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Elevation and bullet trajectory

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Yes you have Sula. Everyone who's ever shared a team speak with you will say the same!

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DayZ of course has gravity, so there will be some difference... will you ever have to take it into consideration? Not really.

Bumping this; lately I've been playing Wasteland Takistan quite a lot, the map has long lines of sight and high hills everywhere.

Anyways yes, your elevation relative to the target can make a significant difference in where the bullet impacts. Noticed this when using a Mk17, SVD and CZ550, at ranges of about 1,000-1,300 meters when shooting downhill you have much less (apparent) "bullet drop" than normal and have to pretend ranges are about 20-30 meters less than the rangefinder says, otherwise it will go well over the enemies' heads.

Edited by Gews

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