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Clone Versions of myself on certain servers ?

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So, i only just started playing day z again recently, and i find there is alot less of the official servers that are all the proper versions and such, and today i was playing on US 4799, now my camp had been raided earlier in the day, and i had died, losing my ghille suit. i went to cherno to get new tents in an attempt to form a new camp, i went out for a few hours, and continued, collected some tents and went towards electro. a while later when my home server returned to daylight i went on to that server to go recover whatever i could from my camp and relocate, but i found myself.. back in the forest near my camp, with my previous weapon, and still in my ghillie suit .. from my previous life.. also my tent had no longer been raided, and the extra tents i had laid our were gone, so to recap, my newly placed tents were gone, and my raided tent was full again. so i took it as maybe something reset, but now on some servers, im in the forest on my ghillie suit life, and on others, im still in electro with my tents heading to make a new camp, so im kinda confused as to what happened ? the server cloned me ? and now in certain versions im in one place but not in others ? and why did it reset me on my home server, maybe it is was another server i could understand, but the fact that it reset my life on the server i always play on, but im on the further life on other servers, i just dont understand this madness , someone please shed some light on my confusion.

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And all of these servers are using the main hive?

It is possible that your home server was rolled back and the two servers you're talking about are on different hives.

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