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Dalton (DayZ)

READ: Lets get these Lighthouses up and running

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I think it would be a nice effect at night if the lighthouses lit up casting light out into the landscape. Lighthouses mark dangerous coastlines provide light at night and would be an eerie effect with light spinning around slowly.

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Gas wood and some matches, Old school lighthouse... Lighthouses have been around since the late 1700's

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Most definitely a good idea, especially if players can turn the light on or off, increase the speed, change the direction, etc. An inventive way to communicate!

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Thanks... I agree with the ability to turn the light on and off and mess with the speed and the direction would be awesome.

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It could really open up some new ways of play, and some interesting scenarios could take place

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1716 – The first lighthouse on the North American continent was built and lit in Boston, Massachusetts, on Friday, September 14th, 1716. Today, Boston Lighthouse is the only lighthouse manned by a lighthouse keeper.

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Never thought about it. Great idea. Would add alot of atmosphere at night. Lighthouses would probably become gathering points at the night due to this though. Some prankster with good gear could show up and just shoot like 15 people at once. But that's just speculation.

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It would be interesting to see how much more player interaction would come from working lighthouses

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I was thinking of this last night. It would be very cool. efinitely add to the atmossphere of the game, I reckon

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Glad to see so many people who also think that working lighthouses would be sweet...

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now that you start with a super-powerful flashlight...

might get dizzy, though.

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Great idea. Like someone earlier stated, no power, no light, but there are some old gas/wood light houses. This could and new gaming aspects, such as setting traps for survivors, or signaling other survivors/bandits.

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Signaling other survivors would be a clever way to help others out or even a way to bait some people in. Both sound like good times. Also wood could be the fuel for the signal fire or even some way to use a flare to light the lighthouse maybe even a battery powered light, Lots of possibilities.

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Would rather have working lighthouses instead of starting with a flashlight, The flashlight is too hard to get headshots with...

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Actually, the mechanics of electricity already exist in arma 2. At some point in the future they are planning to use those mechanics in some way intrinsic to gameplay. As it stands they only need to enable this in a patch and then we just add some gas to a generator and....hello lights. Of course someone else is bound to come along and break things...

PC GAMER: Yeah, I heard word of you guys working on a power grid or electricity mechanic…

Hall: Yeah, because all of these models are actually already in-game, and a lot of the mechanics, but they need a lot of refining. The generator thing’s easy, you just fill it up and it runs a thing and then you can connect lights to it, it’s pretty straightforward.


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