KVCC 1 Posted June 19, 2012 Yes I said it.*EDIT: I just wanted to say, since this is my first post and all...... That I LOVE dayz and I bought arma 2 specifically for this game(although I'm sure I'll play arma 2 at some point, this has got my attention a lot more). I started with 1.60, and while the game is buggy at times and it could use a lot of work, it is still extremely fun once you get past the insane hurdle of being a new player. So a big thanks to Rocket for making this game free for all of us to enjoy!!! I am very grateful.*Personally, I think if you are going to try and make it difficult or impossible to abort before a player kills you, then you should make camping difficult or impossible too.It's WAY WAY too easy for any player with a good gun, to camp out in a hill near cherno/elektro/stary/ etc and then hop from server to server until some newbie is trying to find gear. (Or even a vet, just because you could spawn after they have checked the hills and think it's clear)I mean seriously, I went to 3-4 different servers and within 5 minutes of spawning someone is shooting at me. Most likely they are just server hopping to find a player. (Heck, recently I have been doing this and it is TOO EASY)Also, it is not fun spending 30-60 minutes crawling around the ENTIRE town to make sure no one is in the hills, when after ALL that time someone can just join the game and instantly be camping in the hill.....seriously? And they usually have a gun that can kill you in 1-2 hits, so you don't have a chance at all.Maybe instead of trying to punish people who disconnect, why not try and figure out the problem? Maybe there is a reason a lot of people disconnect? Honestly, more so then any other game, WAY more people disconnect because of how easy it is to camp, and the fact that you spawn with nothing and have to spend hours upon hours to find good gear again......I don't think the game should be heading in this direction.Thoughts? I don't condone disconnecting to avoid death, but at the same time, I think it's just as cheap to camp and server hop with NO repercussions at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toha_bangbang 0 Posted June 19, 2012 yeah im partly of your opinion.... i mean of course it should be a simulation of a real apocalypse and in a real apocalypse everyone can camp on the hill he wants to..... and this is realistic BUT and its a big BUT ... in a apocalypse there is no posibilty to spawn in the middle of the landscape, spot a survivor and kill him... so we have to be realistic.... it cannot be LIKE the real life... so as long as you can quickly join servers without announcement (or how that is called.. sry no native speaker).... quick disconnect should also be allowed/ possiblebecause just imagine..... youre looting the hospital when suddenly someone spawns beside u...... my first action would be alt+f4 because taking my weapon would take to long.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KVCC 1 Posted June 19, 2012 Yeah, but I mean....what can be done?Obviously a 10-15 second timer to disconnect would work wonders for trying to avoid death.But what about people who camp and server hop? I can't really think of a way to prevent that.....but it's really getting out of hand, too many people camp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GraphX 1 Posted June 19, 2012 @kvcc you claim that you did it yourself.why on earth if you hate something why on planet earth would you do it as well.its just hypocritic. if we can't beat them, join them, then we might aswell hang around with zombies...server hopping is going to be an issue but if a game is realtime you will always have that problem. also, some people actually just joined your server and play legitimate.as for the camping problem.you realise you can also camp the campers out.and you can just avoid them. if you take the risk for high loot no wonder you are going to get killed by a camper.Edit: their camping time = your travel/looting time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turin (DayZ) 3 Posted June 19, 2012 I agree, camping in a good location (whether it's a loot hotspot or a good place to pick off other players) is just as bad as disconnecting to avoid death. In fact, i'd say it's worse because it affects other players more. I'm not really sure what the solution is though. There are a number of things that could be done to discourage people from server hopping in loot hotspots, but not so much to stop someone simply camping in a great location for racking up kills. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted June 19, 2012 Have to disagree partially.Disconnecting is a game breaking exploit that is impeding the mods progression and development, and Camping is the worst cases rather spineless but is a legit tactic.The Camper may be there covering his buddies ass as they scout and/or raid. Excepted, they may just be being an ass, but theres not much way for the mod to tell them apart.Its kind of everyones duty to learn the campers favorite places to pitch, and force them out of them yourselves, yup, they'll move and find new ones. But its that cat and mouse dynamic thats so fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leo235 2 Posted June 19, 2012 You can camp in real lifeYou cant disconnect in real life Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turin (DayZ) 3 Posted June 19, 2012 Have to disagree partially.Disconnecting is a game breaking exploit that is impeding the mods progression and development' date=' and Camping is the worst cases rather spineless but [i']is a legit tactic.The Camper may be there covering his buddies ass as they scout and/or raid. Excepted, they may just be being an ass, but theres not much way for the mod to tell them apart.Its kind of everyones duty to learn the campers favorite places to pitch, and force them out of them yourselves, yup, they'll move and find new ones. But its that cat and mouse dynamic thats so fun.It's not so much the act of camping that's the problem by itself. It's when people camp in one location, then spawn in that same location over and over again each time they join a new server. Many even deliberately hop between servers with the intention of finding loot. If someone deliberately camps inside the NW airfield barracks so whenever they join another server they can gather more loot or catch other players legitimately looting the building by surprise in order to steal their loot, how is that not an exploit? :huh: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KVCC 1 Posted June 19, 2012 @kvcc you claim that you did it yourself.why on earth if you hate something why on planet earth would you do it as well.its just hypocritic. if we can't beat them' date=' join them, then we might aswell hang around with zombies...server hopping is going to be an issue but if a game is realtime you will always have that problem. also, some people actually just joined your server and play legitimate.as for the camping problem.you realise you can also camp the campers out.and you can just avoid them. if you take the risk for high loot no wonder you are going to get killed by a camper.Edit: their camping time = your travel/looting time[/quote']Well, of course I did it myself.... I'm being honest at least, I wanted to see if it gives the upper hand...which it does.I think what may be the problem.....we need more areas with medium-high yield spots!While camping is cheap, I don't think it's something the player should be punished for, because sometimes you are just being sneaky or chilling out and not necessarily camping to kill someone....But, what if we had more medium-high yield areas? At least 1 in some of the more remote locations, that way new players that look up loot maps wouldn't be instanly drawn to cherno/elektro/stary/airfield....I mean let's face it, those are the places you go to get good gear, every other place is usually a WASTE OF TIME (for the casual player at least).Sometimes you get lucky, but I think spreading out the medium-high yield spots might decrease some of the camping.. What do you think? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted June 19, 2012 Disconnecting to avoid dangers = exlpoiting game mechanic.Camping = exploiting other player's stupidity or greed.Talk about camping on a 225km2 map. :s Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehclip 0 Posted June 19, 2012 I pretty much agree with 'Never.'Camping is 100% legitimate. In such a hardcore survival game, you are going to want to do as little as possible that can get you killed. You are going to watch your back like crazy, move as little as possible, move as slowly as possible, and watch areas for a long, LONG time until you are sure its safe.This is NOT some random game where people run around and shoot each other, respawn with a new M16, then shoot each other again. Your goal is to keep everything you have.I'm sorry to tell you this, but in the real world, you do NOT want to play fair. You are going to do what you can to win. Because if you don't, you die.Perhaps a movie will help you imagine the situation. Think back to The Patriot. You have the redcoats saying that the militia is uncivilized and ungentlemanly because of the way they fight. Now just why in the hell would I stand in front of your gun so you can shoot me?The ONLY thing that is wrong, is the ability to log in and out so easily, switching servers at will. Its basically teleportation. You may or may not intend to do so. If I check an area out, see no one, enter the area, and THEN someone spawns into the game and sees me instantly to shoot me, then thats not very fair or realistic. But that is MUCH less likely to happen than someone who just happened to sneak up on me, or I just didn't catch him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted June 19, 2012 disconnect is a blatent exploit, camping is a natural consequence of the freedom afforded in a sandbox game like this.The answer is simple. Bandits camping Cherno? go somewhere else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 22 Posted June 19, 2012 ***I agree, I think two things could help::angel:1. Scoped Rifles and Binoc lenses flares when facing any direction besides directly away from the sun +/- 30~ degrees. 2. Randomize spawnpoints for rejoining a server to be 300m from the location you logged out (with preference towards spawning you away from buildings, and in the forest). With ability to de-spawn loot/zombies that are within 30m of you, and items within 0 meters of you (so you don't spawn in a tree).As for spawning in behind people who have cleared the area, or on hills after they have checked the hills. I agree it would be way better if that was fixed, because it happens, a lot. A FUCKING LOT. To your advantage and disadvantage, most often the later due to campers server hopping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KVCC 1 Posted June 19, 2012 Disconnecting to avoid dangers = exlpoiting game mechanic.Camping = exploiting other player's stupidity or greed.Talk about camping on a 225km2 map. :sRead above post.Medium-high yield areas need to be spread out more to remote locations so new players aren't drawn to cherno/elektro/airfield/stary/etc from loot maps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turin (DayZ) 3 Posted June 19, 2012 disconnect is a blatent exploit' date=' camping is a natural consequence of the freedom afforded in a sandbox game like this.The answer is simple. Bandits camping Cherno? go somewhere else.[/quote']Again, it's not so much the act of camping by itself. It's camping with the deliberate intention of spawning in that same location over and over gain each time you join a new server. See how you like it when you're exploring the NW airfield barracks, check every room is empty, then have some idiot warp inside the building right behind you who shoots you in the head and takes your stuff. :-/ It's happened to me three times now. Twice in the NW barracks, and once in the Cherno hospital tents. Others i've spoken to have had the same thing happen to them as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted June 19, 2012 It's not so much the act of camping that's the problem by itself. It's when people camp in one location' date=' then spawn in that same location over and over again each time they join a new server. Many even deliberately hop between servers with the intention of finding loot. If someone deliberately camps inside the NW airfield barracks so whenever they join another server they can gather more loot or catch other players legitimately looting the building by surprise in order to steal their loot, how is that not an exploit? :huh:[/quote']See thats a problem with the whole server hopping/ghosting issue directly. I totally agree that it is a shitty 'tactic' (hate to even suggest it actually is one) and something that needs to be fixed. I'm torn between the ideas of the freedom to move your character to free server spaces as it is now, and locking characters to a much smaller group or even just one server.Trying characters to one server i think would be as harsh as it sounds, but until some good thinking is done to counter server hopping and an action put into place maybe its worth trying a lockdown as a temp measure against it.I suggest before maybe making players have a home 'tent' or shelter (kind of thing), that they respawn near, make it portable, so you can reset it when on long trips, but also with a long set up animation.that way if your 'home' isn't near when you try and hop you get shifted to it.Imperfect fix i know but its one idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted June 19, 2012 Ah I see what you mean.Well I agree. Perhaps a limit to how close to other players you can spawn... if you would be spawning within 300m of some one your spawn point gets shifted so that it is outside that radius.As for stopping server hopping for farming, well thats a tricky one, difficult to come up with a solution that doesnt penalise the innocent along with the guilty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted June 19, 2012 Can we say we've agreed that camping is legit?Its just this new brand of meta-troll-ghost-hop camping that is the problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capercaillie 16 Posted June 19, 2012 I sure hope that you are saying that "server hopping" is the problem here.If you seriously start explaining that there is a camper problem in day z, you can go straight back to your favorite random fps game you kid.I agree that there are problems with disconnecting/server hopping, but seriously, camping?If you didn't mean "camping" is an issue, then I apologize for my rudeness, other than that, cry about "campers" -> you should burn your pc and buy a new one when you are mentally atleast 7 years older.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted June 19, 2012 Read above post.Medium-high yield areas need to be spread out more to remote locations so new players aren't drawn to cherno/elektro/airfield/stary/etc from loot maps.Deer stands are already spread all over the map and any youtube video warns new players about going to cherno/elektro/airfield. If you go there for high-level loot you must be willing to compete. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted June 19, 2012 Read above post.Medium-high yield areas need to be spread out more to remote locations so new players aren't drawn to cherno/elektro/airfield/stary/etc from loot maps.Deer stands are already spread all over the map and any youtube video warns new players about going to cherno/elektro/airfield. If you go there for high-level loot you must be willing to compete.Yeah thats it really.you've heard the rumours of loot there, the same you've heard its a deathtrap. If you want that gear you best be prepared to work and fight for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 37 Posted June 19, 2012 Stop standing around in the open or just get out of Cherno altogether. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capercaillie 16 Posted June 19, 2012 Stop standing around in the open or just get out of Cherno altogether.+1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites