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Zombies after patch

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Zombies now just seem to find me wherever i am, they also behave really weirdly, like running past me and then turning around and chase. Really spastic movement and they also just seem to go after me even if they haven't seen me. like wandering up stairs and looking around for me

This just makes it incredibly hard for me (new player, no weapons, never found one in 3 days of playing)

Is this intended?

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someone is going to say "welcome to dayz" or something dismissive like that.

that person will be an idiot.

you have valid concerns and should be commended for expressing them.

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* [NEW] Once infected lose line-of-sight they will try investigate where you are

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Also, I believe the sound of crouch walking increased as while being in crouch I seemed to pull towns from quite a distance. However hold shift while crouched you slow down and your sound drops substantially. Was able to traverse through towns fairly easy as a result. However at a much slower pace but far more realistic as we are not ninjas we are carrying canned goods, weapons, ammo, and whatever else. I have no doubt we would make a considerable amount of noise.

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Point is, they have neevr found me in the first place. I am literally crawling around, and somehow they still go looking for me (and obv find me since i am fucking slow when crawling)

For example, i joined a server, spawned inside a house, was crouching with sneak on looking for items, and zombies just go in to the house and hunt me down. I mean, how the fuck am i supposed to find anything without weapons like this?

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Ya it is really messed up. In buildings the most. Some areas of buildings will make you have a very low sound and eye meter, than you walk two feet and they go all the way up to 5 and every infected in town runs to you.

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I think either the zombies are broken or the goal is to remove stealth from the game.

I just gave a try and the zombies spotted me from a hundred meters even when I was crouched moving. They also seem to detect crawling pretty easy, though not as bad as crouched.

They seem to have super hearing. I was crouch moving inside a building on the third floor and zombies were piling up outside and shrieking every time I moved.

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This just makes it incredibly hard for me (new player' date=' no weapons, never found one in 3 days of playing)


OK, you haven't found a gun in three days of playing?!

Thats an incredible achievement, i'm staggered.

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I think either the zombies are broken or the goal is to remove stealth from the game.

I just gave a try and the zombies spotted me from a hundred meters even when I was crouched moving. They also seem to detect crawling pretty easy' date=' though not as bad as crouched.

They seem to have super hearing. I was crouch moving inside a building on the third floor and zombies were piling up outside and shrieking every time I moved.


Kinda same issue here, furthest zombie away (about 70+meters) got aggroed to me somehow, i had to take the shot, and pulled waves after waves of zombies until i had used my 30x5 mags of AK ammo on them. It seemd like they kept respawning, that or i pulled multiple towns thats out in the middle of the forest...

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Right now i would go as far as saying it is unplayable for new / badly equipped players, it is just not doable.

Don't think ill play until something is fixed.

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I found that prone was significantly poor in lue of simply crouching and walking... I think it is a 1 visibility hit on the gauge. The sandbox appears to infer that the better method now is to work from building to building as proximity to structures drops vis from 3 to 1 or nil if not moving.

This allows for more tin cans and smoke pops (z crack) and facilitates a "Z management" style rather than a pure ninja avoidance technique. Prone is still useful but not as dependent as it was at .2 or .1 as it has been my experience.

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Well, with the recent patches having screwed up spawns its pretty believable to not find any guns (I havent seen a single gun spawn all day). I just tried playing and pulled zombies from +100m by crouch walking in a building. It is obviously not intentional, the game is broken, just wait for (and pray it works!)

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Point is' date=' they have neevr found me in the first place. I am literally crawling around, and somehow they still go looking for me (and obv find me since i am fucking slow when crawling)

For example, i joined a server, spawned inside a house, was crouching with sneak on looking for items, and zombies just go in to the house and hunt me down. I mean, how the fuck am i supposed to find anything without weapons like this?


Eventually they'll make the game so brutally difficult it won't be fun anymore and nobody will play. Hopefully the game finds a more player-friendly balance sooner rather than later.

oh and Inb4 welcome to dayz...

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Same issues for me as well. You can't walk in any city basically without aggro-ing the whole freaking place.

As for gun spawns, I've seen multiple Enfields, Remingtons, Revolvers, M1911's and AK's. You guys aren't looking in the right spots.

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This just makes it incredibly hard for me (new player' date=' no weapons, never found one in 3 days of playing)


OK, you haven't found a gun in three days of playing?!

Thats an incredible achievement, i'm staggered.

I can imagine it is easier if you know where to look and allready have a weapon so you can clear whatever zombies may be guarding those buildings

oh, and not 3 days of non stop playing ofc, i get demoralized after a couple of hours of nothing

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Same issues for me as well. You can't walk in any city basically without aggro-ing the whole freaking place.

As for gun spawns' date=' I've seen multiple Enfields, Remingtons, Revolvers, M1911's and AK's. You guys aren't looking in the right spots.


I was in NWAF and even jumped a couple servers, if you see guns then it might just be a spawn rate decrease or something.

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Just made my way thru Berezino without issues. Yes I aggroed a few zombies, on purpose to see how they act on the new update. I had little to no issue maneuvering around undetected when I wanted to.

Granted I have a weapon so I am able to push the limit with a little bit of a safety net, but I didn't have to shoot as long as I was careful and took my time.

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Zombies seem to be faster and basically able to divine your location no matter what, it seems.

I was having no problems today. Now, spawning and taking a few steps aggros the closest zombies.

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Zombies will follow you after loss of LoS, and will also go/spawn in buildings randomly now.

It is intentional. Zombies weren't deadly enough before.

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This version has removed stealth as an option. it is unplayable. I wish some servers would go back to untii stealth returns as a viable mechanic.

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I agree that the aggro is a tad too sensitive, i was just testing it out, pulled one, from, mustve been 100m at least crouch running, ran through a building out the otherside, crouched walked, my vision was 0, sound on 0-1 bar, the zed still managed to easily chase after me round and round, and i just bled out, was no hope of escape. I like the zombies investigating for you, but the aggro is just too sensitive, sound bar seems to always be on 4 bars unless im crawling or not moving.

tl;dr. Sound bar always high, zed aggro very little too sensitive.

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Zombies will follow you after loss of LoS' date=' and will also go/spawn in buildings randomly now.

It is intentional. Zombies weren't deadly enough before.


Maybe they werent deadly enough for players with full kit. but for new players its nto doable and just a major "fuck this" factor.

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