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Pending Hotfix: Build

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Rocket, there's been a bug for a little while, 1.7 (not sure about the patches as I've not tried since), but if in water and the player drinks from the same water bottle multiple times really quickly, before the game gets chance to mark the bottle empty, an additional empty water bottle is spawned in inventory...

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* [NEW] Significant loot rebalancing

Sounds interesting.

Keep up the good work mate.

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I uninstalled Arma II and DayZ. I am going to take a break until the game and mod because more stable. For me personally it's more frustrating trying to play the game then enjoying it.

Umm, or you could have waited to the new hotfix is released tonight.

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This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction.

So....I have this problem again.

It was fixed for 20-30 minutes, but now the error is back.

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I uninstalled Arma II and DayZ. I am going to take a break until the game and mod because more stable. For me personally it's more frustrating trying to play the game then enjoying it.

you are an alpha tester. but you did know that from beginning.

if you want something to be fixed / changed you have to play it

like it is.

Adding to what themaster said:

"if you want something to be fixed / changed you have to play it like it is."

And Provide Feedback / Bug Reports / Suggestions to get things looked at / changed / fixed.

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can't see it in the notes rocket but the main problem i'm having is hatchets mutliplying.

the main problem though is if you place something in a tent, it sometimes gets replaced by about 30 hatchets.

the other thing is hatchets are no longer an item that goes with watches and compasses, its a primary weapon now

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This "no gun" thing is absolute bullshit. How the hell do you expect me to survive when the only way to get a gun is to scavenge towns' date=' which are full of zombies that will spot you with a simple breath. Here's an idea, spawn us with a melee weapon, since those are just so important. Or at least give the flashlight the ability of knocking back zombies. Oh, one more thing, if you're gonna give us a flashlight, then at least throw in some fucking batteries. :heart::heart::heart:


dont even start this shit again

I don't understand how anyone could like this. The game was already great with a gun, but maybe there should only be certain servers with a hardcore mode, or you can choose yourself at the character selection menu.

I just really want the developers to listen to the actually big problems that people have with their update, not just the bugs. That's all they care about, and their praise.

I tend to agree here. not having gun isn't a massive issue when dealing with zombies, it just means that you will have to be super cautions and maybe crawl around all the time... Whether that's fun or not idk.

But not having a weapon to defend against other players is kind of silly. I like the idea of starting with a melee weapon so that at least it's easier to fight your way though the zombies to get a gun.

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* [NEW] Significant loot rebalancing

Wow everytime i do f5 i see something new in the hotfix, great job and thanks for ur hard work!.

I really wonder if that means less trash and more usefull things or the opposite, lol

And yeah, i agree, starting with melee weapon would be nice, at least you can defend yourself, but not so much.

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Really good work but I think and also alot of people think that the makarov should be back. The games too hard without it and the infected seeing sensitivity is up well to hard please take it into suggestion!

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Currently: When I try to get onto a server I get stuck on "Waiting for character to create" and everyone else who is chatting while waiting is stuck on the same thing.

Lord knows Rocket is overworked as it is, but I haven't been able to actually PLAY for two days now :(

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* [NEW] Significant loot rebalancing

What u mean exactly?

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Really good work but I think and also alot of people think that the makarov should be back. The games too hard without it and the infected seeing sensitivity is up well to hard please take it into suggestion!

I used to think this as well especially with the 1.7.1 patch (i think) where zombies came to you as if you were a magnet.

But with that fixed in, it was really not that hard to squeeze myself in a barn or even run after aggro-ing some zombies and lose them after a few corners (which didn't happen before, zombies would never leave you)

With melee weapon relatively easy to find, I think it's a good compromise between difficulty and frustrating players.

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* [NEW] Significant loot rebalancing

Rut roh! Didn't we just have a problem with this?

Please elaborate!

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Oh man...Im sitting at work browsing these forums looking for more updates instead of working...awesome.

Pretty much anything I would say has already been said a dozen times.


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Please elaborate.

rocket elaborate? HAHAHAHAHAHA!


Going to have to find out on our own me thinks.

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* [NEW] Significant loot rebalancing

Please elaborate.

I second this, how is it re-balanced? Food more rare, more common? Etc?

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Please elaborate.

rocket elaborate? HAHAHAHAHAHA!


Going to have to find out on our own me thinks.

^^ this

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Me and my friend I play with have had weapons and other things (mags NV goggles and other things) disappear. don't know if this is a known issue or not.

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Please elaborate.

rocket elaborate? HAHAHAHAHAHA!


Going to have to find out on our own me thinks.

^^ this

Fck U Dolan :heart:

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Not to seem ungrateful or negative or anything. But would it not be wise to release the fix for the current crippling bugs before working on other things?

Not really criticizing your methods, you're the boss afterall. Just seems a little counter-intuitive to be fiddling with more than is necessary in a hotfix. All these late nights to please the minority who cant just enjoy what we have must be taking a toll, no?

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