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Ban Appeal US 3480

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I was banned from this server a few days ago for teleporting. my friends asked an admin about it and he said it was because some other guy tried to teleport me or something and he un-banned me. played the rest of the night no problems. tried to connect the next day and i was banned again. i dont hack. my friends play on this server a lot and i would like to join them.

Edited by Hawkeye686

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Like I was told my whole life, grammar is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse.

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cool story bro. no one gives a shit. cant believe you waste your time posting this. grats on your sad life. btw you dont need to capitalize "has" and there is no punctuation.

Edited by Hawkeye686

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Hello there

Back on topic both of you.



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cool story bro. no one gives a shit. cant believe you waste your time posting this. grats on your sad life. btw you dont need to capitalize "has" and there is no punctuation.

Wow, 2 posts in and you're already exchanging nasty words. And also 'has' was starting the sentence, it was right to have a capital.

Sorry for off-topicness, LoK!

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Hey mate, PM me so we can handle this like gentlemen (and avoid further forum-bashing).


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Hello Admin,

Can you please please unban me from 3480 ? I was banned globally but i dont hack. I looked into it and Steam support said I could purchase a new CD key and they'll go through a process to refund/ credit my account. I have a new cd key i purchased and I HAVE NEVER HACKED ON 3480 , ever! check the logs and everything. I respect the admin and I respect the server. I have treated everyone with respect. PLEASE PLEASE unban me, I have not and will never hack on this server, its my favorite server with my base here. I dont want to leave , can you please unban me? My user name is Docholiday. My email is [email protected].

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Hello Admin,

Can you please please unban me from 3480 ? I was banned globally but i dont hack. I looked into it and Steam support said I could purchase a new CD key and they'll go through a process to refund/ credit my account. I have a new cd key i purchased and I HAVE NEVER HACKED ON 3480 , ever! check the logs and everything. I respect the admin and I respect the server. I have treated everyone with respect. PLEASE PLEASE unban me, I have not and will never hack on this server, its my favorite server with my base here. I dont want to leave , can you please unban me? My user name is Docholiday. My email is [email protected].

Valve has a no refund policy so that whole thing about them refunding/giving you a new key is fake and a lie. The only way you can recieve a global ban is if you're running scripts on a BattleEye Enabled server so the ban is valid.

Oh and it seems Valve refunds you multiple times? Heres the same story on a different thread.

Is there any way I can get unbanned? I had CD key issues where I think someone was using my CD key. I dont have hacks, I have no idea how to even get them. I would like a secure place to play, thats all. Can I please get unbanned. Docholiday is my username. Can someone help? my email is [email protected]

Funny that they not only do it once on a No-Refund Policy but twice? It's bullshit if you wiggle your way out of this becuase it's so clear that you're hacking the person believing this sob story must be brain dead.

Edited by Brent

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I respect the admin and I respect the server. I have treated everyone with respect.


Reading your post history is amusing, too. Seems you get banned a lot... perhaps you wouldn't need to lie and cry if you started playing legit.

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