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People seeing my vehicle on the Map.

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I'm downright SICK of hackers having all the vehicles marked on the map, i'm not sure if the admins actually do this but jesus. Let me explain, So I find a UAZ, repair it up, pick some bambies on the coast up then drop them off at elektro. I headed to my camp to store the UAZ there, left 10 minutes, came back and it's gone. Like POOF. There was no way somone just found it since no one found that tent until i put the car there. This sucks, does it happen to anyone else?

Edited by Dekkymane

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Lol sorry about the small writing didn't know it was on.

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You can edit :)

Also from what i have heard private hives seem to have a lot less hackers.

Edited by Noszombie

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Never happened to me I currently have had my vehicle at base for a few days now.

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Where did you leave it?

Also as suggested before try some private hive :P

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You know an UAZ is loud as fuck right? anyone could have heard you going in there. and NEVER put your car close to your tents.

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As above, maybe you just got unlucky and someone was nearby when you parked up, i think the UAZ can be heard from something 400m away.

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If the server had 30+ people online, it is quite possible that you were seen/followed, especially if you drove through forest to get to your camp. However, the problem is not knowing if it was legitimately found or not. I hated that feeling of uncertainty on public servers every time I died or something strange happened.

Once I joined a GOOD private hive, the suspicion and frustration melted away, and it was like playing a different game.

In the past we've regularly had 45 players on the WIREWORLD server, and NO hackers.

The number of players are down at the moment (20 online last night), so if anyone wants to give WIREWORLD UK a shot, check out my signature.

Edited by Anti

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