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Slow Zombies?

or even a way to play single player yet?

Sick to death of zombies that run the same speed as you... its silly... just fill the server with more zombies yet make them slower.. fast zombies are stupid due to the zig zagging that sucks. a 30% speed reduction is needed

Edited by MaxiPower

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Slow Zombies?

or even a way to play single player yet?

Sick to death of zombies that run the same speed as you... its silly... just fill the server with more zombies yet make them slower.. fast zombies are stupid due to the zig zagging that sucks.

Are you joking?

Learn to aim or don't stand still like a moron.

It's really not that hard.

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Are you joking?

Learn to aim or don't stand still like a moron.

It's really not that hard.

im a moron? sorry ya dont start with a gun, zombies are too lethal..

FACT is, if Dean Hall doesnt include features for "noobs" like me, Its only a matter of time before somebody makes a Dayz clone that works and will pluck players from this. Im not asking much, the aiming in this game is ass, the ammo is too scarce (though only scare because you have to use it at silly times on annoying zombies. zombies are not hard to kill but rather they are quite frankly annoying. When ya dont have a weapon, nobody likes running for several minutes just to get them off your back.

Like i said, Up the numbers of them.... make it they hit harder... like less hits and your dead... but there slower... easy balance...

If hes going for immersion thats the right way to go... Zombies kill, scratches should be infectious and deadly... not ya eat a tin of pasta and your healed.. silly decisions like that hold this game back. I can see why maybe this is the way it has to be in the mod, but i heard him say he can up the numbers in the full game... he better make this alteration or im out lol. quite frankly its boring, repetitive, "oh zombies seen me, now i have to run for 5 mins to get them off my back." yawn

Edited by MaxiPower

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We were all noobs and had the same thing happen. There are tricks to losing zombies. They work off of line of sight. You need to weave in and out of trees/bushes or when there are buildings with doorways on opposing sides or multiple doorways if a larger building (like Elektro school) you can run into one and out the other and then crouch or run again and do the same. It's an art form to learn and it works 800%.

Zombies are not TOO lethal? You just started. The game is challenging and it keeps a lot of people going. That's how it went from Mod to soon to be standalone.

Its only a matter of time before somebody makes a Dayz clone that works and will pluck players from this. - People have been trying but its kind of difficult because the game is that good (yes I know that's opinion) and there are laws involved.

The aiming in this game is ass the ammo is too scarce that makes zombies not hard to kill but quite frankly annoying. - Negative. This isn't call of duty or anything else with simple shooting characteristics. ARMA although not perfect has some amazing elements of realism that are lacking in other games when it comes to shooting (1st or 3rd person). It's a post apoc zombie game brother. You need to learn where the loots are and how to use that ax on Zeds when you don't have much ammo. Ammo SHOULDN'T be abundant or you are not trying to SURVIVE whether that be from zombies or players. Probably one of the best ways I learned a few tricks is joining a gaming clan for a bit (or stay). At least someone can show you around and tricks of the trade. It's a much better experience once you grap certain things. Quite of few of my friends were the same way until we showed them some tips. ;)

Edited by GotchimusPrime
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They want to eat you, those owiball hungry Zombies, so they chase you and getyer flesh.

This is the Server General Forum, a place for Official Servers to promote and exchange amonst themselves also for Hosting companies to offer their services.

Moved to DayZ Mod General Disscussion Forum.

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This is another post complaining that DayZ is hard. It is built to be hard. That is why it is fun. It is unforgiving, it is brutal. If you don't like it, go on that hypothetical pussy-DayZ you said was inevitable.

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We were all noobs and had the same thing happen. There are tricks to losing zombies. They work off of line of sight. You need to weave in and out of trees/bushes or when there are buildings with doorways on opposing sides or multiple doorways if a larger building (like Elektro school) you can run into one and out the other and then crouch or run again and do the same. It's an art form to learn and it works 800%.

Zombies are not TOO lethal? You just started. The game is challenging and it keeps a lot of people going. That's how it went from Mod to soon to be standalone.

Its only a matter of time before somebody makes a Dayz clone that works and will pluck players from this. - People have been trying but its kind of difficult because the game is that good (yes I know that's opinion) and there are laws involved.

The aiming in this game is ass the ammo is too scarce that makes zombies not hard to kill but quite frankly annoying. - Negative. This isn't call of duty or anything else with simple shooting characteristics. ARMA although not perfect has some amazing elements of realism that are lacking in other games when it comes to shooting (1st or 3rd person). It's a post apoc zombie game brother. You need to learn where the loots are and how to use that ax on Zeds when you don't have much ammo. Ammo SHOULDN'T be abundant or you are not trying to SURVIVE whether that be from zombies or players. Probably one of the best ways I learned a few tricks is joining a gaming clan for a bit (or stay). At least someone can show you around and tricks of the trade. It's a much better experience once you grap certain things. Quite of few of my friends were the same way until we showed them some tips. ;)

I just started? No ive been playing this mod on and off since the mod first came out. This you can hide and break the line of sight.. it wasn't always that way, thank god now you have a chance, but even now that's hit and miss, ive been in buildings and they have followed me all the way through to the place I was hiding. Im not saying make the mod easier... im saying make it smarter. thank god the zombies walk in buildings but thats only a glitch... when they can run in buildings in the full game... i don't know what ill do.. and again, zombies will spawn in the wild and not just in towns in the full game... i pray for that day to never come...

I alwats play this game and get frustrated with how dumb it is sometimes... only thing that keeps me coming back is to check to see if its got any changes that it needs.

and no Dreams of Cheese, i am not a pussy, your just the typical douche that things its cool to hate on people on online forums rather than take opinions into account.... your a pathetic little boy no doubt.

Edited by MaxiPower
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Sorry but you are the douche. People play this game because its hard. The game is about you being smarter, not the zombies. Why are they chasing you to begin with? Why weren't you keeping track of your easy outs, hiding spots or buildings with two entrances? I've run from Berezino to Novi Sobor with more than a dozen zombies behind me. They were no more a threat than the random goat I passed in a field. When I got close to my destination I lost them in a few seconds by sprinting through a barn. The fact is, when you have to spend even one bullet on a zombie, its because the game was already smarter than you. Maybe you want to not have to pay attention at all times. Maybe you just suck. I mean you did say you have been playing since the mod came out and still haven't figured out that zombies are a joke. For a brief time they were hard, and the flocks of cry babies convinced the mods to dumb it back down. It was a sad day and I haven't felt challenged since the last day that patch was live. It amazes me how many people come to these forums to cry about 'how dumb' the game is by describing situations wherein they displayed zero game smarts or the appearance of that lacking because they expect the game to conform to the way they want to play instead of adapting to simple situations.

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Sorry but you are the douche. People play this game because its hard. The game is about you being smarter, not the zombies. Why are they chasing you to begin with? Why weren't you keeping track of your easy outs, hiding spots or buildings with two entrances? I've run from Berezino to Novi Sobor with more than a dozen zombies behind me. They were no more a threat than the random goat I passed in a field. When I got close to my destination I lost them in a few seconds by sprinting through a barn. The fact is, when you have to spend even one bullet on a zombie, its because the game was already smarter than you. Maybe you want to not have to pay attention at all times. Maybe you just suck. I mean you did say you have been playing since the mod came out and still haven't figured out that zombies are a joke. For a brief time they were hard, and the flocks of cry babies convinced the mods to dumb it back down. It was a sad day and I haven't felt challenged since the last day that patch was live. It amazes me how many people come to these forums to cry about 'how dumb' the game is by describing situations wherein they displayed zero game smarts or the appearance of that lacking because they expect the game to conform to the way they want to play instead of adapting to simple situations.

ha I love how you try and justify it by saying I suck lol nothing else to say, no feedback on higher quanity and more deadly zombies? no of course not because that would involve thinking and not but being but another mindless forum drone... "Oh he wants changes. He must be a noob and suck. Lets make a big wall of text of how Pro I am and how sucky he must be." I had a character that lived a few months. But yes I don't want to have to pay attention all the time when it shouldnt be that way. If it were realistic you wouldn't be casually running anywhere with 12 zombies behind you and that's the problem. stamina should be put in, another thing that could make slow zombies still a deadly force. They would be falling over themselves, they would have broken limbs and not able to move that fast but still if your tired, you would be fecked. Dean wants it to be this immersive game sooo much yet it will never be unless it makes some changes.

The game as it is now... it isnt hard whatsoever. like i said boring and repetitive with zombies acting not like zombies but rather heat seeking missiles. I want it harder, but not at the expense of super fast zombies. Thats a lazy way out of it.

Edited by MaxiPower

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FACT is, if Dean Hall doesnt include features for "noobs" like me...

I just started? No ive been playing this mod on and off since the mod first came out.

Uhmm... K.


It's a mod. Get over it or make it better. If you don't like the GAME when it's released and quit, I'm sure the community will mourn.

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Go play warz... Jks ;) But like others have said you just sound bad if you're still struggling with zombies and you have been playing since the mod came out. More but slower zombies is not really an option for the mod, we don't need even less frames.

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Uhmm... K.


It's a mod. Get over it or make it better. If you don't like the GAME when it's released and quit, I'm sure the community will mourn.

The inverted commas gives the perspective to the label people like me (who complain) are given. In this case a noob. You should try and polish your understanding of the English language when reading. You don't come across very literate. To your second part... seriously, yawn... again with typical drone responses. Your all the same, do you people have minds of your own. seriously I know you wouldn't mourn me if I didn't come back... Just like if you were told you had several hours to live. I would not care.

Go play warz... Jks ;) But like others have said you just sound bad if you're still struggling with zombies and you have been playing since the mod came out. More but slower zombies is not really an option for the mod, we don't need even less frames.

Finally a reasonable response. Dean said in his last dev dairy that with the way the server side is set up now. In the future, more mobs can be spawned with less strain on our end. perfect opportunity .. But yea thanks DubPlate for giving me a reply with some thought. :) Ha and nah... WarZ is ass lol ;)

Edited by MaxiPower

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Maxi I hate to say this but zombies are actually really easy. Granted you will die from time to time from the bugs or glitches they have but everyone takes it with a grain of salt as it is a mod after all. As for why they are so fast if I'm not mistaking they were made that way due to the zig zagging (which can't be fixed in the mod) slowing them down to the point of absolutely no threat. There really is no reason to come in here all pissed off and insulting people this mod pisses me off from time to time too and I'm sure everyone else. So chill relax and enjoy what we get while we all wait for the standalone to address all of these issues.

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im a moron? sorry ya dont start with a gun, zombies are too lethal..

FACT is, if Dean Hall doesnt include features for "noobs" like me, Its only a matter of time before somebody makes a Dayz clone that works and will pluck players from this. Im not asking much, the aiming in this game is ass, the ammo is too scarce (though only scare because you have to use it at silly times on annoying zombies. zombies are not hard to kill but rather they are quite frankly annoying. When ya dont have a weapon, nobody likes running for several minutes just to get them off your back.

Like i said, Up the numbers of them.... make it they hit harder... like less hits and your dead... but there slower... easy balance...

If hes going for immersion thats the right way to go... Zombies kill, scratches should be infectious and deadly... not ya eat a tin of pasta and your healed.. silly decisions like that hold this game back. I can see why maybe this is the way it has to be in the mod, but i heard him say he can up the numbers in the full game... he better make this alteration or im out lol. quite frankly its boring, repetitive, "oh zombies seen me, now i have to run for 5 mins to get them off my back." yawn

Right, it is all literally all down to you being bad, no matter what you say to the contrary.

You should go play Call of Duty, you get everything handed to you on a silver platter and whether you're shit or not you will still get plenty of kills.

If you are running for several minutes just to lose zombies you are doing something wrong.

If you find ammo scarce. Good. It's meant to be. If anything it's too common at the moment for various weapons.

The game is meant to be hard, that's why it's good, if Rocket starts catering for the lowest common denominator (i.e you) who finds it too hard the game will suck.

If you find it boring why are you still here? There is plenty instant-gratification to be had if you play CoD or something similar.

Edited by Rossums

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Slow Zombies?

or even a way to play single player yet?

Sick to death of zombies that run the same speed as you... its silly... just fill the server with more zombies yet make them slower.. fast zombies are stupid due to the zig zagging that sucks. a 30% speed reduction is needed

Where in this do you say, in any way shape or form that this will increase difficulty? If you're going to refute what someone says, try not to make shit up after the fact to make your original post sound like something that it was not. You didn't bother to add in facts, thoughts or anything else that would lead someone to believe you were anything but a cry baby, (self described noob as a matter of fact), and have not given a single reason other than trying to lessen the difficulty in why you want slower zombies. And single player? The hallmark of a player that has missed the point of this mod entirely. You could easily create a local server, run the mod, give yourself god mode and whatever weapons you want if that's the environment you want. Besides being bad at the game, why else would you want a single player? What could possibly be your intent in wanting to play this mod by yourself other than wanting an easier experience? Yet another contradiction you make with your claim that you feel the game is too easy.

You came here and made a post. A fairly simple post that would lead anyone literate in the English language that you were intending to make the game easier by making the zombies easier to avoid.

Then you follow it up by saying:

Dean needs to make the game easier for "noobs" like you.

You've been playing since the mod came out.

The game as it is isn't hard at all.

How can I not come to the inevitable conclusion that you either can't figure out how to survive in Dayz or you're drunk and just responding with whatever gotchya response you can make up to refute any criticism of your post? Either way we come back to the simple premise that you suck. So what, get over it. You want to play Care Bears with zombies. At least be a man about it and stop making stuff up to try and come across as something you are not.

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Maxi I hate to say this but zombies are actually really easy. Granted you will die from time to time from the bugs or glitches they have but everyone takes it with a grain of salt as it is a mod after all. As for why they are so fast if I'm not mistaking they were made that way due to the zig zagging (which can't be fixed in the mod) slowing them down to the point of absolutely no threat. There really is no reason to come in here all pissed off and insulting people this mod pisses me off from time to time too and I'm sure everyone else. So chill relax and enjoy what we get while we all wait for the standalone to address all of these issues.

Yea he's shown a fix to the zig zagging in a recent dev video by updatinf the path finding to make it more accurate. Hopefully the standalone does try and address some of my concerns...

Rossums. read the thread fully and stop being a nipple. seriously. How many times do i have to say it has nothing to do with difficulty. I have pointed out the typical drone response several times now and you continue... Seriously If I were to compare you to someone in society, it would be someone who is on the dole, claims the backside of the governments and makes no contributions to society... that's what you sound like when you post. I am simply insulting those who make no effort to contribute. You are but a troll, If you do not agree with what I have to say, fine, either ridicule my suggestions or do not post and move on. Simple

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Dean Hall wanted the zombies to be infected humans like you see in the films "28 days later" & "28 weeks later", they provide more of a threat to the player than slow lumbering zombies. The number of zombies isn't just something they set, it's that number because the game needs to remain playable for most peoples computers.

It's really not hard at all to lose zombies. Even without abusing the 'walk indoors' glitches, you can simply run around a building or object and when the zombie loses sight he stops and looks for you, you crouch and go in a direction he isn't facing, you're good.

Even without breaking the line of sight, you can throw a smoke grenade, even aggro'd zombies will run after it. Or throw a can or bottle before they're aggro'd and you can distract them, clearing a path.

Best way to deal with them I've found is to get a hatchet or machete and just kill any zombie that sees you. You'll have to keep a good stock of bandages and eat to replenish health, but it's really easy to loot any place at any time of the day if you deal with them one by one.

My game might get slightly more difficult when they fix the walking indoors, but it's not something anyone has to rely on. You can play the game the way Rocket intended and still thrive.

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Where in this do you say, in any way shape or form that this will increase difficulty? If you're going to refute what someone says, try not to make shit up after the fact to make your original post sound like something that it was not. You didn't bother to add in facts, thoughts or anything else that would lead someone to believe you were anything but a cry baby, (self described noob as a matter of fact), and have not given a single reason other than trying to lessen the difficulty in why you want slower zombies. And single player? The hallmark of a player that has missed the point of this mod entirely. You could easily create a local server, run the mod, give yourself god mode and whatever weapons you want if that's the environment you want. Besides being bad at the game, why else would you want a single player? What could possibly be your intent in wanting to play this mod by yourself other than wanting an easier experience? Yet another contradiction you make with your claim that you feel the game is too easy.

You came here and made a post. A fairly simple post that would lead anyone literate in the English language that you were intending to make the game easier by making the zombies easier to avoid.

Then you follow it up by saying:

Dean needs to make the game easier for "noobs" like you.

You've been playing since the mod came out.

The game as it is isn't hard at all.

How can I not come to the inevitable conclusion that you either can't figure out how to survive in Dayz or you're drunk and just responding with whatever gotchya response you can make up to refute any criticism of your post? Either way we come back to the simple premise that you suck. So what, get over it. You want to play Care Bears with zombies. At least be a man about it and stop making stuff up to try and come across as something you are not.

Slow Zombies?

or even a way to play single player yet?

Sick to death of zombies that run the same speed as you... its silly... just fill the server with more zombies yet make them slower.. fast zombies are stupid due to the zig zagging that sucks. a 30% speed reduction is needed

More Zombies would make it harder It was in the very first line... How am I making it sound like something it wasn't. Reason why I didn't make a huge wall of text to begin with is because douche bags on forums do not read... You proved that there now. Very first line.

Are you joking?

Learn to aim or don't stand still like a moron.

It's really not that hard.

im a moron? sorry ya dont start with a gun, zombies are too lethal..

FACT is, if Dean Hall doesnt include features for "noobs" like me, Its only a matter of time before somebody makes a Dayz clone that works and will pluck players from this. Im not asking much, the aiming in this game is ass, the ammo is too scarce (though only scare because you have to use it at silly times on annoying zombies. zombies are not hard to kill but rather they are quite frankly annoying. When ya dont have a weapon, nobody likes running for several minutes just to get them off your back.

Like i said, Up the numbers of them.... make it they hit harder... like less hits and your dead... but there slower... easy balance...

thats a quote too ^^ dont know why quote marks wont appear..

Edited by MaxiPower

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I have to disagree. More zombies will not make it harder if you also make them slower. One would simply run around the pack and never look back. You'd have to add a stupid stamina system like WarZ where you can only run for 20ft before you have to walk. That's realistic right? I mean a zombie trying to eat my brains wouldn't cause my adrenaline to kick in or anything, surely I'd just casually walk away from him while I catch my breath?

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I have to disagree. More zombies will not make it harder if you also make them slower. One would simply run around the pack and never look back. You'd have to add a stupid stamina system like WarZ where you can only run for 20ft before you have to walk. That's realistic right? I mean a zombie trying to eat my brains wouldn't cause my adrenaline to kick in or anything, surely I'd just casually walk away from him while I catch my breath?

ha I love how you try and justify it by saying I suck lol nothing else to say, no feedback on higher quanity and more deadly zombies? no of course not because that would involve thinking and not but being but another mindless forum drone... "Oh he wants changes. He must be a noob and suck. Lets make a big wall of text of how Pro I am and how sucky he must be." I had a character that lived a few months. But yes I don't want to have to pay attention all the time when it shouldnt be that way. If it were realistic you wouldn't be casually running anywhere with 12 zombies behind you and that's the problem. stamina should be put in, another thing that could make slow zombies still a deadly force. They would be falling over themselves, they would have broken limbs and not able to move that fast but still if your tired, you would be fecked. Dean wants it to be this immersive game sooo much yet it will never be unless it makes some changes.

The game as it is now... it isnt hard whatsoever. like i said boring and repetitive with zombies acting not like zombies but rather heat seeking missiles. I want it harder, but not at the expense of super fast zombies. Thats a lazy way out of it.

Stamina is something that would make sense, doesn't matter what adrenaline pumps into your body, You can only run so far... Yea more than 20ft that that joke of a game WarZ put in, but again it could be intresting, more weight you carry could effect your run speed / stamina...

seriously like i said, i just wanna make the game smarter, not easier. If slower, make it that you cant take as nearly as many hits. take of 80% of your health now as Zombie encounters should be fatal,ike i said in a previous post, pasta should not cure you. Even throw in the infection to equal it up. make scratches deadly rather than the current need for a simple bandage.

Edited by MaxiPower

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I added AI units, with guns to my server......... because the zombies were not hard enough.

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I added AI units, with guns to my server......... because the zombies were not hard enough.

Please read the thread man, its not the difficulty, its merely the speed of the zombies is annoying and could be switched out for a more better experience in my opinion. Less Speed, More quantity of Z. Make they do more damage and bam you have the basis of a new experience. Standalone Dean has stated that the full game will be able to handle more Z with no frame rate issues so thats why I made this thread as its been a few months since i was last on the game and i was hoping someone had made the server I would love to play.

Theres got to be some people who are fans of classic Zombies and overwhelming numbers...

Edited by MaxiPower

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Stamina is something that would make sense, doesn't matter what adrenaline pumps into your body, You can only run so far... Yea more than 20ft that that joke of a game WarZ put in, but again it could be intresting, more weight you carry could effect your run speed / stamina...

seriously like i said, i just wanna make the game smarter, not easier. If slower, make it that you cant take as nearly as many hits. take of 80% of your health now as Zombie encounters should be fatal,ike i said in a previous post, pasta should not cure you. Even throw in the infection to equal it up. make scratches deadly rather than the current need for a simple bandage.

Arma already has a stamina system. It's not perfect, but stopping a person from jogging (which is what you're suggesting) is silly. If death is my punishment for stopping, I'll jog for hours on end. Just like any sane human would. We have the ability to override what our body tells us and keep going.

Running zombies are a part of DayZ, making the rest of the game more difficult is never going to make up for that. I don't get hit much currently, how is more damage per hit going to make anything more difficult when the zombies are even easier to avoid?

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Dean Hall wanted the zombies to be infected humans like you see in the films "28 days later" & "28 weeks later", they provide more of a threat to the player than slow lumbering zombies. The number of zombies isn't just something they set, it's that number because the game needs to remain playable for most peoples computers.

It's really not hard at all to lose zombies. Even without abusing the 'walk indoors' glitches, you can simply run around a building or object and when the zombie loses sight he stops and looks for you, you crouch and go in a direction he isn't facing, you're good.

Even without breaking the line of sight, you can throw a smoke grenade, even aggro'd zombies will run after it. Or throw a can or bottle before they're aggro'd and you can distract them, clearing a path.

Best way to deal with them I've found is to get a hatchet or machete and just kill any zombie that sees you. You'll have to keep a good stock of bandages and eat to replenish health, but it's really easy to loot any place at any time of the day if you deal with them one by one.

My game might get slightly more difficult when they fix the walking indoors, but it's not something anyone has to rely on. You can play the game the way Rocket intended and still thrive.

Only because of current limits. Full game will allow everyone to have more Z. I've discussed the possibility's of the dangers of overwhelming Z.

Its not fun to have to abuse the system to get away from Z tho, takes you out of the experience, and running away from them is hardly an option as always simply agros more and bam your forced to either leave town or have a huge unrealistic train of Z running behind you.

Is there really a point of weapons then? seriously like, they dont have to be slow walkers, but speed reduction of 30-40 percent needed, like not slow as in walkers, but joggers... full sprinters look awful. And if thats the case, starting without a weapon makes that point null. having to leave town, simply to try again (rather than again having a huge train after you) is silly, takes from the immersion.

I haven't needed to rely on it, but without it, meh just means more running around trees hoping to break there sight. immersion out the window, just slow them altodther and indoors wont matter then, let them jog inside...

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Arma already has a stamina system. It's not perfect, but stopping a person from jogging (which is what you're suggesting) is silly. If death is my punishment for stopping, I'll jog for hours on end. Just like any sane human would. We have the ability to override what our body tells us and keep going.

Running zombies are a part of DayZ, making the rest of the game more difficult is never going to make up for that. I don't get hit much currently, how is more damage per hit going to make anything more difficult when the zombies are even easier to avoid?

You will jog for hours on end in real life... sadly you wont. you are human. I dont know what makes you believe you are anything other than bone and muscle. especially carrying a bag pack and weapons. My uncle climbed Mount Everest, true story... he tried climbing K2 three years later, an avalanche hit him, He survived but it knocked the crap and gutts and balls, any energy he had left outa him. Killed 6 or 8 Russians that were with him. (yea and people say Russians are tough!! He was the only survivor) In no way was any adrenaline gonna get him up that mountain. Please tell me of when you have been in near death situation that could test your theory.


Make it if your hit, your infected and you need medical attendion, forcing you to citys that are more populated... hordes of zombies, you go into a house and its got a few more suporises for ya and you turn to see theres a few at the door you entered... your fecked... it will make choosing what house to go into more rewarding.

Edited by MaxiPower

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