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thealgerian still drops FPS like a bag of dirt

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Hi everyone,

At first it seemed fine and finally fixed, but it's finally not, I know I'm not the only one since some other guys mentionned it in the server I was earlier.

You might want to check this issue again, you tried to fix it 2-3 times since 1.7.1, so maybe either your fix didn't work or you identified the wrong problem. I don't know I'm no dev by any mean or even good with computers.

The game was running at 30 fps all maxed out in 1.7.0 but in 1.7.1 to updates when I reach some towns crawling like a parasite to find stuff and there are zeds around, it drops to 9-14 fps and it stays there even if I set all graphics to lowest.

EDIT: Oh and also when monitoring during these drops, GPU usage is virtually non-existent and temperature very low.

(Note: I'm just reporting, not complaining or demanding or making "I'm leaving threats" like anyone would miss me.)

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My FPS is also way down since 1.7.0 was patched to 1.7.1 and forward.

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Same happens to me, when I attract zed's or when there's a bunch of them nearby my FPS drops to like 10 or so.

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I get massive framerate issues when I abort out to lobby and come back. Is only fixed with a client restart.

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Near any major towns when Zombies start to spawn my FPS plummits. Like Eletro, Stary, or Chenro.

When they despawn, its great.

Its not an issue with my card either, or my computer. Its something with their new setup/spawn rate from the server to client that is just making the FPS go through the roof.

I am sure it will be fixed and fine tuned.

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Maybe all of you Guys have an AMD Videocard?



Actually FPS drops only when Zombies are chasing me and probably only when I'm losing some of them.

Might be related to the investigate script.

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But for me its not just nearby Zeds its even if i stand alone in the Wilderness without anything nearby.

playing on a older system, i can feel every singel frame that drops down ^^


Nvidia ;)

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Maybe all of you Guys have an AMD Videocard?


I got a GTX560Ti, pal. It's not cutting edge but it stills does a pretty good job at handling any of the latest games.

I'm aware you might be just trolling but still, just in case.

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I haven't seen a single line of code for this mod/game but I would guess that some piece of code is blocking the next frame from being drawn/displayed.

I hope that isn't the case b/c it's just sloppy.

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Lol, im not trolling i have an HD 6950 DcII, and 1090t @4,3ghz.. and have on low settings sometimes 10-15 fps

in the night you can also see better with nvidia cards..

so i thougt amd cards are fucked with this game, but it seems not so.

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Please fix this dayz staff its impossible to even enjoy playing right now.

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Lol' date=' im not trolling i have an HD 6950 DcII, and 1090t @4,3ghz.. and have on low settings sometimes 10-15 fps

in the night you can also see better with nvidia cards..

so i thougt amd cards are fucked with this game, but it seems not so.


I apologize for my unjust accusations, then.

I really know next to nothing* when it comes to AMD hardware so I couldn't tell you whether it's the GPU or the game.

(*remove the "next", I actually know plain nothing)

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I've also noticed FPS drops, especially when being chased by zombies. It is known that the scripting commands used by new LOS spotting mechanic can be heavy on performance, so I guess the LOS check is simply called too often when the Z's are chasing you or searching for you.

(This will be primarily CPU-bound, btw.)

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I have FPS drops too

GTX 580 @900/1800/2100

12gb ram

i7 950@ 4,20 Ghz

i think it's nothing wrong with our pc's, maybe its something ingame

if i spawn everything is fine, but if tons of zombies are in town or something my fps drops like an waterfall ^^

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I have FPS drops too

GTX 580 @900/1800/2100

12gb ram

i7 950@ 4' date='20 Ghz

i think it's nothing wrong with our pc's, maybe its something ingame

if i spawn everything is fine, but if tons of zombies are in town or something my fps drops like an waterfall ^^


I agree

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Huge FPS drops here aswell, and they started with, so I know its not on my side.

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This game is known to not support amd cards 100% :)

im using a gtx 470card atm, and im stable arround 30-40 fps, and my mate using his 580gtx has 60+fps stable :)

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i find it funny he mentions AMDs and pretty much everyone here has one. HD 6770m here haha

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"* [FIXED] Poor performance caused by infected search behavior (MAJOR performance increase during closed testing)"


This should be fixed in I'm running on an overclocked i5 2500K, 8GB RAM and an HD6970 2GB and drop to around 10fps or below when being chased/losing zombies.

It's the updated AI that includes more checking; it looks like it will be streamlined for the next hotfix.

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Good thing, hope that improves the major performance drops in-game.

Even with my CPU overclocked to 5GHz and a pair of GTX680 in SLI, I still get drops to the 30s after a few minutes of playing, it is quite annoying.

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