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Hackers and vehicles.

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Hello I'm a new Admin now first off all if vehicles seem to spawn doubles. I'm not bothered about this as it means more people can find or have vehicles. If this is against the rules I would like to know. The bigger issue is that we have had a group of hackers on who teleported all 6 of the helis to there base which I am unable to find to destroy. As well as a large majority of other vehicles. I am wondering if there is a pay to teleport or reset just those vehicles to their original spawn points or a way for me to find out roughly where they have put them all. I have tried resetting and also restarting the server but this had no effect. I kniw they were teleported because i sat 3 different accounts next to all 6 helis. Logged off for 10 minutes and logged on whilst the suspected hackers were on all 6 were gone and players reported that a ural and hummer disappeared whilst they were at base. Please help thank you

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If it's a public hive server give this a read: dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120666-dayz-server-administration-guide/

You should quite easily be able to find any spawned in vehicle in the hiveext.log file. Private hive servers (depending on the hoster) might have some kind of admin tool available, but I dont have any knowledge of those since our server is a public 1.

Your vehicle issues (respawning them where they should spawn) could be fixed as well... Read more about that here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/127958-vehicles-not-respawning/

Edited by terrorizer33
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Sorry i forgot to mention yes it is a public Hive. thank you very much i shall read both links:)

What about vehicles which have been teleported but were injected by the server? would I be able to find them in a similar way to finding out a players location?

Edited by BlueLance
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Yes sir. Vehicles have different ids in the hiveext.log (look them up in the top of the log), but finding them on the map is the same as players.

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My file is .txt not .log? I have also been looking at it and Holy Moly its huge, The file started on the 13th of march. i looked at when i Last reset the server but I Do not know what a vehicle spawn should look like Unfortunately. Any pointers?

Please ignore this message I noticed shortly afterwards how to check for vehicles and I also created a small script to check for banned items on my server using the log file. Is it possible to destroy items without banning a player? e.g a new players picks up a hacked/banned item?

Edited by BlueLance

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As far as I know there's no way to do anything with a players' gear on a public server. We normally kick (with a reason along the lines of: Drop the AS50 tws some it's not allowed) and check wether they still have the gun on return in the server. If so they will get banned. No mercy for the wicked Im afraid.

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You want to use the battleye filters to auto kick for non legitimate objects. Install the latest filters as listed in a sticky at the top of server general. Open up publicvariableval.txt and the following at the end

5 "\"AK_107_pso\""
5 "\"AK_107_kobra\""
5 "\"AK_107_GL_pso\""
5 "\"AK_107_GL_kobra\""
5 "\"AK_74_G\""
5 "\"AKS_74\""
5 "\"AKS_74_GOSHAWK\""
5 "\"AKS_74_NSPU\""
5 "\"AKS_74_pso\""
5 "\"AKS_74_UN_kobra\""
5 "\"AKS_GOLD\""
5 "\"AK_47_S\""
5 "\"Bizon\""
5 "\"Saiga12K\""
5 "\"Pecheneg\""
5 "\"PK\""
5 "\"ksvk\""
5 "\"SVD_des_EP1\""
5 "\"SVD_NSPU_EP1\""
5 "\"VSS_vintorez\""
5 "\"Sa61_EP1\""
5 "\"MetisLauncher\""
5 "\"Igla\""
5 "\"RPG18\""
5 "\"RPG7V\""
5 "\"Strela\""
5 "\"BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG\""
5 "\"BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS\""
5 "\"BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG\""
5 "\"BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo\""
5 "\"BAF_L85A2_UGL_SUSAT\""
5 "\"BAF_L86A2_ACOG\""
5 "\"BAF_L110A1_Aim\""
5 "\"BAF_L7A2_GPMG\""
5 "\"BAF_AS50_TWS\""
5 "\"PMC_AS50_scoped\""
5 "\"PMC_AS50_TWS\""
5 "\"BAF_LRR_scoped\""
5 "\"BAF_LRR_scoped_W\""
5 "\"BAF_NLAW_Launcher\""
5 "\"G36_C_SD_camo\""
5 "\"G36_C_SD_eotech\""
5 "\"G36a\""
5 "\"G36K\""
5 "\"MG36\""
5 "\"MG36_camo\""
5 "\"m16a4\""
5 "\"M16A4_ACG_GL\""
5 "\"M16A4_GL\""
5 "\"M4A1_HWS_GL\""
5 "\"M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo\""
5 "\"M4A1_RCO_GL\""
5 "\"M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1\""
5 "\"SCAR_H_CQC_CCO\""
5 "\"SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper\""
5 "\"SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD\""
5 "\"SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect\""
5 "\"SCAR_L_CQC\""
5 "\"SCAR_L_CQC_EGLM_Holo\""
5 "\"SCAR_L_CQC_Holo\""
5 "\"SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT\""
5 "\"m8_carbine\""
5 "\"m8_carbine_pmc\""
5 "\"m8_carbineGL\""
5 "\"m8_compact\""
5 "\"m8_compact_pmc\""
5 "\"m8_holo_sd\""
5 "\"m8_SAW\""
5 "\"m8_sharpshooter\""
5 "\"m8_tws\""
5 "\"m8_tws_sd\""
5 "\"AA12_PMC\""
5 "\"m240_scoped_EP1\""
5 "\"M249_EP1\""
5 "\"M249_m145_EP1\""
5 "\"M249_TWS_EP1\""
5 "\"Mk_48_DES_EP1\""
5 "\"M60A4_EP1\""
5 "\"M110_NVG_EP1\""
5 "\"M110_TWS_EP1\""
5 "\"M4SPR\""
5 "\"m107_TWS_EP1\""
5 "\"M24_des_EP1\""
5 "\"UZI_SD_EP1\""
5 "\"Mk13_EP1\""
5 "\"M79_EP1\""
5 "\"M32_EP1\""
5 "\"M136\""
5 "\"M47Launcher_EP1\""
5 "\"MAAWS\""
5 "\"SMAW\""
5 "\"Stinger\""
5 "\"Laserdesignator\""
5 "\"SmokeShellPurple\""
5 "\"CZ_75_P_07_DUTY\""
5 "\"CZ_75_D_COMPACT\""
5 "\"CZ_75_SP_01_PHANTOM\""
5 "\"CZ_75_SP_01_PHANTOM_SD\""
5 "\"Evo_ACR\""
5 "\"Evo_mrad_ACR\""
5 "\"evo_sd_ACR\""
5 "\"UK59_ACR\""
5 "\"CZ_750_S1_ACR\""
5 "\"CZ805_A1_ACR\""
5 "\"CZ805_A1_GL_ACR\""
5 "\"CZ805_A2_ACR\""
5 "\"CZ805_A2_SD_ACR\""
5 "\"CZ805_B_GL_ACR\""
5 "\"LRTV_ACR\""
5 "\"18Rnd_9x19_Phantom\""
5 "\"18Rnd_9x19_PhantomSD\""
5 "\"10Rnd_9x19_Compact\""
5 "\"20Rnd_9x19_EVOSD\""
5 "\"20Rnd_9x19_EVO\""
5 "\"10Rnd_762x51_CZ750\""
5 "\"30Rnd_545x39_AKSD\""
5 "\"1Rnd_HE_GP25\""
5 "\"FlareWhite_GP25\""
5 "\"FlareGreen_GP25\""
5 "\"FlareRed_GP25\""
5 "\"FlareYellow_GP25\""
5 "\"1Rnd_SMOKE_GP25\""
5 "\"1Rnd_SmokeRed_GP25\""
5 "\"1Rnd_SmokeGreen_GP25\""
5 "\"1Rnd_SmokeYellow_GP25\""
5 "\"30Rnd_556x45_G36SD\""
5 "\"20Rnd_556x45_Stanag\""
5 "\"100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag\""
5 "\"20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR\""
5 "\"20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR\""
5 "\"64Rnd_9x19_Bizon\""
5 "\"8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug\""
5 "\"20Rnd_B_AA12_74Slug\""
5 "\"20Rnd_B_AA12_HE\""
5 "\"20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets\""
5 "\"200Rnd_556x45_L110A1\""
5 "\"100Rnd_556x45_M249\""
5 "\"100Rnd_762x54_PK\""
5 "\"5Rnd_127x108_KSVK\""
5 "\"5Rnd_86x70_L115A1\""
5 "\"10Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS\""
5 "\"20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS\""
5 "\"30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD\""
5 "\"NLAW\""
5 "\"Igla\""
5 "\"Javelin\""
5 "\"M136\""
5 "\"Dragon_EP1\""
5 "\"MAAWS_HEAT\""
5 "\"MAAWS_HEDP\""
5 "\"AT13\""
5 "\"RPG18\""
5 "\"OG7\""
5 "\"PG7V\""
5 "\"PG7VL\""
5 "\"PG7VR\""
5 "\"SMAW_HEAA\""
5 "\"SMAW_HEDP\""
5 "\"Stinger\""
5 "\"Strela\""
5 "\"Laserbatteries\""
5 "\"TimeBomb\""
5 "\"Mine\""
5 "\"MineE\""
5 "\"ItemRadio\""
5 "\"IRStrobe\""
5 "\"IR_Strobe_Marker\""
5 "\"GAU8\""
5 "\"2A14\""
5 "\"2A38M\""
5 "\"2A42\""
5 "\"2A46M\""
5 "\"2A46MRocket\""
5 "\"2A70\""
5 "\"2A70Rocket\""
5 "\"2A72\""
5 "\"2B14\""
5 "\"57mmLauncher\""
5 "\"57mmLauncher_64\""
5 "\"57mmLauncher_128\""
5 "\"80mmLauncher\""
5 "\"9M311Laucher\""
5 "\"AALauncher_twice\""
5 "\"AGS17\""
5 "\"AGS30\""
5 "\"AirBombLauncher\""
5 "\"AT2Launcher\""
5 "\"AT5Launcher\""
5 "\"AT5LauncherSingle\""
5 "\"AT6Launcher\""
5 "\"AT9Launcher\""
5 "\"AT10LauncherSingle\""
5 "\"AT11LauncherSingle\""
5 "\"AT13LauncherSingle\""
5 "\"AZP85\""
5 "\"BombLauncher\""
5 "\"BombLauncherA10\""
5 "\"BombLauncherF35\""
5 "\"CamelGrenades\""
5 "\"Ch29Launcher\""
5 "\"Ch29Launcher_Su34\""
5 "\"DSHKM\""
5 "\"DSHKM_RU\""
5 "\"D30\""
5 "\"D81\""
5 "\"DT_veh\""
5 "\"FFARLauncher\""
5 "\"FFARLauncher_14\""
5 "\"FlareLauncher\""
5 "\"GAU12\""
5 "\"GRAD\""
5 "\"GSh23L\""
5 "\"GSh301\""
5 "\"GSh302\""
5 "\"HeliBombLauncher\""
5 "\"HellfireLauncher\""
5 "\"Igla_twice\""
5 "\"KORD\""
5 "\"KORD_high\""
5 "\"KPVT\""
5 "\"M119\""
5 "\"M134\""
5 "\"M134_2\""
5 "\"M168\""
5 "\"M197\""
5 "\"M2\""
5 "\"M230\""
5 "\"M240_veh\""
5 "\"M240_veh_2\""
5 "\"M240_veh_MG_Nest\""
5 "\"M242\""
5 "\"M252\""
5 "\"M256\""
5 "\"M3P\""
5 "\"MaverickLauncher\""
5 "\"MK19\""
5 "\"Mk82BombLauncher\""
5 "\"Mk82BombLauncher_6\""
5 "\"MLRS\""
5 "\"PKT\""
5 "\"PKT_2\""
5 "\"PKT_3\""
5 "\"PKT_MG_Nest\""
5 "\"PKT_veh\""
5 "\"R73Launcher\""
5 "\"R73Launcher_2\""
5 "\"S8Launcher\""
5 "\"SidewinderLaucher\""
5 "\"SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z\""
5 "\"SidewinderLaucher_AH64\""
5 "\"SidewinderLaucher_F35\""
5 "\"SmokeLauncher\""
5 "\"SPG9\""
5 "\"StingerLaucher\""
5 "\"StingerLauncher_twice\""
5 "\"TOWLauncher\""
5 "\"TOWLauncherSingle\""
5 "\"TwinM134\""
5 "\"TwinVickers\""
5 "\"VikhrLauncher\""
5 "\"YakB\""
5 "\"ZiS_S_53\""

This will kick anyone for an illegal weapon from your server. I've added vehicle weapons as well to stop hacking scum running around with GAU8's and other silly crap. We've got this setup on our server (UK498) and it seems to work well.


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