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Well,that sucks.

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I logged in game today,in the middle of the wilderness,with a broken leg and 1.5k blood.

When I delogged I could still see a bright future ahead of my character;I was in a supermarket,and there was an hospital near..

Now,well.. I can't really see any future at all,wich sucks.I spent hours of my life testing an alpha, throught really anoying glitches and clipping issues and shit, I'd at least expect a form of payment for my help as a tester in not having to feel like im just wasting my time crawling for hours salvaging things and ultimatly losing it all to another glitch or ''hotfixes'' but,no.

I am probably going to lose another character,for no good reasons(I just lost an even better one to the inventory swiping of 1.1.4).. and mod or not,Alpha or not, I've put hours building these characters.. I mean seriously, this shit is getting old.

But anyway.. if anyone as any good idea that could get my character out of this mess... I'm listening.

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Sorry to hear that. Only thing I can suggest is play another game if it really gets to you that bad because it will happen time and time again. All though Alpha , Beta, RC as well.

It's not good and it don't sound like you are enjoying your experience. Again, all I can suggest is stick to games that are full release.

Good luck in your future gaming.

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Somebody just turned onto the realization roadway

To those who have not realized this game is nothing but a time sink well it is.

And if you play any other MMO's....ive got some bad news for ya.

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It's not that I'm not enjoying my overall experience.. this is a great mod,and I have generally no problems with alphas .. but then,even in alphas devs generally tend to do everything possible to keep the game stable, and not wipe out peoples effort at enjoying the game every 2 days.

but anyway, I didn't want all that much to make a QQ thread out of this, IM more interested in finding solutions to my problem atm.

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I logged in game today' date='in the middle of the wilderness,with a broken leg and 1.5k blood.

When I delogged I could still see a bright future ahead of my character;I was in a supermarket,and there was an hospital near..

Now,well.. I can't really see any future at all,wich sucks.I spent hours of my life testing an alpha, throught really anoying glitches and clipping issues and shit, I'd at least expect a form of payment for my help as a tester in not having to feel like im just wasting my time crawling for hours salvaging things and ultimatly losing it all to another glitch or ''hotfixes'' but,no.

I am probably going to lose another character,for no good reasons(I just lost an even better one to the inventory swiping of 1.1.4).. and mod or not,Alpha or not, I've put hours building these characters.. I mean seriously, this shit is getting old.

But anyway.. if anyone as any good idea that could get my character out of this mess... I'm listening.


You should not expect any payment, but can rest assured it will be in the form of a finished product where you can enjoy the long work from the devs and contribution of the community. As for losing characters.. it's an Alpha. It's the same even if you played beta games and they wiped after the game releases. Just because you spend a lot of time testing does not mean they owe you anything. However, they're a great staff and listen closely to feedback.

That should be enough.

even in alphas devs generally tend to do everything possible to keep the game stable' date=' and not wipe out peoples effort at enjoying the game every 2 days.


I'm definitely not trying to argue with you, but this is not true. There are no such expectations in an Alpha, most regular community do not even participate in this phase of Development.

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I'd at least expect a form of payment

This mod is free, and you enjoyed hours spent gearing up your characters. For free. That is your payment.

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You might try to stop thinking of DayZ as a typical game with a beginning middle and end, but more like a roguelike, usually brutal and unforgiving top down ASCII games, Ex: rogue, dwarf fortress, Cataclysm, many others if you feel like searching.

They are played more for the challenge of living as long as possible and dieing in crazy or amusing ways, you are just trying to delay the inevitable more than 'win' anything, might help you have some fun. Or not, whatever works.

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where abouts are you? we could set up a meeting point and arrange a time and server? I would be bringing 3 other dudes with me, we have 5 bloodbags between us and are armed to the teeth so any funny business and you're dead.

I've killed a lot of dudes recently and I'm beginning to feel bad. something like this would be a great challenge and a kind of a mission for us to undertake. no trades, would just enjoy the challenge. :-)

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I'm definitely not trying to argue with you, but this is not true. There are no such expectations in an Alpha, most regular community do not even participate in this phase of Development.

I recently played the Alpha of a game called endless space, it had bugs and balancing issues, but overall the experience was flawless,and rewarding, devs let people actively participate in the making of the game, even let the comunity make certain decisions throught pools on the forums, and they always did everything possible to keep the alpha stable - it was after all a ''released'' product, available to the general public.

I had other Flawless experiences like this with alphas in a lot of mods / games like: Minecraft alpha and beta,mods for diferent TES games (oblivion,skyrim ect..) , total war mods, also some MMO alphas /early betas..

I don't think I remember ever losing like 5 character / campaing due to bugs in like 2-3 days in any of the above.

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I'm definitely not trying to argue with you' date=' but this is not true. There are no such expectations in an Alpha, most regular community do not even participate in this phase of Development.


I recently played the Alpha of a game called endless space, it had bugs and balancing issues, but overall the experience was flawless,and rewarding, devs let people actively participate in the making of the game, even let the comunity make certain decisions throught pools on the forums, and they always did everything possible to keep the alpha stable - it was after all a ''released'' product, available to the general public.

I had other Flawless experiences like this with alphas in a lot of mods / games like: Minecraft alpha and beta,mods for diferent TES games (oblivion,skyrim ect..) , total war mods, also some MMO alphas /early betas..

I don't think I remember ever losing like 5 character / campaing due to bugs in like 2-3 days in any of the above.

Well it's still pretty earlier in the Alpha. I'd say that most games have a lot of concrete functions and content down before they allow testing from community. Rocket appears to be letting us in during the actual design and invention of the game. I'd just play it with an open mind and try to participate with the community as much as you can. That way when the game is finally released, it will be much more rewarding.

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I really don't want to offend the OP, but it's an Alpha. You should be expecting to run into bugs, even losing your char. If that is too much frustration for you I recommend to wait for the final release, or maybe a later, more polished beta.

I have lost several chars due to bugs, lost my inventory AND my main weapons and I don't care. Much. Just start new and start surviving again. It's not that hard.

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Yeah it's precisely what I'm doing.I'm telling the devs through this thread that there is one nasty bug that spawns you in the wilderness for no reason, I also tell them that they might need to stop releasing ''hotfixes'' that fixes nothing but unfix a lot of things.They could also not include new features in their hotfixes,and see if their are still bugs with old features before doing that.

I am also asking the community for tips on how to live another day despite the verry bad odds against me.. but so far the only answer I got was from a bandit and his friends wanting salvage my shits.

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Now you're comparing apples to oranges.

Clearly a lot of people have an incorrect image of what DayZ is.

Endless space is as you said a GAME.

Games are usually developed by studio's, these range from small indie groups like Mojang, over medium sized studio's like Bohemia to the big boys we all know. The thing is all of these games are worked on by teams whose job it is to create that game. They are paid for it. The goal of the studio's that create games is quite obvious: make money.

How do they make money? By satisfying costumers. For that reason they'll (almost) never release an open alpha or beta that is highly unstable.

Mod's on the other hand are developed by individuals or small groups. People that enjoy a game they bought and want to improve upon. They spend hours, day's and weeks or their spare time to make something that they and perhaps other people enjoy. Their goal is not to make as much people as possible play it but rather to make a contribution. That's why they can release something that is bugged and unstable: they have nothing to lose. Numbers aren't important (though they do like them).

All they ever wanted to achieve with the alpha was that they could run a few servers at the same time without to much problems. They just weren't ready for 200K+ player and had to make a lot of improvements in a very short time to keep te servers running.

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Also,since it's just an alpha,devs might want to remove leaderboards.and make people start what lots of gear so they can test shit quickly,this way we will Identify bugs faster and get a nice finished product much sooner.Just saying.

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Kudos to OP for not acting like the other entitled kids out there.

Hope you get past this phase of deflation and find your love for the mod again, I've went through some phases of it myself - usually I just take some time away then come back and spawn in again and start another journey.

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Yes as intuable has stated Most games don,t even let the comunity in on this phase of the development. That privilage could be thought as more than enough "payment" for trying out this neat idea. I Love it!

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I've died so many times now that i don't care anymore. It's stuck fucks me off when some retard shoots me for no reason but you learn to live with it. I don't play the game so much now and in fact, I hope when the full version gets released there will be a whole lot of stuff that's new. Trouble with this game at the moment is, once u have decent kit, what do u do? A new death means more adventure in getting it back at least and as for bugs in the code, well it's to be expected.

Perhaps rather than trying to play the game we should be trying to break it and report on the bugs we find.

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Yes I am a bandit...but believe me I don't want to "salvage your shit." You would having nothing I need. And to run all the way to go knows where to kill you....why would I do that?!

Like I said, I used to be a friendly, who never shot unless shot at... but got burned too many times. (I've been playing this for 6 weeks now). I feel a little bad now, so I was wanting another kind of challenge.

I just think it would be really cool running across the map to help some random guy I've never met before. But alas, you're thinking the worst of us, which Is exactly the attitude which turned me into a bandit in the first place.

Hope you manage to get out of your situation.

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I'd at least expect a form of payment for my help as a tester in not having to feel like im just wasting my time crawling for hours salvaging things

Then dont play? :dodgy:

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I'd at least expect a form of payment for my help as a tester in not having to feel like im just wasting my time crawling for hours salvaging things and ultimatly losing it all to another glitch or ''hotfixes'' but' date='no.


Why would anyone pay you to test a non-commercial product?

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Now' date='well.. I can't really see any future at all,wich sucks.I spent hours of my life testing an alpha, throught really anoying glitches and clipping issues and shit, I'd at least expect a form of payment for my help as a tester in not having to feel like im just wasting my time crawling for hours salvaging things and ultimatly losing it all to another glitch or ''hotfixes'' but,no.


Are you really Alpha-testing though? You want payment just for playing the game? Have you even submitted a bug report in the proper format?

Look, I know you're going out of your way to remain civil and respectful while you voice your complaints but even if we offered payed testers, it would require a lot more rigorous and grinding from you. In effect, it would be your job, not a hobby.

Right now, you're just playing a mod and are guaranteed nothing. Not quality, not consistency, not even enjoyment. But it's presented free to you and as long as you "test". Which, to remind all of you, true testing requires more than playing a game pre-release and registering on the forums.

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At the OP, i'm not sure what game your expecting the point of it is to be hard and the idea of permadeath is what makes it great. Yes you lost your character to a bug, but who knows maybe 10 minutes later if you would have spawned in you would have been right next to someone and been shot instantly and you still would have lost all your stuff. Thats the point.

Also you said something along the lines of spawning with a full kit of gear go play arma 2 then? Seriously i live in canada and i couldn't tell you the first place to actually find a hand gun, so spawning without one seems reasonable to me

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