- Skin_SniperLight_DZ - (Bohemia Original Texture)VEHICLES- AH6X_SMD_ATACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- AH6X_SMD_RACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- AH6X_SMD_RACS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- C130_SMD_ATACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- C130_SMD_BLOPS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- C130_SMD_BLOPS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- C130_SMD_DZ - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ- C130_SMD_UN - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- Ikarus_SMD_COKE - (Bohemia Texture reworked by ZombieDanceLeader/Retouched by ShermanFTW)- Ikarus_SMD_OPENDAYZ - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- LandRover_SMD_RACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- LandRover_SMD_RACS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- MH60S_DZ - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ- Mi17_Civilian_DZ - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ- Mi17_SMD_BLOPS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- Mi17_UN_CDF_EP1 - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ- MV22_DZ - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ- UH1H_SMD_ATACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- UH1H_SMD_BLOPS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- UH1H_SMD_BLOPS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- UH1H_SMD_RACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- UH1H_SMD_RACS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)- UH1H_SMD_UN - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)ZOMBIES- z_RACSzombie //Tan Camo Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie2 //Sherriff *Removed for now- z_RACSzombie3 //Black Camo Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie4 //US SPEC OPS Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie5 //Tan Flat No Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie6 //Tan Flat bdu AND vest No Helmet/Pads Blended Vest- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie7 //Tan digi bdu AND vest No Helmet/Pads Blended Vest- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie8 //Tan digi bdu Black vest - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie9 // US BLOPS Black digi bdu AND vest No Helmet/Pads Blended Vest- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie10 //US BLOPS Black Digi Camo Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie11 //SPD SWAT Black Digi Camo Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie12 //SPD Blue digi bdu Black vest - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie13 //SPD Blue bdu Black vest - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_RACSzombie14 //SPD Black bdu Black vest - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)- z_sah_civilian1_pants- z_sah_civilian1_shorts- z_sah_civilian2_pants- z_sah_civilian2_shorts- z_sah_civilian3_pants- z_sah_civilian3_shorts- z_sah_civilian4_pants- z_sah_civilian4_shorts- z_sah_civilian5_pants- z_sah_civilian5_shorts- z_sah_civilian6_pants- z_sah_civilian6_shorts- z_sah_civilian7_pants- z_sah_civilian7_shorts [Removed] Nothing! 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enforcer1975 1111 Posted September 30, 2013 Could you please fix the ignite tent function? It's too easy to do it by accident, gear and ignite tent are too close together or remove and find another way? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) 137 Posted October 7, 2013 (edited) Noted, and done, Text for ignite storage is now red, and I am changing the color of the text select bar so it is more clearly contrasted.Here is a video I did of all the new enterable buildings we've done, I think the map is actually MORE open than Chernarus already! Edited October 7, 2013 by NonovUrbizniz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites