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Japanimation (DayZ)

How come I keep spawning as a Bandit?

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I've recently started playing DayZ again in the last few weeks and I've been spawning as a Bandit unconditionally. I just spent the last two days in the wilderness because it is rumored to help mediate your humanity; however, I was shot and killed. Now, normally, if I went around shooting people - you know, as a Bandit does, I wouldn't care. But, I don't.

When I used to play, I didn't either. I stopped playing for a while, then got on the game about a month ago with a friend out of spite, where I shot someone after they killed my friend. It immediately bugged me through the floor while changing my skin, gave me the Bandit skin, and I have since spawned with it, making any contact with another player hopeless.

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What's your humanity level?

I have no idea how to check it. Back when I used to play it didn't even show and the spawns were independent, meaning you always spawned as a regular character and if you killed someone, then you became a Bandit. I only play on Vanilla "Official" DayZ servers.

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Press Insert to see your stats. Your humanity will slowly increase over time but healing other players will quickly increase it.

Edited by SmashT

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