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Papa Time

Suggestion: Duffel Bag (New backpack)

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Backpacks in DayZ are as important as ammo and food. More important actually, since you need one to carry more then 12 of anything.

However, it's always a battle when deciding what items you need to let go, in order to put that super cool weapon you just found at the heli crash site into your already cramped pack.

My Suggestion: Duffel Bag

The duffel bag is similar to a backpack in that it takes up the backpack slot and you can carry things inside. However, this duffel bag is a carried generally for a single purpose; To carry more then 1 (or 2, with the gosh darn coyote pack I can never seem to find) weapons at a time. It would act similar to a tent in having lets say, 4-5 weapon slots for you to place guns you find in, and maybe 10 or so normal item slots for food/ammo/gear.

(Yea, Kinda got the idea from Episodes 2-4 of TWD, my bad.)

Edited by Papa Time
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I for one have absolutely no idea how you would get a rifle inside an alice pack in RL.... unless you strapped it to the outside.

I do, however, know you can get 15 M4s inside a duffel bag.

Plus.... I'm still convinced duffel bags are impossible to fill up. Every time you think you have one full, you can dump it, repack and still get more in it. I have actually busted duffle bags before, taken everything out and packed into another one... and was somehow able to get more into the 2nd than what busted the first.

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They are like the Tardis.


For scale, that dot to the left is a man.

Edited by DemonGroover

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What is a duffel bag?


To add in my 2 cents, Duffle bags should be 'carryable' rather than take up a pack slot. The duffle would take up the primary weapons slot instead, but you could still use a handgun with or without some kind of accuracy penalty. An empty duffle bag could be packed into a backpack (taking up 2 spaces). Would help out with looting a lot, either run in, load it up with guns and ammo, or toss an ass load of food and drinks in there when raiding a grocery store.

Edited by BigMike

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