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Newly made server looking for a solid community! - vehicles, events, extremely active admins!

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Me and my buddy made a server two days ago. We have already implemented several things to there server. At this point, all we need is YOU!

Server includes:

- Antihax

- Custom bases (we are putting a lot of time into this)

- Active admins (Very active)

- Plenty of vehicles

- Events (Here is one we did a long time ago as moderators


- Custom load outs

- donator perks

- Clan oriented (Bring your buddies!... Stay around long enough, you might get a base O.o

We are here to have fun just like everyone else. Nonetheless, we expect to be spending most of our time keeping the server up to date and hacker free.

If you need to contact me or the other admin our skype info is c.duck305 & douglasnapoli... (You may also message me on here via pm or post)

Server Filter: LBX or Lead By Xample

Edited by C.duck305

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Lots of new things added, were putting a lot of time into this. Come check it out :)

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Hey there. Enough of the bumps.

If you have something you want to add in regards to your server then that is all fine and good.

You want to explain your custom bases, events etc then sure thing, no worries.

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Just added vehicle towing. Come check the server out. I guarentee you won't regret it.

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Currently averaging around 5-10 people during the day, obviously not horrible seeing at we just made the server. Hope to get more though :)

Edited by C.duck305

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^ This guy, SMH... sigh, why even have forums.

He's doing you a favor. Your post looks disgusting with all those bumps. Mine used to look like that, then I had the mods delete it and I remade it with more informative information other than "Bump". BTW Shaking your head at the admins will get you nowhere. Edited by Beck

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I have absolutely no interest in receiving help where it is not requested. Therefore, he is not doing me a favor. Nor are you. Unless you have something worthwhile to say in relation to the server, please stay off my thread. Thank you :)

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