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Day 1 down. a lot more to go

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I have had this game for a little while but never got it to run, turns out it was the servers I was trying to get into. I learned how to filter all the stuff and using the dayz commander I am a lot better now. game runs great. I am having a blast.

So I started playing, trying to learn, and first time I spawn'd I ran around aimlessly not really knowing what to do lol, I didnt read any tutorials or anything, in fact I learned just afterwards that you can equip the fire axe... stupid me right. Anyways I stumbled upon a big town first which was quite the experience, I crept my way through the town everywhere because I was nervous, didnt quite realize you can run away from the z's.. I got through the town not realy finding anything. Then stumbled upon a barn which happened to have a shotgun and some shells. Was excited for my first gun, needless to say about 12 mins later I was killed by another player, but what upset me most was that he was kicked instantly with a message saying user so and so got a kill with an unauthorized weapon, or something of that manner..

Oh well, so on to the next character. Started off literally right next to an army tent set up, lots of tents. I said screw it and ran full speed through it even though there were about 20 z's. I found NOTHING.. in one tent there was a fuel can and a rack of guns but I couldnt pick up a single one. So I left the army set up and ran away to the forest. I stubled upon a hangar with a fully working heli, however had no fuel.. ran into another player who was awesome enough to give me an assault rifle and I was on my way. as of now im by the ocean, in a big town, in a big garage..

Thats where my day ends for now, Its a blast.. but I def. need to find some friendlies to play with.

*one question. Is there a way to save your gear and bring it to a different server?

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Hey dude! Glad you are enjoying the mod. It really is loads of fun.

1. It seems like you are in/ at Balota Airfield.

2. About saving gear, if you use a public server, your character load out and gear is shared among ALL PUBLIC HIVE servers. If you use a Private Hive server, it is on that server only. All vehicles and tents are server specific.

3. To enhance your DayZ experience, I suggest getting white listed at balotabuddies.net You will meet great people, and have awesome experiences.

Edited by Jordan*
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*one question. Is there a way to save your gear and bring it to a different server?

Your character/equip. stays on most private servers. There are a few privates hives where you can move from one to the other. Official public servers you can go from one to the other with all your gear. If you select "hide unofficial" in commander, you'll see mostly only public servers.

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Thanks for the info guys, that makes me a lot happier! I hid all the unofficial in the commander as well as basically everything lol.

Jordan im gonna check out that site! I have found a lot of useful info on here alone and im having a lot better time now

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GL. Come back and ask us anything if you need help, although you'll pretty much find a thread that will answer any questions you have.

Also, here's a printable keybinds reference sheet for you. It might help you get started.


Edited by taco241

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Remember these first experiences as some of them will be the best you have

And it's easy to be disheartened by people killing you but as you know someone was willing to risk giving you an assault rifle

Remember that kindness and one day try and return the favour to someone by helping them and you will feel a lot better about yourself

It's hard not to just kill people but stay In cover and talk to people through walls and try and determine if you think they are friendly or not if your planning to talk and trade ect

Just try not to turn to the dark side, there is little hope of return once your a bandit :)

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thanks for the hotkeys, that helped! I couldnt figure out the flashlight hhahaha, man I should read more before I jump in. Who puts it at L?? its always F when I play.

Warrior I hear what our saying, im not trying to go to the bandit dark side, to me I wanna get a couple guys together and run through the biggest towns and try to see how long a camp would last in the middle of some building lol. I gotta get my mic hooked up, I got a turtle beach x41 that I use on my xbox that I know works on my pc, so that will enchance the expierence a lot I know.

I refuse to look at a map (the spawn points map) but will once I get one in game, my question is, I know there are hospitals, is there a prison? or any other huge enterable buildings?

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You sound like the sort of player that would be an asset to a good private hive so if you don't join or stay with Balota Buddies feel free to come play on Hatchet Reloaded's server :) Plenty of people on there team up. Do yourself a favor and try to stay as friendly as possible, sometimes people get into a loop of Kill On Sight *KOS* and they find it hard to trust people again. You might even find a friend :thumbsup:

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fizzyt thanks man, I got on hatchet reloaded's servers and already met a couple friendlies who were awesome. Funny story to tell:

I started up on the server, ran to the nearest big town, the one with that huge hotel in it. I found a building across the street that was multi leveled. I ransacked the place, took every step by the window cautiously, and went through everything. So im walking down and looking out the windows and eventually I come to the bottom level of the building, I walk down the last flight of stairs and right in front I see a bunch of stuff laying there, a knife, some food, and a back pack.. none of this was there a minute ago.. so I run into the other room freaked out. thinking im about to get shot in the head. I see the chat pop up and it says "a present for you".. in my head im like.. ITS A TRAP!! haha So I say, thanks but no thanks, and that I was friendly, the other player said its fine im leaving the area, so figuring screw it I said lets meet up, I joined this server to play with friendlies, a second later, he pops out from behind a wall literally 2 ft in front of me, and sure enough was friendly. It was a server admin, awesome dude, We played together for a bit and grabbed a heli, met with another player who was also really helpful and went around from a bunch of crash sites looting and killing z's. Tons of fun.

this game is hands down 100% better when playing with some other players. Had a blast, and will continue to!

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Glad to hear you are enjoying it. Come back an tell us about your first full on firefight! :P

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Good luck dude.

I can't believe you met up with from friendlies and "grabbed a heli" on one of your first times. That is great.

Your experience is not typical.

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