[email protected] 21 Posted June 7, 2013 I for one am glad they're going. Guys if you want the high-grade military PvP play Wasteland. DayZ needs to encourage more positive player interaction. I know that may be a pipe dream on my end, but it's what I'm hoping from the SA. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
v3c1c 86 Posted June 7, 2013 As I see all crying about removing .50 cal is that you will not be able to shoot down helicopter ..... That realy make me sad, in zomebie survivor game only thing what is wanted is to take down helicopter ...On wasteland mod I tooked down Harrier pilot with makarov - it can not be flying all the time - it should land some time to refuel etc, so I tracked him down and shooted him while he was on ground, that was much funnier then oneshoot helicopter with .50calOnly thing I am worry about - that Zeds are soo dumb with zero threat ... so far only wepons I need is hatchet or machete, nothing is better against zeds. I hope it will change some day I really want back those mad super fast (28 days/weeks later) infected zeds (people) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJ_Teschmi 31 Posted June 7, 2013 Agree with mZLY,* [REMOVED] means removed from the game not removed from the last changelog...There are banned from the loot table, that means if you have one in the backpack it will stay but this gun will be useless because of the zero damage caused.And all people will drop this weapon and then it will disappear completely from the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted June 7, 2013 get the hanky ready for monday gunna be some hard raging :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WelshWizard 8 Posted June 7, 2013 I know, lol. His bandit skin will also revert to the old bandit skin the next time he logs in, notice this isn't immersion breaking whereas not having a rifle (that he could easily dispose of in preperation) is.I've been playing dayz for 10 months and have never had the bandit skin. I just think it's bullshit that server admins, who control restarts, will have now very to little to fear as they fly through the server with impunity.Especially now with the 2 chopper crashes spawning on restart. You can expect these sites to be farmed dry by the server admins within minutes. As was the case before they introduced staggered spawn times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites