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DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

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I think i did ban it while i was redoing some of the bans and just forget to unban again we don't use this in the official servers its not a dayz vehicle however i will fix this.

thank you!

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Hey R,

Only issue we have is when looking at vehicle repairs from the outside more wheels are showing up than the vehicle has, eg LM2Wheel and it's not a bus!

As for the Lag, it seems to be caused by Zd's not despawing when you drive away. If you stop and re-connect FPS is fine (but I bet you knew that anyway)!

Kind regards


Edited by wireworld

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Loot will be removed by the server every hour. Outside of this loot will stay.

Stop looking for antibiotics find another way.

Medical box's are very rare now.

Updated to this point

"Find another way" eh? Is it a piece of loot, or an action that you preform like sleeping/resting at tents?

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HUEY hull and missiles can't be repaired anymore (scrapmetal) but can get brocken and causing fuelloss...

GUI says: "You need *space* to repair this!"

so same problem like the known one at the LBs. propably same issue at the MI-17, not tested so far.

Edited by quattro_ger

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Saw someone mention that this prevents the debug parties from happening.

Disable the Anti TP from the init.sqf in your mission file

"PVDZ_sec_atp" addPublicVariableEventHandler { diag_log format["%1", _this select 1];};

change to

// "PVDZ_sec_atp" addPublicVariableEventHandler { diag_log format["%1", _this select 1];};


Edited by SmashT
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Razor - in you rolling changelock the hull and missliel problem is just listed for the LittleBirds

will the UH-1 Huey also be fixed? got the same problem with hull and missiles.

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Having a private hive but can report how the tent dupe happen at my server. So maybe someone who have a tent can test it out on a public hive to see if its the same on public hive or connected only to private hives? Have a dayz.st server and saw other people reporting the same problem in their forum.

Its looks like the same as problem dayz had at end of last summer/autumm when tent was reset back at restart of server. If you take something out or put something in dosent matter it revert back at restart of server like it was before the restart.

Have tried it out on a couple of tents, both used the save tent option and not using the save tent option dosent matter, it stills roll back as it was before at restart.

Have tried at the same time on cars and they dont have any problem with duping, so they work fine.

Server info below.


Port: 3374

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Hi there,

stumbled upon this:


Server: DE4024

Location: Vishnoye

date/time: 6/15/13 about 00:30 GMT

there were two GAZ glitching into each other, like it spawned twice at the same place. when i tried to open the gear I glitched somehow into the car and died. when I came back to get my Loot back and studied my Body it said " His name was (my ingame Name=)) , it appeared he died from headshot"^^ (i made screenshot but could not upload)


I get along with new Zeds.

After testing for several Hours i came across alot of Zeds wandering arround through the woods. Dont know if this is meant to be!?

Antother thing is if they spawn I can still see them about 800m away. And sometimes there spawn many many Zeds and on the other Hand there spwaning only two or three...

One new bug I experienced was when I pulled my SVD from backpack and rearmed it I could not aim for something. The crosshair was like the one with hatchet, a circle but always high at screen so one could not aim...

hope this helps...

i love this Mod!!!

great work dev team


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  • Tents dupe stuff again --- Need more info about the server

Yes, most times it happens on our Server. Sometimes it works. Looks like it only works on tents which are placed on server runtime.


No logs. there isnt any logging for this action if you remove items from tents. If You place new items they arent get stored.

If you put an item in a vehicle you get a logentry, but not when you put it in a tent.

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  • Tents dupe stuff again --- Need more info about the server

Yes, most times it happens on our Server. Sometimes it works. Looks like it only works on tents which are placed on server runtime.


No logs. there isnt any logging for this action if you remove items from tents. If You place new items they arent get stored.

If you put an item in a vehicle you get a logentry, but not when you put it in a tent.

What hive are you using ?

We can not recreate a dupe issue or an instant were tents don't save.

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Grass still spawns around heli crashes even when uncommented in server pbo and loot is spread out extremely far around crash, which wouldn't be a problem as long as grass was gone.

Blood bags when interrupted do not get destroyed

You cannot repair the hull of a heli i looked in the repairparts.hpp and there is nothing in there for Hull only body, same for missiles but that was already mentioned.

I don't see the watermark of the server name either, not a big issue but i don't see it.

Edited by Bondue

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Has the murder/bandit kill issue with the Ghille suit been resolved? I hatcheted a guy in camo clothes and it was counted as a murder. Perhaps he was a survivor under those clothes, but he ambushed me and a new found friend in the firehouse with an enfield and another bandit in tow. His behavior sure led me to believe he was probably a bandit under the skin, but I don't know and have no way to test this myself.

Does anyone else know if murders/bandit kills are being counted properly for killing players in the special skins?

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The new stash small and medium disappear after restart.

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What hive are you using ?

We can not recreate a dupe issue or an instant were tents don't save.

Have you tried to put up a tent. Save the inventory, make a restart, put in some more loot and after it make another restart and look if it save the loot after the last restart?

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Have you tried to put up a tent. Save the inventory, make a restart, put in some more loot and after it make another restart and look if it save the loot after the last restart?

I can help you out with the testing on a public hive server if i can get/find a tent, put some loot in it and have some restart between the times i put loot/pick out loot from it. :)

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The new stash small and medium disappear after restart.

Did you save them after you were done with it?

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Did you save them after you were done with it?


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the intents look good, but would have to agree that this mod is a bit buggy..... Items on map that were created in the mission pbo via the editor are dissapearing and or spawning zeds...... LOTS of them like 50 of them and the hordes dont stop coming!! the base is constantly over run by zeds in which 176 there were none... a NO ZED Zone is very much perfered set up by server admins....

1. The SUV has gone bye bye... one of my admins favs.

2. I am now healing myself and others constantly!! omg yea I agree they should infect but not infect every time.....

3. my players are looking elsewhere for an easier play.

the game play has been taken away for me atleast I no longer have fun playing

Just add the SUV back I'm assuming you run a private hive because the SUV is not a public hive vehicle, so you can just add it back via database. I have yet to see "hordes" if zombies spawning on loot, maybe one. But a quick head shot takes care of that! And you should check the 1.7.7 infection WIP post, I think it will fix the infection problems. Also this is to report bugs your post seems to be a complaint.

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Personal rants are not bug reports and will be removed.

Tents are saving fine we can not see any issue with tents saving or being placed. My guess at this time your server provider is using an out dated hive. We need to investigate this.

Updated to here nothing new to add.

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Serveur : EU 655

Problem : All tents disapeared after server restart.

The server went 1.7.7 yesterday, it was all fine after going 1.7.7.

But today we had an other server restart and all the tents disapeared.

Edited by ThinkPositive

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I'm not sure if this is a "bug" but I run two public servers and on both of them when a vehicle is destroyed, blown up, it will stay blown up in that spot until the time it is meant to respawn, then the destroyed vehicle is gone and it is spawned in its spot as a fresh spawned vehicle. I just wanted to know if this is how it is meant to be.

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I've tried placing a tent on a few servers now and it feels like if you are within 1-2 metres of a rock/wall/slope it won't let you place it. I see the tent flash up briefly in weird directions when trying to pitch it (like behind me or to my left when I'm placing it on flat ground in front of me with no objects close to it. Occasionally I will get one to pitch but it will turn my character 45degrees and pitch it somewhere else which makes trying to hide a tent virtually impossible now.


I assume something was changed to prevent tents being placed inside rocks, walls etc but it feels way to sensitive now like you can't be anywhere near them when placing them. I have no idea what hive versions the servers are running though sorry.

US3480 HFB

FR 130

UK 498

US 845

Edited by SmashT
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Having played now for a few hours:

1. In the cities I have often seen Z stuck at doors of houses where there is no entrance whatsoever

2. Crawling Z stuck/not moving at all up until the player comes very close (bug or feature?): sometimes in the middle of a field, sometimes inside a building

3. The most annoying thing: the "no-animation-insta-hit": no matter the Z orientation with reference to the player, what he is doing (running/yawning/looking elsewhere) you may come close and get hit: when I mean get hit I mean you hear the "whack!" sound and the screen turns gray, but the zombies does nothing at all (no attack animation). It happens at the speed of light

4. Z hitting through walls, already reported by others. Example of locations: far wall facing the entrance of any supermarket, back of the Electro church (in both cases, move closer to wall to see it happen)

5. Z hit and tackle you from a distance, already reported by others.

General remark:

The new Z are not bad in terms of behavior because they are more resilient and chase you better. But their buggy state does not encourage at all playing. You do not need more skills to survive but more luck because sooner or later you'll be infected. Maybe because you are carefully moving around an house corner, there is Z on the other side looking elsewhere but after a fraction of second ... "Whack!" --> insta hit and infection. Die in peace because there are no antibiotics.


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