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Devon206 (DayZ)

Help Seeing People in DayZ

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Hey guys. I was wondering if ya have any tips with seeing players in DayZ. I usually get shot by people right beside me that I don't notice. I don't need glasses if you were wondering. So how do you see players?

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This is one of the main things that makes me exhausted after a long DayZ session even though I don't think about it as much now. Constantly scanning around for threats. You should simply learn to detect them after a while, recognizing shapes, movement patterns, etc.

Very seldom does anything apart from a properly positioned ghillie player escape my notice if I'm in active search mode.

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First of all if there is zombies more than 150m away from you there is likely somebody else close so do a quick scan of obvious sniper positions to reduce your chance of being picked of by a lame camper.

If all the zombies suddenly disappear then somebody has logged in within 50m or so from you so be on guard, if your in a prime loot area eg barracks or hospital then its likely to be a server hopper so nail his arse to the wall.

If loot suddenly appears in front of you then another player has come within 50m or so.

It pays to run you game on lower settings and with post processing off, worth a google to get your setting right. At longer ranges that will help you see people hiding in grass and bushed etc.

Look for movement rather than busting your eyes to see things at range.

When your running about get used to holding down the alt button to scan behind you.

Use a good headset and turn the background sound/music down so you can hear people coming the majority of time I will hear a player or player aggressed zombie before I see them.

Play on a 32 inch monitor ;)

If somebody runs up on you run about so your hard to hit dragging as many zeds onto them as you can and when they go to reload tazer them then hatchet them while they are down :)

Edited by SP45M
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Hold alt and look around. At the same time using your ears to hear things sneaking up behind you.

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Head on a swivel

Use a good headset and turn the background sound/music down so you can hear people coming.


You may also want to find an empty server with AI on it for some practice spotting. The AI usually run in groups so they're a bit easier to see. If nothing else you'll get a feel for spotting the movement.

Edited by creature

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Don't zeds spawn at random now and wander everywhere? Not sure if spotting a zed far away is telltale of another player anymore unless they are in agro.

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