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You should've asked whether there is any other head gear apart from motorcycle helmets, FFS!

They keep pushing that damn motorcycle helmet almost in every single gameplay video they present. It's like they have nothing else to show other than the damn motor helmets.

And they don't. It's not my video i was just making the failed embed code above my post clickable.

This was all expected. People are raging about an pre alpha build unable to hear stuff like "there will be hundreds maybe thousands of different items that lets you customize your character" (It's said somewhere in the supermarket).

Inform yourself about what an Alpha is and consider the fact that those used to be played in-house only not so long ago.

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In one of the vids you can see a headtorch, so yes, there are multiple head pieces

It is really anoying to see that purification tabs take up the same space as a canteen, and have one use only?! they have a lot of balancing left to do...

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In one of the vids you can see a headtorch, so yes, there are multiple head pieces

It is really anoying to see that purification tabs take up the same space as a canteen, and have one use only?! they have a lot of balancing left to do...

What they need is the inventory system from Resident Evil 4, only each piece of Clothing/backpack has its own unique layout. Filling your pockets with eggs ftw.

Edited by Lyonide

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After watching the demo videos...I'm not fussed on the diving infected at all...Everything else seems cool, besides the clipping, hit-detection and that kind of thing.

Watching gameplay trailers at E3 for upcoming games I can't help but think "Wow, imagine if DayZ was based in this engine and had this amount of resources available to it! Imagine what it could be like in terms of production value and polish!"

Then my next thought is "DayZ will likely offer a much deeper and much more satisfying experience than any of these games even if it doesn't look as pretty...what a waste of resources and talent!"

Have they shown any melee combat yet? I'm interested in seeing that.

All in all I am still very interested in playing SA, but side by side with all of these games touting new, shiny engines, if I am being honest, it doesn't fare well in comparison.

Edited by soapmak3r
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After watching the demo videos...I'm not fussed on the diving infected at all...Everything else seems cool, besides the clipping, hit-detection and that kind of thing.

Watching gameplay trailers at E3 for upcoming games I can't help but think "Wow, imagine if DayZ was based in this engine and had this amount of resources available to it! Imagine what it could be like in terms of production value and polish!"

Then my next thought is "DayZ will likely offer a much deeper and much more satisfying experience than any of these games even if it doesn't look as pretty...what a waste of resources and talent!"

Have they shown any melee combat yet? I'm interested in seeing that.

All in all I am still very interested in playing SA, but side by side with all of these games touting new, shiny engines, if I am being honest, it doesn't fare well in comparison.

Keep in mind that a good number of those new pretty games will be lacking content and force you to do the same thing as everyone else who plays them.

"This game looks sweet and it only took me 12 hours to beat." Not my idea of a good game.

If I get half the play time in the SA as I have with the mod, I'll be over joyed.

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- Whats the facination with Motorbike helmets, Matt almost wets himself when he sees one, looks damn stupid. Somebodies wonderful inclusion that has to be shown now on every Video, looks foolish

There will be hardly any cars and a ton of motorcycle helmets, because hey, that's what we'd find in real life if an apocalypse were to happen. Right?

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quit crying about an alpha. how many of you have played an actual Alpha? prob not many. you all will buy it, play it, cry when a bandit kills you, just shut up and wait until you play it to bitch about it. I've seen a millions gameplay videos of other games that made me HAVE TO HAVE IT and those ended up being some of the worst games. "But we should already of had it" yea really I know alot of games that have been delayed with AN ACTUAL RELEASE DATE, NOT A HOPEFULLY BY DECEMBER recently bioshock infinite. Too many complainers i swear. You like Arma 2's animations then you must like playing with army men stuck in one position......ALL IN ALL.....QUIT COMPLAINING AND DON'T BUY IT, YA SPOILED BABIES.

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There will be hardly any cars and a ton of motorcycle helmets, because hey, that's what we'd find in real life if an apocalypse were to happen. Right?

Actually prob yeah, who's to say those Motorcycles would work... Would those Bike Helmets just no longer exist? Cause that's real life...Geeze some of you entitled babies.

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There will be hardly any cars and a ton of motorcycle helmets, because hey, that's what we'd find in real life if an apocalypse were to happen. Right?

haha..i count on stormtrooper helmets! reality is: they will make loot scarce, so you won't find these helmets everywhere and all the time. this is one selected feature they show off in all these alpha-builds, no need to make assumptions and speculations about that fact (right now)

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Great to see the guys at E3!

I have to say, watching the DayZ debut after watching The Division made me cry :(

To cheer you up - it will be nothing like DayZ and it might be technically impossible to make it exactly like DayZ but with Division's awesome graphics and fidelity:

- Division will use matchmaking to make sure you play against people like you - typical arcade console design

- matchmaking -> instances

- coop is apparently for 4 people

- drones are controlled by tablet users (cool, but casual)

- I'm almost sure it won't be a seamless world and definitely not as big as in DayZ - I won't believe it until I see it.

- what arma engines do with map sizes is quite ridiculous and many of the technical problems of arma games are caused by that. Shooter engines like Unreal Engine3, CryEngine 3, Source wouldn't be able to do so great what they do with maps as big. Devs on crydev.net struggle even with 6x6 km maps, weapons are shaking, physics are breaking... [1], [2]

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Actually prob yeah, who's to say those Motorcycles would work... Would those Bike Helmets just no longer exist? Cause that's real life...Geeze some of you entitled babies.

I think the adult missed the joke. :rolleyes:

Edited by Mr Mouse

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As far as headgear goes, I'm at least assuming they had the sense to put a 60s style goaltender mask in there. I mean at this point those masks are more closely associated with fictional bandits and lowlifes than they are, you know, hockey.

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It's really rough around the edges but i can't wait to get my hands on the alpha.Once they start doing all the regular updates and fixes it should start to look amazing.

Did anyone ask Rocket if there will be cannibalism in Day-Z SA at E3 ? Or if you can craft something using the body parts of the Zeds you killed,like making a zed head bomb or attaching a blade to a zed arm/leg and using it as a melee weapon ? That would be awesome if they could add something like that later on in the Alpha/Beta if at all.

Edited by SuperJesusDude

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It's really rough around the edges but i can't wait to get my hands on the alpha.Once they start doing all the regular updates and fixes it should starting looking amazing.

Did anyone ask Rocket if there will be cannibalism in Day-Z SA at E3 ? Or if you can craft something using the body parts of the Zeds you killed,liking making a zed head bomb or attaching a blade to a zed arm/leg and using it as a melee weapon ? That would be awesome if they could add something like that later on in the Alpha/Beta if at all.

Attaching a blade to a zed arm!??!! HolySuperJesusDude!! thats bloody amazing.

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Ill be there taking pic's and hoping to talk to rocket! huge fan guys great work still cant wait for the Alpha !!

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judging by the videos DayZ won't come out before christmas, i mean, zombies hit you from 5 meters, zombies die from hearing a shot, there is no sense at all of bullet impact, zombies fall through the floor, zombie animation is still ackward, the character model is not that great, the running animation doesn't feel right, the sounds are the same, but hey.. maybe the playing experience will be great.. i don't know..

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judging by the videos DayZ won't come out before christmas, i mean, zombies hit you from 5 meters, zombies die from hearing a shot, there is no sense at all of bullet impact, zombies fall through the floor, zombie animation is still ackward, the character model is not that great, the running animation doesn't feel right, the sounds are the same, but hey.. maybe the playing experience will be great.. i don't know..

It's releasing Minecraft style, so we're getting it in alpha with increasing price as it goes through to beta onward. It might not be done until after Christmas but we'll have access to it well before then.

The zombie sync thing looks like it's not going to take forever to fix. It just seems like there's some sync issues, as if the zombie's visual model is about a second behind where it actually is in relation to the player.

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Attaching a blade to a zed arm!??!! HolySuperJesusDude!! thats bloody amazing.

I hope the crafting system gets that deep, to where you can basically make anything into a weapon.That would add a whole new level of awesomeness to Day-Z SA.

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It's releasing Minecraft style, so we're getting it in alpha with increasing price as it goes through to beta onward. It might not be done until after Christmas but we'll have access to it well before then.

The zombie sync thing looks like it's not going to take forever to fix. It just seems like there's some sync issues, as if the zombie's visual model is about a second behind where it actually is in relation to the player.

Rocket says:

"Basically, we made a new system for the zombie animation attacks, but there is no event handler for that yet because it just went in this week. We need the event handler to synchronize the animation with its attack effects. Currently, as a placeholder, it simply plays the effect half a second after the animation is started.

The event handler is scheduled to be finished any day now, which will allow us to sequence the attack. It's a very trivial change but will obviously instantly improve the output.

It has nothing to do with hit detection, animations, or anything. It's how it is designed as a placeholder.

Because we are rewriting many parts of the engine, problems like this (i.e. known bugs waiting for replacement of placeholder elements) are very common through the development as we wait for the sequence of development to occur.


The zombie attacks aren't sequenced for the animations because its a new system thats 50% coded and waiting for event handlers to allow synchronization, which is trivial to implement once made."

Edited by Fraggle
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Rocket says:

"Basically, we made a new system for the zombie animation attacks, but there is no event handler for that yet because it just went in this week. We need the event handler to synchronize the animation with its attack effects. Currently, as a placeholder, it simply plays the effect half a second after the animation is started.

The event handler is scheduled to be finished any day now, which will allow us to sequence the attack. It's a very trivial change but will obviously instantly improve the output.

It has nothing to do with hit detection, animations, or anything. It's how it is designed as a placeholder.

Because we are rewriting many parts of the engine, problems like this (i.e. known bugs waiting for replacement of placeholder elements) are very common through the development as we wait for the sequence of development to occur.


The zombie attacks aren't sequenced for the animations because its a new system thats 50% coded and waiting for event handlers to allow synchronization, which is trivial to implement once made."

my only question remains:

dean knew the zeds are completely bugged and basically "broken" at the moment, why would he show this at E3...? on purpose (to kill the hype) or basically a "disaster beyond all expectations"? this could be a masterous strategy to take pressure from the devs or as said before a total melt-down.


Dean, you a genius?

Edited by joe_mcentire

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my only question remains this:

dean knew the zeds are completely bugged and basically "broken" at the moment, why would he show this at E3...? on purpose (to kill the hype) or basically a "disaster beyond all expectations"? this could be a masterous strategie to take pressure from the devs or as said before a total melt-down.


Dean, you a genius?

He should have shown the Big Rigs gameplay for maximum effect :)

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my only question remains this:

dean knew the zeds are completely bugged and basically "broken" at the moment, why would he show this at E3...? on purpose (to kill the hype) or basically a "disaster beyond all expectations"? this could be a masterous strategie to take pressure from the devs or as said before a total melt-down.


Dean, you a genius?

Probably to keep peoples expectations in check (ie. lower them). Peoples expectations have been so high and much of that has been based on false information, speculation or just pure hope. This was their chance to show what they have warts and all. Sure, they're getting a lot of stick for it but better now than in a few weeks or more time when people might be buying it, at least at that point people can't claim they were being sold something else. WarZ *cough*

Edited by Fraggle
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So I just went on Steam today and found that Planetary Annihilation has the nuts to try and sell an alpha for 90 bucks. Suddenly I'm more appreciative of the fact that the DayZ team has their head screwed on right and is going for the Minecraft model (maybe the PA guys misunderstood and got it backwards by accident?)

Either way that reminds me: has there been any word on how early on DayZ will hit Steam? Like via Early Access like Arma 3? I'd prefer to get the game on Steam over independently, assuming DayZ even has other methods of purchase.

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