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Is the standalone worked on side by side the mod?

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I was wondering whether all the updates we have had for the mod would also be implemented into the standalone before the alpha is released.

I definitely hope so because the upcoming 1.7.7 patch is the best one so far. The reason that made me think it was done this way was because I heard they could not release the 1.7.7 patch before the return of Rocket Hall. Which is odd since Dean stated he wasn't involved in the mod development anymore (understandably). Unless these changes will also be implemented into the standalone.

If anyone could give me the answer that would be great

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You realize that the Standalone is a new game, not an updated version of the mod?

quote from a devblog:

The experience will be entirely new. There is virtually nothing that has been directly ported from the mod, everything has been redone.

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The standalone is going to be a proper game, the mod is now run by the community - nothing to do with Rocket and the crew anymore.

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R4Z0R and others are doing the mod updates, but i heard Rocket still has the final say on what is or isn't added.

SA has a different team.

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Clearly somethings not right here as we are waiting on him to return for the 1.7.7 build.

No we're not. Where did you hear that?

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Yes we are. Razor has said.


Huh. Mind giving me a quote? I didn't see that.

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Rocket isn't actively working on the mod anymore, but he still approves of any changes to it, since it is his game and he wants the identity of the mod to not go too far off base.

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Yeh, it's already been said really but just to clarify:

The mod is worked on by the community devs for free and has nothing to do with SA development, that is an entirely separate project now backed by BIS with Rocket as project lead. Although separate I believe they have to get the greenlight from Rocket before making the mod updates public. This is to make sure that the mod keeps to the initial concept and doesn't go wildly off course (my interpretation).

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Hello there

As to the original OP question I would not be surprised if both the mod and the SA take some inspiration from eachother but on the whole they are two different beasts on a similar engine with a similar theme. I'd like to think that the SA wond be *just* a tarted up version of the mod, although there will be similarities.



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Hello there

As to the original OP question I would not be surprised if both the mod and the SA take some inspiration from eachother but on the whole they are two different beasts on a similar engine with a similar theme. I'd like to think that the SA wond be *just* a tarted up version of the mod, although there will be similarities.



Thanks for that reply. I understand it will be a totally new game but what I really meant to say was: are the bugfixes and general improvements being implemented into the SA. I understand "features" are a whole other thing. The general improvements would be for example the new bullet trajectory being improved so its affected by wind ( something I think is going to make gunfights much more realistic and I do not see any reason why not to use it), and bugfixes like zombies not hitting through walls etc. You know, stuff we can all agree on that should be in SA. I think those general improvements are what could split up the community if SA doesn't incorporate them. We want as much people playing the alpha as possible so the devs can get the most feedback, but if they are slow with adopting those general improvements then I think it could slow down the rest of the development into a full game.

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Well, many of the bugs are a result of the mod being a mod, the modders cannot access the engine, they can only work with what they have from Arma2, which is a buggy game. One of the main reasons they moved onto making the SA was so that they could address this properly, so yes, these bugs we're familiar with are top priority along with security.

So in short: Yes, that's basically the point of making the SA.

Edited by Fraggle

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Hello there

The devs are obviously going to keep an eye on the boards (and reddit etc) and the feedback they give, but one has to remember the SA is not a polished version of the mod, so many issues aspects that are in the mod will simply not be present or apply to the SA.

The mod and the SA are two different beasts following two very distinctly different paths, although in a ven diagram there's many overlaps.



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To clear things up if they havent already, Rocket is needed for his signature to release the mod, he doesn't have much say in what goes on in it anymore.

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