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Will DayZ be overshadowed by next-gen consoles at E3?

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Do you think DayZ will be overshadowed by next-gen consoles at E3? Share your opinion and the reasoning behind it!


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Sadly yes. Only because people think xbox can run games 2234347364553743637463x better than PC. little do they know hehehehe.

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Honestly? Doubt it. That piss-poor XBOX reveal turned me off the next gen, and I'm sure it did the same for many others. It was absolute balls.

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I don't see too much excitement for the next-gen consoles yet.

I think it'll ramp up a bit once developers truly figure out how to push the machines to their limits, and competition lowers prices to a more comfortable level.

So another 1.5 years before things really start to peak.

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I don't think many are even aware about DayZ being at E3 due to the delays making the majority of people lose interest. Most of the people on these forums are die hard fans and not the majority. A few months ago the forums were crazy active and now it's pretty dead :/

Edited by Stoddy15

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Anyone in their right mind should know that console gaming is dead now or after the releases of the next gen consoles.. If I am to participate in going to E3, I'm sure it will only be to see the DayZ stuff.

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yes, I am getting sick of this console bullshit so I won't watch them anyway, the games though I might look into.

Edited by Blondedash

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Not to DayZ fans, but in general Yes. Sad to have to tell u this but Next Gen Consoles are a bigger deal than 1 game being made and released someday

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Not to DayZ fans, but in general Yes. Sad to have to tell u this but Next Gen Consoles are a bigger deal than 1 game being made and released someday

>1 game being made and released someday

>made and released someday

>released someday


The anticipation!

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Real gamers play on computer and dont give a shit about consoles, and console gamers dont give a shit about Day Z (problem is, they do, and this is why we have lots of codkiddies & casual gamers turning this awesome game into crap). So, turns out that I actually want & hope the next-gen consoles takes over Day Z and then we may get rid of all those people.

Edited by p4triot

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Real gamers play on computer and dont give a shit about consoles, and console gamers dont give a shit about Day Z (problem is, they do, and this is why we have lots of codkiddies & casual gamers turning this awesome game into crap). So, turns out that I actually want & hope the next-gen consoles takes over Day Z and then we may get rid of all those people.

so you're saying 'consoles feel like they effectively open the flood gates and all the bad stuff is sent out while all the good stuff stays'. and the water is a bit poisoned atm" non- literal.

Edited by Blondedash

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Real gamers play on computer and dont give a shit about consoles, and console gamers dont give a shit about Day Z (problem is, they do, and this is why we have lots of codkiddies & casual gamers turning this awesome game into crap). So, turns out that I actually want & hope the next-gen consoles takes over Day Z and then we may get rid of all those people.

"Real gamers" aren't based on what system/console they play on. I myself have a console and a PC, so what does that make me? No reason to categorize people by what system they play on just because you prefer one over the other.

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"Real gamers" aren't based on what system/console they play on. I myself have a console and a PC, so what does that make me? No reason to categorize people by what system they play on just because you prefer one over the other.

categorizing i'm against generalization is ok, your a all system person not the type of people he was referring to, (I hope) though I'd rather save money and get one and decide one. if he would have said generally console gamers are yadayada then it wouldn't be as offensive of a statement.

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People may not be geared up for console release yet because they've not shown many games or gameplay. E3 will do that. I couldn't care less about tue consoles but I absolutely hope it leads to no more shitty port to the PC (looking at you assassins creed).

Edited by Machiavelli09

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People may not be geared up for console release yet because they've not shown many games or gameplay. E3 will do that. I couldn't care less about tue consoles but I absolutely hope it leads to no more shitty port to the PC (looking at you assassins creed).

you know eventually the ports will get shitty again regarding graphics and stuff, assassin creed just has terrible control ports.

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categorizing i'm against generalization is ok, your a all system person not the type of people he was referring to, (I hope) though I'd rather save money and get one and decide one. if he would have said generally console gamers are yadayada then it wouldn't be as offensive of a statement.


I played on consoles long before I had ever thought about buying a well built PC to game on (roughly 7 year). Once I learned that PC generally did better than consoles I decided on getting myself a gaming PC. I still have my 360 and still play it on a weekly basis. A gamer is a gamer and shouldn't be classified on what system they play on.

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I played on consoles long before I had ever thought about buying a well built PC to game on (roughly 7 year). Once I learned that PC generally did better than consoles I decided on getting myself a gaming PC. I still have my 360 and still play it on a weekly basis. A gamer is a gamer and shouldn't be classified on what system they play on.

oooooh that last sentence makes me think of so many comeback's but I shall resist. my pc "love" came from a friend who told me what a computer was and I was interested in it and discovered pc is dominant, It takes study and some people just aren't willing to do that and console is the better option for them also they do it because of their friends lots of the time. being in high school I am slowly getting used to studying which helps me get through the ordeal.

Edited by Blondedash

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Anyone in their right mind should know that console gaming is dead now or after the releases of the next gen consoles.. If I am to participate in going to E3, I'm sure it will only be to see the DayZ stuff.

Not sure if serious.........? Console gaming is far from dead, I have had every Playstation, plus the 360, and now have my own built PC. I can still say that console gaming is still a lot more fun, quick to pick up, and there is arguably a bigger audience for consoles due to them being the cheaper, easier to use systems. I could write 50,000 reasons as to why anyone who writes such statements is so far from the truth but I do not have a spare 2 hours.

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Do you think DayZ will be overshadowed by next-gen consoles at E3? Share your opinion and the reasoning behind it!


In terms of pomp and marketing, for sure but thats about it imo.

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cheaper looking, not cheaper in regards to the price. pc can easily be a bit cheaper and out perform a console. Edited by Blondedash
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Not to DayZ fans, but in general Yes. Sad to have to tell u this but Next Gen Consoles are a bigger deal than 1 game being made and released someday


I think in the grand-scheme of things the next-gen consoles will be considered a bigger deal by the masses. But then again I don't really think that's a problem, DayZ was never intended for 'the masses'.

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I think in the grand-scheme of things the next-gen consoles will be considered a bigger deal by the masses. But then again I don't really think that's a problem, DayZ was never intended for 'the masses'.

I bet not even the cod release could match the consoles release.

Edited by Blondedash

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Ofcourse it will, tens of millions of people are going to be buying next-gen consoles. Does it matter? No. DayZ isn't competing with consoles.

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DayZ has a load of fans. A good 500,000-600,000 thousand still play the game on & off, and the majority of those will buy the standalone when it is released. There are still another shitload of people who want to play dayZ yet they don't have a good enough PC, want to stick to consoles, and expect a port.

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