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I have a decent laptop that can run most games at high speeds, I get over 100 on Minecraft, about 180-200 on CS:S, 100-130 on Gmod, etc

However I'm stuck at low fps's on DayZ. I don't go anywhere above 25ish...

Any way to fix this?

I have AMD Radeon HD 7640G + 7670M 1GB

4GB ram

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Just wanted to warn you. Don't resort to FPS Booster downloads online, they're viruses and/or may get you banned. You might all ready know this, but if ya don't, please heed the warning. And it might just be the way it is, I've got a setup similar to yours and I get about 25 FPS, too.

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Just wanted to warn you. Don't resort to FPS Booster downloads online, they're viruses and/or may get you banned. You might all ready know this, but if ya don't, please heed the warning. And it might just be the way it is, I've got a setup similar to yours and I get about 25 FPS, too.

Yep, I never download anything that I don't know is 100% safe, but thanks for the warning.

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Arma probably blows your computer out of the water.

All those other games aren't near as graphic intensive as Arma.

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I used the fps config without any luck. I go into a city and get like 10-12 fps ...

Would ram help this? im planning on buying 4gb more ram soon

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All I can say is there's only so much a laptop can do with Arma. If you really want good frames at a decent quality, you're better off building/buying a nice desktop. But without spending money, best you can do is play with the settings to maximize it (plenty of tutorials out there, forum and youtube) and ensure you don't have any unessary programs running, including background ones.

Best of luck.

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I just updated my AMD drivers, and I noticed that I ran the game somewhat faster, however I also noticed there were only 2 other players on the server I was on. Earlier there were about 10-15 and about 5 were in the city I was in.

Do other players cause lag at all?

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I just updated my AMD drivers, and I noticed that I ran the game somewhat faster, however I also noticed there were only 2 other players on the server I was on. Earlier there were about 10-15 and about 5 were in the city I was in.

Do other players cause lag at all?

High populated servers cause more lag because they spawn in more zombies - zombies are the real problem in the DayZ mod as they're terribly optimised.

Use Ramdisk. It keeps the game nice and steady, with no judders and smooths out your frame rates - even boosting them by 10-15 frames or more on most occasions.

Check YouTube for tutorials on using it with DayZ.

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What CPU do you have? That's the most important component for running ARMA.

Your comparing ARMA to really non-intensive programs. My PC runs CoD4 at 333 FPS constant (could probably almost double that but there's no point) but I only get 30-80 FPS in DayZ.

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Hey guys, i have recently just made a dayz server, this message is to ask you all to come give it a go.

The IP is|

The main features of my server are, vehicle auto refuel, skalisty island city and much more. The server also has hardly any lag (due to changes I have made on the server) which means it is great for recording your dayz video's on.

I will also be hosting private games on my server like capture the heli. Let me know if you are coming on and i will also build a base for you at the location of your choice (if you want one).

My in-game name is Sean203InHD

I hope you decide to come give my server a chance and im looking forward to playing with you in the future.

Does your server your advertising in a thread about getting better FPS, increase FPS?

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Yea, Arma II and the DayZ "beta" are so full of shit, regular PC's just can't handle it, because both are piss poor throw togethers. Oh, and before the bronies and other fuck offs start bitching, I only come here anymore to check on updates for the standalone. Hoping that won't be such a waste of my money.

Edited by Inception.
Please don't do that.

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I only come here anymore to check on updates for the standalone. Hoping that won't be such a waste of my money.


Edited by beatSTV

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Who's crying? I'm stating the truth. I can run BF3 maxed out, granted it isn't as good as the Arma concept, but Arma wants to lag even at the lowest settings. Boo on that. Also... I already quit, 'cause I hate wasting good money. And as far as DayZ goes, I didn't by this shit game to play a mod being developed and changed every month. Hopefully the stand alone is worth it... though shit on me... guess I should have did my homework on this piece of shit before wasting my money. Edited by cfh0384

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Yea, Arma II and the DayZ "beta" are so full of shit, regular PC's just can't handle it, because both are piss poor throw togethers. Oh, and before the bronies and other fuck offs start bitching, I only come here anymore to check on updates for the standalone. Hoping that won't be such a waste of my money.

Go write your own fucking game then you tit. I will honestly sacrifice a fortnight of bugs and glitches in the standalone just to know that little bitches like you are ripping your hair out.

Now fuck off.

Edited by Inception.
Doesn't matter how bad the comment is, try and keep cool when replying.
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guess I should have did my homework on this piece of shit before wasting my money.

go back to CoD

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Keep this civil, please.

Edited by Inception.
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Borrowing this thread for just a sec.

My setup is an AMD Phenom II x4 960t (At 3,2 GHz I think) w/ AMD Radeon HD 6870

(Availability to unlock the CPU's 2 remaining cores to make it a Hexacore, might aswell overclock it, but I have no experience what so ever in OC'ing, so a guide may help)

I normally get around 25-40 FPS while in a server with around 30-40 ppl. Is this normal for this setup? What can I do to improve the performance?

Incase you need more specifications; 8 GB RAM, HD's at 7200 RPM, Internet speed 100/10.

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There are a few threads you can read here about boosting frame rates, none have much success. There's to many variables and it can just as easily be the server your playing on than your pc. Your frames sound about average to be honest, it's the zeds that kill it so oc your cpu could help you.

I'm running a i5 3450 and an OC GTX GTX 560ti 448 and my frames can dive in towns, get about 80-90 in the open but as little as 15 sometimes. I tend to stick to servers that I know give me a pretty good experience. I find different mods are better than others also. I've tried experiments with the editor and you can get good frames while in your own, set up AI in a town on the other side of the map, set them to fight and your frames drop.

In the end you'll just have to put up with it until the standalone I'm afraid, with the zeds controlled by the server things should improve and at the very least be more stable frame rate wise.

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Spot the trend. Heh.

HOLY SHIT! Nice one there, man! HAHAHA! XD! Also, I think this guy should think twice before calling this game 'a piece of shit'. Pieces of shit don't win the game of the year and have thousands of players.

Edited by dulix11

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Who's crying? I'm stating the truth. I can run BF3 maxed out, granted it isn't as good as the Arma concept, but Arma wants to lag even at the lowest settings. Boo on that. Also... I already quit, 'cause I hate wasting good money. And as far as DayZ goes, I didn't by this shit game to play a mod being developed and changed every month. Hopefully the stand alone is worth it... though shit on me... guess I should have did my homework on this piece of shit before wasting my money.

well whats the point posting then? just to complain about a mod? the strange thing is i also can play BF3 maxed out and arma2 runs with 60-80 fps and dayz with around 48-50 fps so i don't believe bf3 runs maxed out on your system.

Edited by IHombreI

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