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Please limit topic bumping to once per-day, absolute maximum.

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Please limit topic bumping to once per-day, absolute maximum.

really? I see a lot of people bumping threads 5+ times a day on this forum

and would you mind deleting

offensive post please? There's no reason for that kind of language on my thread.. thanks!

Edited by VoidObject

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there's like 25 people on Chernarus right now and about 10 on Origins.. need more population guys try us out =)

the servers are still "new" but we already have a good group of regulars as well

ill update the current population from time to time on this thread

Edited by VoidObject

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Yes, really. Stop it.

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Yes, really. Stop it.

stop what? im not even bumping anymore and you still havent removed the post I requested

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16 on Chernarus and 5 on Origins but it's still early, will fill up more later on in the night

One of our admins streams occasionally, you can see that here: http://www.twitch.tv/crash_collide

Our owner also has a twitch stream: http://www.twitch.tv/eXy247

Chernarus is half full at 25, commander is bugging for me though so I can't update on Origins, will soon


Edited by Inception.

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stop what? im not even bumping anymore and you still havent removed the post I requested

You're double posting every couple of hours = bumping. And why would I remove a post that doesn't break any rules? You can't just have posts that you don't like removed, people are allowed to express their opinions.

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Also, instead of creating a new post, edit a previous post of yours and add the information there.

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Sorry didn't know I could edit the title

It's cool, just add the rest of the info from your other post onto here.

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daily bump allowance

Edited by VoidObject

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