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Noob question, Server restart/Out of vehicles

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Hi there, i have this question, there is this server that i really like....

but When does it happends it restarts and you have to start all over again, Like all the vehicles spawn over etc etc.

When does this happens or Does it not happends? thanks :D

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it depends if the server is set to wipe vehicles, on mine I have only wiped vehicles twice since november. Once after a hacker, once after going private (obviously everything has to start again)

All I do is clean up destroyed/out of bounds vehicles and create more new vehicles for next server restart. All other vehicles stay.

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Ive been on some servers where vehicles and tents are removed after a restart because of database problems.

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This is simply a choice of the server. I should hope it gives you a warning of when it's going to restart, this typically shows up in the chat area. I suggest finding another server if you want to keep your stuff.

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yeah mine restarts 6am and 6pm UK time but everything stays, only new stuff spawns in to replace destroyed vehicles

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