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Zombie Children YAY or NAY

Zombie Children in game?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Should zombie children be added?

    • Yay
    • Nay

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Explain Dead Space 3 idiot. Nuff said.

I like how you call someone an idiot right after mislabeling dead space 2 as 3 XD

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I like how you call someone an idiot right after mislabeling dead space 2 as 3 XD

It's late and I'm tired of these "ethical" & "moral" zealots trying to prohibit the full potential of this zombie apocalypse sim.

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As stated in some other threads refering to this topic I can only say that it definitely is okay. Zombies are no longer human kind and show only a deathly kind of living entity (I know this sounds strange) without any personal or emotional self identifying or social interaction with other zombies and without any chance of being healed by any infection. So there is absolutely no worry to kill a child looking zombie because this entity is already dead. As a survivor wether in a game or real life (imagine a zombie apocalypse) you wouldn't hesitate to protect yourself from attacks of flesh eating creatures. And due to this state I only can repeat myself honestly that it is DEFINITELY OK.

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As a fan of The Walking Dead series and Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake both of which features zombie children, yes i would love to see zombie children and even female zombies. Would add a lot of variety and immersion to the game.

ps. shouldn't this thread moved to the 'DayZ Suggestions' section?

Edited by leeo38

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Dead Space did it. Although they aren't really children anymore, per say. ;P

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Scenario wise, I think all the kids would have been first to go, via evacuation and Food source.

And DayZ does not need this kind of attention at this stage of development, if ever. however i can see could be a logical step in development and ideas.

I for one will not play a game that places the idea of Dead children in a game, Please seriously look at what your asking.

I've been in warzones all over the world and I have never ever seen the need for Anyone to suffer let alone Kids.

My opinion, and I can accept others too, which makes me a grown up.

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As this game will be standalone at one point, that entails it to being rated at some point.

Child killing will give it an instant 18+ rating in all countries, and banned in others which have strict laws, such as Germany.

Risk vs. Reward from a business perspective isn't worth it. It would be just to many headaches for Rocket, legally speaking.

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Scenario wise, I think all the kids would have been first to go, via evacuation and Food source.

And DayZ does not need this kind of attention at this stage of development, if ever. however i can see could be a logical step in development and ideas.

I for one will not play a game that places the idea of Dead children in a game, Please seriously look at what your asking.

I've been in warzones all over the world and I have never ever seen the need for Anyone to suffer let alone Kids.

My opinion, and I can accept others too, which makes me a grown up.

What part of zombie kids do you not comprehend. Rocket wants to make an anti-game where it will get under your skin. We're just supporting the core and expanding on his idea. Zombie kids =/= Real life kids. Zombies are not real therefore it's legally possible to implement this into the sim. Dead Space 2 did why not Day Z.

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Also those people saying "Dead space did it" :

Those aren't children in the eyes of the people who rate games.

They are clearly monsters, with a slight resemblance - only the shape of the head, really.

Whereas killing an infected Human child (representing a live child basically) is a huge no-no. You won't find ANY single game with this feature, unless its added by a mod.

And I challenge you to find a single game which has added it.

Edited by DarkRaven123

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With little children growling voices. Creepy as hell

Also, why no female zombies?

Mother of.. This would be so creepy! Imagine kids crawling around like the "monkey" zombies... I'd have a heart attack!

We need it!

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I've been in warzones all over the world and I have never ever seen the need for Anyone to suffer let alone Kids.

How is this relevant to this thread? I hope you don't think zombie kids and let alone kids are the same.. I mean, wtf?! There isn't even a single point of equality.

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Also those people saying "Dead space did it" :

Those aren't children in the eyes of the people who rate games.

They are clearly monsters, with a slight resemblance - only the shape of the head, really.

Whereas killing an infected Human child (representing a live child basically) is a huge no-no. You won't find ANY single game with this feature, unless its added by a mod.

And I challenge you to find a single game which has added it.

You haven't even played Dead Space 2 haven't you. The children necros are bipedal and still resemble a human child appearance: height, voice, setting, etc. Shit even in the Dead Space game where you had to fight through a nursery and a elementary school. But sure okay let me add a game that had child violence in it: F.E.A.R 3.

Edit: Zombies and necro's are in the same category, Rocket will add it.

Edit: Unlike DayZ and Dead Space where it's the UNDEAD, in Sims 3 you can kill REAL-LIKE children yet this game is rated T for Teen.

Edited by L33tmoaf

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Yay and Nay.

Sort of yes as in: It's different, creepy, scary. It brings us more in tune with the fact that all of those Zeds are/were actually human. Right now, they're like a mockery of humans crossed with Hussein Bolt. They are a pain in the butt, but Zed killing never scared me, nor did I have actually any emotional response to Zed killing (Apart from "Dang, so much wasted ammo, dude!").

Adding those little buggers and other Zeds that have a clear history (Read in this topic something like a bride and groom around churches. Man is that twisted and cool) that bring emotions when faced.

Also, from a gameplay point of view, hard to spot midgets that run more slowly and hurt less would still give the alternative of losing them instead of killing them, but you still have to look for them around.

Maybe having them crying really loud and attracting zeds when they spot you could be an interesting feature.

The Nay part s a said above in several posts: Many countries, Germany in the lead, censor their games (But porn or violent films don't get banned) and would prevent a game with such a feature to be sold, creating a neat loss. The really ironic thing is that if age limitations were actually enforced and followed, none of that crap would be a problem. If 18+ games were only available to those, it would really be better for the game industry...

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Its because of the media that we can't have nice things! Nay - Some right-wing mothers would scream like those aliens in the movie "Bodysnatchers".

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How is this relevant to this thread? I hope you don't think zombie kids and let alone kids are the same.. I mean, wtf?! There isn't even a single point of equality.

No i dont think Zombies and Kids are the same, I just dont think the representation of "Infected Kids" is needed in DayZ ever.

Did you not read where I said my Opinion? I can see the point and perhaps logical need, but At such an early stage of development I cannot see it being implimented in our P.C. world today.

Edit: Zombies and necro's are in the same category, Rocket will add it. Where did he saythis?

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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I say 'yay' for this... though it's not the top priority in this mod.

But if this does come through at some point, I want to play as a child character, name him Truffle Shuffle, make use of peoples' paternal/maternal instincts and then stab them in the back while listening to Skrillex's Kill Everybody

Edited by Private Poptarts

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I say 'yay' for this... though it's not the top priority in this mod.

But if this does come through at some point, I want to play as a child character, name him Truffle Shuffle, make use of peoples' paternal/maternal instincts and then stab them in the back while listening to Skrillex's Kill Everybody

I would name my child character Chucky and hope they implement knives into the game as a weapon.

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Absolutely NO

I personally think this takes the topic a bit to far and furthermore i dont want an open discussion in the media wether or not this game should be set on an index.

The adding of killable child-zombies is unneccessary and really ethical questionable and will lead to more problems on the long run.

Edited by EndEffeKt

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Yes to children and women. It'll be more realistic and i'm already used to it by watching "The walking dead"

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If this happened, it would be as if a million voices cried out..and then were suddenly silenced...

Down under.

U see what I did there..

But seriously, Australia would have a fight on its hands.

I say do it.

R is coming in Jan next year.

Let's rub it in their faces.

Look at how many games out there don't have children...

Does it need it... no, would it enhance the game experience, yes.

If when dayz is rebuilt from the ground up and the place is done up as a nation gone to hell, you will have whole families as zeds.

It should be within context.

A school, would have hundreds... by them selves they do little damage. As a pack...which they hunt in they are more Dangerous than 3-4 adults.

Women will make it in sometime soon I expect.

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You can't put children in a game with combat,not even zombie ones.

Games won't depict children getting killed, which is why the kids in Fallout3 and Skyrim are invinvible.

There are few exceptions, but its still a no-go area politically/morally in most cases.

Edited by disorder

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