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Looking for a group.

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Hello all,

I will be playing all different hours of the day, but usually never past midnight (EST), so I'm looking for any active clans or groups that play mostly during the day and early evening (EST). Thanks!

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Hello there!

Feel free to come and check out the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland, or TMW for short.

TMW is a friendly Hero clan that mainly operates along the Main Hive, our goal is to show that DayZ does not have to be shoot on sight, we tend to go around

major cities offering aid to other players and neutralizing anyone who shows them self to be hostile.

When were not doing that we are on medic operations, we have a sticky thread on this website created by Dr Wasteland MD, (our founder). In this thread players

can request help from TMW, and then we will dispatch a team to their aid, this includes medical and general survival, food and water and such.

There is much more to us, as we cater for most styles of gameplay.

  • Medic
  • Bodyguard
  • Supply & Logistics

Because of how TMW is laid out it supports all types of players, New or Veteran, For our new players not only do we have our large 150+ Member community to help guide them, but we also have a dedicated rank within TMW known as "Mentors" to help you get to grips with the game.

Any way if you would like to know more go ahead and come onto our teamspeak and chat to a few of our members, and feel free to come and play on our main hive

servers, that are monitored by active and friendly admins.

Contact info:

  • Teamspeak: ts.dayzmedics.com
  • DayzMod.com Sticky Thread: Medic Thread
  • TMW Forum: tmwdayz.com
  • Gameservers: US2419 / EU2419
  • Or feel free to PM me personally for more info!

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Recruitment Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...-noob-friendly/

Server Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...custom-scripts/

Server Changelog Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...s-changelog-22/

Update Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...tes-are-coming/

Many of the players in BP are based in EST, we also have 3 other clans that play on our server (1 hero, 2 bandit) so you have more than one option if our clan is not active enough for you.



Custom DayZ Hive

New Vanilla DayZ Hive


Public Teamspeak Server


Minecraft Factions PvP Server

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I have a group and would be happy to have you join us. We are not a big clan like the above posts we are just a small group and we are looking for a couple additional players. If you are interested please pm me your skype.

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I have been playing a few weeks and getting comfortable with the game. I am looking for a group/clan or individuals to play with. I am an older (36) professional family guy so only get hours in weekday evenings and play late on weekends.


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I have been playing a few weeks and getting comfortable with the game. I am looking for a group/clan or individuals to play with. I am an older (36) professional family guy so only get hours in weekday evenings and play late on weekends.


try my server in my sig, many of us are old farts :P , click server info

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