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I reported this bug but cant find my post. Been a while since I played.

So I already had a broken leg but the EMP thing got me and I blead out and died and this popped up. I cant clck anything and have to CTRL + ALT + DELETE and close Arma that way and when I log in Its still the same.

What do I do?


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This is a scripting issue! bad server! unless you find the mistake (probably in the mission.pbo file) you cant fix this...


Edited by Azziax

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ended up deleing some arma profile files and data and now it works. bugged character or something

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Great you solved it!

Where did you delete the arma profiles and data? From your computer or Server?

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Interesting, so you deleted your profile in the ArmA2 My Doc's and this fixed the problem ?

Can you give more details please, or as many as possible.

Server details included, build and such.

Just for reference.

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I deleted the arma files in here


as well as here


files were

ArmA 2 Other Profiles

ArmA 2 OA

Sorry mate best I can remember

I found this post on the net with someone having a similar problem

I created my own solution, and it worked. I told him to delete all the arma 2 folders in My Documents, both Arma 2 and Arma 2 other profiles. I also told him to delete the files in the

Users/NAME/Appdata/Local and delete the two files there, Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA. He just loaded into a DayZ server with no errors.

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Thank you.

If ever you see a post with a similar problem do not hesitate to suggest the solution or link to this Topic.

Moved to Troubleshooting.

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