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Mountain Dew?

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I have searched high and low and have never found a can of Mountain Dew. Is it uber rare or non existent and I am just gullible? People keep telling me that it is in game but I am starting to think I was trolled.

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Haha, that's quite a neat idea if it's true. Have some exclusively rare item that nobody would guess.

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Seems to me that it would be just a Rare item for the fun of things or a way to add a rare collection. I've seen only 1 before and that was blind luck at the time. I personally like the coke cans, as I love coke!

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One day, there will be a bartering system created by the survivors. Hold on to that dew!

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They said to horde gold and silver. They said to horde ammunition.

They were wrong.


I am a huge Mountain Dew fan IRL so I would shit kittens if I ever found a can in game.

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Mountain Dew is ingame, it is rare, and has the following description (for those who haven't found one):

"An aluminium can containing fuel for all-night game development. Can be consumed as a regular drink as required."

(Which is why I think it's another case of odd Kiwi humour. :D)

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I thought it was confirmed that drinking Mountain Dew is the only way to enable jumping in-game?

Edited by mynameismonkey

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My mate and I found one last night on a body but didn't take it because we assumed it was just a normal drink and we had plenty anyway.

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found 4 or 5 ....... in supermarkets and on z's i shot

only ever looted 1 to give to a firend (he didnt believe me) as the times ive found em ive already had 2+ water canteens so it was just a slot filler

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I've had about 4 or 5 of them now. I've had one in my bags for almost a week as a good luck charm. It's working. I've won every firefight I've engaged in on this character with relative ease. I think I've only been hit once by an AK74 while I was zig zagging in between trees. I ended up hitting prone behind a stone wall, and lit the guy up as he was bee-lining straight for me like a charging bull without paying any attention what so ever to what I might of been planning. I almost felt bad for the poor guy. I just knew he was all excited thinking "Yes, I'm gonna get this asshole! ... WTF!!!"

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Found one. Drank it even though I wasn't thirsty.

I thought it was confirmed that drinking Mountain Dew is the only way to enable jumping in-game?

No no, you need to find Red Bull to do that.

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They are pretty rare, but you can find some sporadically. I've found them in normal houses and supermarkets.

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Are you saying that after consuming Mountain Dew you found it easier to engage people?

If you read what I said, I didn't say that at all. I said I treat it like a good luck charm. It's purely coincidental that since I've had one in my inventory, I haven't lost a firefight. Placebo effect.

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Mountain Dew in this game left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I showed a friend the game, and he found Mountain Dew. Over skype it was like "Him: Oh cool found some Mountain Dew - Me: Don't drink it! - Him: Too late." I felt like blowing him up.

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I found one last night.

Second one I've seen in over 120 hours of DayZ.


Edited by Cyanyde

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