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Helicopter Drops: Ocean and Offshore landing

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So me and my brother were flying our Helicopter to a safe location, AN island off the shore, And we ran into a problem. It was dark. We could not for the life of us make out any nearby trees so we had to circle the area a few times before painstakingly making a landing.

My question is, Does ejecting from a Heli into water work? Will it kill you? Or will you drop safely?

If so we may be able to drop the passenger and have them Light up the LZ with a Flare and therefore land more safely. But I wanted to see what the Community knows about this before actually trying this ourselves.

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Hello there

ensure you have some height though.



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Hello there

ensure you have some height though.



Over water it should not cause damage to your character :)

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Very true, but if its shallow (as its near an island), it might not be a happy ending.

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If you fall from high enough, water will kill you.

no it won't, I've ejected from over 800 up and survived over water, farther then that in the armory

Edited by TheCreeper

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It's the ARMA engine, you're just as likely to survive as you are to be warped to some faraway dimension never to be see again. It's chaos theory applied to game design. :P

Seriously though, the easiest way to find out is to load up a multiplayer editor session with your buddy and test for yourself at the exact location and height you're planning on doing it. That'll give you the answer. For what it's worth, when dropping players off over water, I always tend to fly as low as I dare (often altitudes of 5 or less) and let them hop out there - much less chance of them splattering from that low down.

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