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Micro UAVs and IEDs

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I searched both and nothing came up so I don't know if I searched right because they seem fairly suggested but maybe not.

Micro UAV - Found this from looking in Arma 3 features that squads could deploy these so I figured adding a UAV quadcopter with a 1 in a 50000 chance to find one in a military base. Squads could have a UAV pilot to fly one around a town or field giving locations of enemies.

IEDs - You could create an IED with Tin cans + Razors + Scrap metal + [any explosive material] + [some kind of trigger[ could create a nasty IED for the side of a road.

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IED, yes. UAV no.

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love your sig Applejaxc.

Thanks. :)

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I agree with Applejaxc. IEDs would be pretty cool with the new crafting system and what-not!

But I don't think a UAV would be good or even realistic in a zombie apocalypse. If someone had a plane, and it was the zombie apocalypse, I doubt they'd fly around looking for other survivors and targeting them just because some bloke picked it up and told him to ^^ (I'm probably making no sense here, oh well xD)

Also UAVs would be a bit unbalanced for this, just my opinion.

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You can already craft a UAV by jumping out of a helicopter mid-flight...

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You can already craft a UAV by jumping out of a helicopter mid-flight...

lol but you can't look exactly down can you.

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Yes to the IEDs. Stuff some razor blades and other assorted sharp pointy things in there and wait for the boom.

It should be crafted something like this:

Tin can, razor blades etc (optional, just improves damage) hand grenade? and string for a trip wire.

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The UAV just seemed really cool although I doubted it myself as well. I guess it would go along with something more in arma 3 like with the wasteland mode.

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IED is already represented by the Satchel Sarge. Who knows though, could tie into the crafting system. UAV would be game breaking.

Edited by DontTrustPubs

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Although I don't think it should be implemented, a UAV is possible with a remote control quadcopter or something with a camera and a screen to see. Not likeley to be found in some random barn in the middle of Chernarus though.

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IED is already represented by the Satchel Sarge. Who knows though, could tie into the crafting system. UAV would be game breaking.

True but if there was IED capabilities you could add damage at further distances from shrapnel if combined with the explosion power of a satchel in game.

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IEDs could be really cool, imagine rigging just one tent in your camp-site to explode and making it the most obvious, after the would-be looters watch one of their buddy's get blown apart they will be a little less enthusiastic to plunder the rest of your camp.

As for the UAVs? I think not. But a cool substitute could be perhaps a live feed camera hooked up to video receiver of some sort. Could be useful if you wanted to monitor a high traffic area or your camp-site.

Imagine this: "Johnson, ya wanna check the camera to see if there's any movement"? "Sure thing bill, gimme a sec its loading... awww shit, looks like we got some looters checking out our tents!" "Goddamn it Johnson, radio the chopper!" "This is Johnson to roflcopter, come in"...."This is roflcopter go ahead" "We got some looters at the campsite! divert and engage, how copy?" "Roflcopter copy's all, proceeding to engagement".

*Roflcopter subsequently explodes due to a shoddy engine nobody could be bothered to repair*

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IEDs could be really cool, imagine rigging just one tent in your camp-site to explode and making it the most obvious, after the would-be looters watch one of their buddy's get blown apart they will be a little less enthusiastic to plunder the rest of your camp.

As for the UAVs? I think not. But a cool substitute could be perhaps a live feed camera hooked up to video receiver of some sort. Could be useful if you wanted to monitor a high traffic area or your camp-site.

Imagine this: "Johnson, ya wanna check the camera to see if there's any movement"? "Sure thing bill, gimme a sec its loading... awww shit, looks like we got some looters checking out our tents!" "Goddamn it Johnson, radio the chopper!" "This is Johnson to roflcopter, come in"...."This is roflcopter go ahead" "We got some looters at the campsite! divert and engage, how copy?" "Roflcopter copy's all, proceeding to engagement".

*Roflcopter subsequently explodes due to a shoddy engine nobody could be bothered to repair*

rolfcopter :)

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I do think that IED's are a lot more plausable than satchel charges, especially if all weaponary is getting toned down in regards to miltary-graded gear...

UAVs... Just no.

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I do think that IED's are a lot more plausable than satchel charges, especially if all weaponary is getting toned down in regards to miltary-graded gear...

UAVs... Just no.

Well that's exactly why IED's are made. When military grade gear is unavailable. Thats why they are "improvised". You just need a lot of nasty things and something that will go boom. Depends on your chemical prowess how easy the 'boom' component can be gotten.

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Where do you guys get all your high tech gear from when nobody manufactures it anymore? You really think there would be any military toys of this kind left for you to find after even just a month?

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