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is the game stil alive?

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It's been ages since i played dayz

I heard about the big patch coming up and i thought i'll have another play.

are there still many players online like it used to be when it hit it's peak few months ago?

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Depends on which server you want to play on. Not many frequent the public hives these dayz AFAIK

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I recently started playing again and it is indeed true that the public hive needs a bit of love.

If you can find a nice private server without all the BS (500+ vehicles etc) it is still great fun. It is only as fun as what you make of it though, as always.

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Now we've all gone home.... :(

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I recommend everyone taking a look at this graph. It clearly shows the popularity of arma 2 OA of which the majority is DayZ

edit: you can actually see its almost as popular as back when it started

Edited by Felixthefriendlycat
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I recommend everyone taking a look at this graph. It clearly shows the popularity of arma 2 OA of which the majority is DayZ

edit: you can actually see its almost as popular as back when it started

that is really impressive, wouldn't imagine something like this

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I will be honest, I have uninstalled the Mod and Arma 2 today, I want a fresh and clean experience when the SA hits. DayZ mod is as fresh now as it was before the huge rise in users (As shown on the graph)

Anyone saying otherwise is fooling themselves, the work Razor and co have put into it is astounding and the community is better off for it, the mod will live on in its alternative guise when the SA hits, best of both worlds.

I personally want to enjoy it all over again with the SA. I will still inform people and players of the Mods worth and value, SA aside.

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You are a strong man Michaelvoodoo25. I cannot seem to tear myself away...

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After months of 5 hours a day every day I had to let it slide or I would have killed it all for me like I did with Nirvanas' Nevermind back in the day.

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DayZ is as popular as ever, but players now only tend to play PvP servers. 'Action' is the new survival.

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I have tried playing a few times recently. But to be honest it just didnt grab me like it did when I first played it. For me DayZ was a survival game, I just don't like trying to survive countless invisible snipers and constantly running around with a train of zombies. You cant shoot the z's cos of all the extra aggro, and you always have to resort the rediculous hiding in a bush thing.

The best experience I now have is the first few times I play on a brand new map that I and others are not familiar with. As soon as players know every detail of a map it just becomes about who can get to the loot spawns first etc.

I am really hoping that the SA engine will be different enough to allow the game to be what it should have been.

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