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In Need of a Team! Join Up! You Will be Treated Fairly!

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Calling All Survivors, Dexter Needs A Team!

My name is Dexter, I've been playing DayZ for about 3 months now and have been playing on a public server that no one seems to get on except me. :D

I have stockades of weapons and transportation up north and a weapon/med supply station on the southern coast for freshly spawned players.

In need of a team because playing alone gets a little old and difficult. I need help searching out crash sites, repairing vehicles, savaging medical supplies, and exploring the map. :beans:

Must have the following Qualities

  • Mature (no yelling in mic, cursing, etc..)

  • FRIENDLY (No Bandits, game is better with team play.)

  • Able to work as a team

  • Able to share loot

  • DayZ experience is preferred (But i don't mind showing Newbies the ropes. )

  • Have time to play game usually after 5 or 6 pm till early hours in the morning. (I have insomnia so i barely sleep)

  • Doesn't mind dying and wont make a huge deal about it and quit. (Again, goes with being Mature.)

  • And most importantly.... Able to have fun!

If interested, just reply and we'll find a way to get you the server IP address!

HAPPY HUNTING! :thumbsup:

Edited by Falko Voltz
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i would love to join, i have clan that playing on a private server but they haven't been on in a while.

I can do a little of everything in dayz.

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i would love to join, i have played dayz for about 5 months, and im a great sniper with the dmr :)

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  On 3/29/2013 at 1:57 PM, esaciar said:

Happy to join...do you have teamspeak of the likes?

i do not have teamspeak. the server im playing on has it i think but im not sure how to do team speak

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  On 3/30/2013 at 5:25 PM, Talibambi said:

Sounds interesting.

  On 3/30/2013 at 5:23 PM, asho145 said:

i would love to join i have been looking for a team for ages

youve been sent messages with info!

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I'm really interested in this. You can only do so much playing alone and while I've got all the gear I could ask for, it'd be cool to play in a regular group. Count me in!

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  On 3/30/2013 at 7:21 PM, Onearmdude said:

I'm really interested in this. You can only do so much playing alone and while I've got all the gear I could ask for, it'd be cool to play in a regular group. Count me in!

Youve been sent a message!

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I'm interested. I played DayZ for a few months a while back, then figured I'd wait until the actual game came out. I come back an find that it's still not out, so I might as well start playing again!

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Sounds like my cup of tea. I've only got a few hours game time under my belt but I'm loving the game and will be playing it loads. I'm looking for people like yourself that are team friendly and accept a death as part of the package. I live in London so my ping is generally good, I've got a decent pc and a good headset and I record most of my shenanigans for my youtube channel. If you don't mind being in my vids and have a sebse of humour, then please pm me the details and I'll see you in game!

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  On 3/31/2013 at 1:00 AM, Diddums said:

Sounds like my cup of tea. I've only got a few hours game time under my belt but I'm loving the game and will be playing it loads. I'm looking for people like yourself that are team friendly and accept a death as part of the package. I live in London so my ping is generally good, I've got a decent pc and a good headset and I record most of my shenanigans for my youtube channel. If you don't mind being in my vids and have a sebse of humour, then please pm me the details and I'll see you in game!

Youve been sent a message with details!

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I'm interested, but it depends. Is the server really low population? I find it quite meaningless if there's no player interaction for miles and miles.

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Meatster PM'd me asking if we can team up, so ideally it'd be great if we could both join!

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  On 3/31/2013 at 1:45 AM, Meatster said:

I'm interested, but it depends. Is the server really low population? I find it quite meaningless if there's no player interaction for miles and miles.

ut has a low population, you sure you want to join?

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  On 3/31/2013 at 7:26 AM, Falko Voltz said:

ut has a low population, you sure you want to join?

Sure, just PM me the ip.

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