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Kebab Remover

Balota Buddies Whitelisted! AU/US(Public)/EU Servers Chernarus/Namalsk/Origins, Active Admins/No Abuse/JSRS/Custom AntiHack

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That barn was a meat grinder. Sounds awful. :)

I saw four completely random guys walking down the main road through Cherno, playing the Monkees theme song while calmly hatcheting zombies. Those guys are cray.

Twas the same pig dogs that attempted to destroy my "purdy" mouth.

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Well shit man.. stop having such a purdy mouf and you won't have those sorts of problems.

No! Russian dentistry at it's finest!

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By kicking them in, or sending him to your dentist to fix them?

I provide a one way transportation service to the beaches of Chernarus, the tooth kicking is optional.

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Embed your latest video kebab. Seeing (hearing!) Steak unloading that LMG only to be silenced by a single aimed shot made me chuckle. Murrica!

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Embed your latest video kebab. Seeing (hearing!) Steak unloading that LMG only to be silenced by a single aimed shot made me chuckle. Murrica!

Here you go, be warned of foul language.

About 0:30 for the monster.

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The addition of the MK17 SD sniper to the loot table is the best thing to happen since my British assault pack burst into flames :)

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So happy you guys got a UK Origins server up. Don't have the ping or patience to play with those stinking Aussies. :P

Origins is a great way to pass the time and not get burned out on the Chenarus map by the time SA rolls out. Just need more players on it and it will be Epic!

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Balota Buddies is pleased to announce the roll out of a new server for Australia!

Whitelisted Au Factions

- JSRS enabled server

- 8+ Factions installed in GUID locked gate bases.

- Some fool left hundreds of explosives lying around! I wonder if those will breach the pesky GUID gates?

- 3 independant bases are ready for you to hold, if you have the fire power.

- Over 100+ vehicles including Humvee's, SUV's,Huey's and little birds in custom spawn points.

- More key building, Supermarkets, Barracks and more!

They fight for survival in a new incarnation of the DayZ Chenarus map.

All the features you have come to expect from Balota Buddies including:

- Auto refuel

- Removal of vehicle parts

- Full Moon Night Cycle from 12 - 6am Australian time

- Street lights be enabled for night cycle

- Direct voice enabled

- Dynamic Heli crashes

- Care packages

The AU Factions battle ground is ready!


Edited by Kebab Remover
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There is a distinctly Australian bias in the Balota Buddies community. They get all the cool stuff first. I for one wish to challenge this new antipodean hedgemony.

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There is a distinctly Australian bias in the Balota Buddies community. They get all the cool stuff first. I for one wish to challenge this new antipodean hedgemony.

What new toys did they get?

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You're so grumpy Jack. That's why I love you. I don't release my inner grump too much.

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