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so when can i get the game>???


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so when can i get the game>???

We dont really know, im not sure they have a time frame at the moment, just "its ready when its ready" which is better than them rushing it to get it out sooner.

As Rocket said in his interview at E3, he was expecting the game to be out before his Everest climb, thats why he planned it when he did.

I know the waiting is terrible, but it will be well worth it.

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Well according to this it will be within the next two months the latest:

It's not going to be next week (jet lag, etc...). But it's not going to be longer than two months. It will be somewhere in between.

source: http://www.reddit.co...ikwji?context=3

But I am sure that has been cited many times over here now.

Also devblog friday?Anyone?

Edited by R9Rsc68avHbs

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Well according to this it will be within the next to months the latest:

source: http://www.reddit.co...ikwji?context=3

But I am sure that has been cited many times over here now.

Also devblog friday?Anyone?

Based on this we could possible test the alpha by July. Long days ahead.

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have they gotten to feature set lock yet? If they have definitely locked the features they want to "launch" with and are just making them work and tweaking/optimizing them (assuming the features are largely coded) my guess would be we could see the first public release within the next 6 months. This also assumes no scope creep.

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have they gotten to feature set lock yet? If they have definitely locked the features they want to "launch" with and are just making them work and tweaking/optimizing them (assuming the features are largely coded) my guess would be we could see the first public release within the next 6 months. This also assumes no scope creep.

Feature lock is for beta generally, for the alpha they had one main goal that new client-server architecture is stable enough for public launch, additional minor goal is ensuring some minimal level of content and the very core mechanics implemented so the game is playable, if stripped at launch (since ppl will be paying for it). Rocket claims first target was achieved and "beyond their wildest expectations".

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DayZ has taught me to become a Zen master in the art of patience. It has also taught me not to be so attached to things, like games...and tins of beans.

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Well now that E3 is over, what do we do now? o.O


A dance?

Club a baby seal? (Just kidding)

Something? o.O

So many choices! So little time

(Forgive my immaturity, I am just hungry to see what happens next xD)

Edited by zfleming12
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it will all hit at once and we will not know what to do.

I've not even got a PC able to play it even so I'm cool with them taking time. Longer the better as long as I've not got my new rig. But thats a very conceited view on my part and in truth I want you guys playing this as soon as.

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You got my beans guys! :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:

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Whats next ? Well a simple look around and you will see the the Dev team is at another Convention this Week. No Dev blog , so no point asking, matter of fact there has only ever been 3 real Dev Blogs

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The game should be out by the time Rocket goes to the North Pole. Guaranteed! Trust me people! ;)

Also, on a more serious note... After watching the gameplay footage, I don't really know if I will join the Alpha as soon as it is out... The game looks VERY raw at this stage. Like literally there is nothing to do there other than run around and shoot at zombies with the only AK weapon in the game... No cars, no Choppers, no other weapons... I will probably watch how it goes and how often will the updates be... daily, weekly, monthly... dunno, I'll rethink.

Edited by osallivan

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The game should be out by the time Rocket goes to the North Pole. Guaranteed! Trust me people! ;)

Also, on a more serious note... After watching the gameplay footage, I don't really know if I will join the Alpha as soon as it is out... The game looks VERY raw at this stage. Like literally there is nothing to do there other than run around and shoot at zombies with the only AK weapon in the game... No cars, no Choppers, no other weapons... I will probably watch how it goes and how often will the updates be... daily, weekly, monthly... dunno, I'll rethink.

You could just buy it because it's cheap and not play until you want to. ;)

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hello all,

Sorry for my english!

Which i saw in video fear me a lot.

Zombie movement are ridiculous and bad (they jump 3 meter behind the guy and touch him O-o)

no Dynamic event for immersionn no quest or something like that to diversify the game, noting just a zombie FPS in a sand box.......

I have Waited this game since 1 year but i m sad to see that.

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hello all,

Sorry for my english!

Which i saw in video fear me a lot.

Zombie movement are ridiculous and bad (they jump 3 meter behind the guy and touch him O-o)

no Dynamic event for immersionn no quest or something like that to diversify the game, noting just a zombie FPS in a sand box.......

I have Waited this game since 1 year but i m sad to see that.

Place holders, animations not in sync etc.... work in progress, watch few more videos.

Edited by Zeppa

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hello all,

Sorry for my english!

Which i saw in video fear me a lot.

Zombie movement are ridiculous and bad (they jump 3 meter behind the guy and touch him O-o)

no Dynamic event for immersionn no quest or something like that to diversify the game, noting just a zombie FPS in a sand box.......

I have Waited this game since 1 year but i m sad to see that.

Its too early to judge how the zombies will turn out, what we saw at E3 was a live development build, they still have a lot of work to do on zombies. and the game wont officially be finished for maybe another year.

And it has been made clear from the start that there would never be any kind of quest's, everything in the game always has and always will be player driven.

I think you'd be best to wait a while before deciding if you want to buy the game.

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K. now I saw the vid: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc_C6ylIK_w and there are a few things.

1) Big mistake for not including quests!! You will regret this, Dean Hall.

2) I thought zombies were killed by a head shot only... a shot to the torso should slow them down, not kill them! What gives?

3) Rooms need to be dirtier. e.g. poop, flies, corpses, garbage, blood stains, last month's food, puddles of stagnant water from leaky faucets and graffiti should litter the rooms. In other words, you have my authority to 'go to town' on the rooms. don't hold back because of me!

Edited by codestargod

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K. now I saw the vid: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc_C6ylIK_w and there are a few things.

1) Big mistake for not including quests!! you will regret this, Dean Hall.

2) I thought zombies were killed by a head shot only... a shot to the torso should slow them down, not kill them! What gives?

1) lolno he he won't. He has discussed this at length and explained why. In fact it's very important to the very core of the DayZ experience that any "Quests" are player driven/created.

Traditional MMO style quest have been discussed a LOT over the last few months and an overwhelming majority of players hate the idea. DayZ is successful because it's different, not because it copies other games.

2) Who says? Zombies are fictional entities and it's up to the creator of the fictional world being created how they behave. In classic zombie lore/books/films, sometimes zeds are head-shot only in others they're not. In DayZ they are just people with an infection, not "undead" magical zombies so anything that will kill a human will kill a zed.

Edited by Fraggle
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In DayZ they are just people with an infection, not "undead" magical zombies so anything that will kill a human will kill a zed.

just people with an infection, not "undead"

not "undead"

So they are not zombies?

*heart broken*

No I really am....why cant they just be zombies for once... e.e

Edited by zfleming12
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*heart broken*

No I really am....why cant they just be zombies for once... e.e

Yea. i think it'd be more fun if you have to make that headshot to take them down for good, or else, empty a magazine on them to knock them off their feet in order to make a clean getaway. It'd be surreal watching a zed slowly ge back up after taking some hot bird shot straight to the chest! You'd be like... oh shit! Let's d' d the phuck outta here!!

That way, military weapons such as AK's and M16's that take armor penetrating FMJ rounds would not be as valuable as say, more civilian type weapons that take hollow-points, slug and bird shot which offer larger take-down forces due to their spread. Armor peircing rounds tend to penetrate clean through soft tissue, with less impact force than say a hollow point or buck shot.

This kind of ammo would be more favorable since there are less people with enough skill, capable of making clean head shots, whereas with a shotty, you could take the leg of a zed much easier.

Military grade and sniper weapons would only become useful for long range sniper or PvP, hence effectively managing the problem of rampant PvP kills.

Edited by codestargod
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I kinda hope that masks, like that gas mask he showed will go on a face slot instead of the head, cuz I'd like to wear my gas mask under my Ushanka hat.

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