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DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

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Big disapointment. My friends and I really enjoyed it at first but the zeds are ruining the game. Constantly getting knocked down and infected. can not find anything antiboditics, and my FPS actually went DOWN. No loot to be found anywhere. Thanks for ruining a really fun PVP game. Going back to wasteland. Atleast they got there shit together.

Who cares? People like you ruin our game experience.

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This isn't a PVP game. It's a zombie survival game with PVP elements. Sorry, a little too much zombie for your zombie survival game?

Learn. Adapt. Don't whine like a useless pup.

LOL you whine about people whining? go snuggle yourself. Voiced my opinion that is shared by a lot of people.

This patch causes more issues then resolves. I hope i can find some servers that still run 1.7.6. or rocket actually snuggly balances this broken mess.

Edited by orlok
A bit too sweary. We don't like personal insults as Fraggle has pointed out,
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Who cares? People like you ruin our game experience.

So your OK with a ptch LOWERING your FPS? you must spend a lot of time hiding in the forest

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Come on at least be constructive. He has valid points and they're shared with quite a few people it seems.

Sigh I..I know, it's just... I've tried being constructive. They don't care. They never care. Why do they never care?

Step 1: Give them tips on how to easily survive the zombies

Step 2: Watch as they ignore/insult you

Step 3: Lose sanity

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They are aware of others saying the same but need more details, you should report it here http://dayzmod.com/f...77dev-bug-list/

and be sure to include as many details as you can such as server name/host what beta patch you and the server are running on, where you were when it happens how many zombies players etc

Done. Thanks for the link.

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LOL you whine about people whining? go fuck yourself. Voiced my opinion that is shared by a lot of people.

This patch causes more issues then resolves. I hope i can find some servers that still run 1.7.6. or rocket actually fucking balances this broken mess.

Hi! Please refrain from telling people to go fuck themselves. Cheers.

Edited by Fraggle
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They've made melee weapons rather useless in this patch, it isn't worth risking infection, head shots only are very very hard with melee weapons because they've always been broken mechanically, they're obviously just hacked in. Fucking no antibiotics anywhere, even if there were is infection a great feature? It's just annoying.

Frigging every time you run past a zombie now you get hit from 10ft away........

I wanted a patch but I didn't want a broken mess lol.

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The loot is SO scarce now that players will kill each other just for beans and antibiotics.

Ahahahah... this is the best patch EVER if it really gives a reason why bandit sc*ms kill people. You see, majority of the time they kill you just because they can.

"I need ur antbiodz" is 1000% better than usual "L2P n00B sucker".

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Sigh I..I know, it's just... I've tried being constructive. They don't care. They never care. Why do they never care?

Step 1: Give them tips on how to easily survive the zombies

Step 2: Watch as they ignore/insult you

Step 3: Lose sanity

Zetal, at least with me you placed some valid points. Just because people do not reply, or do not bow to your opinions right away, does not mean we ignore you or your points. You made your points - to the people who cares to read. And I read what you and everybody else adressing my posts here is saying.

But we can not all get along and agree with eachother. There are so many mechanics pushing in right now. As an opponent of this patch (not all of it, just the zombie aspect) I will of course try to push as many people I can towards a "fix" for this patch...While the people who loves everything in this patch will try to make this patch a long-timer with no adjustments.

Don't give up, stay on the path of discussing on a reasonable level. Or it will in fact end up in insulting and ignoring other posters, sanity going all post-apocalyptic :)

Edited by Skadefroen
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I looked over the Patch notes and forum and cannot find any information about zombie spawn changes for non lootable buildings, such as cargo containers, watch towers, and H Barriers added into the database on private hives. Our server has several bases that now spawn hoards of zombies at non lootable areas.

I want to know if this is by design or do I need to modify the custom buildings to remove the zombie spawns?

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According the the DayZ database map castles are now high yield military drop locations instead of residential medium value. Is this true?

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Having not played the game for a couple of months I downloaded the patch to see what the fuss is about. Only played for an hour and a half but it was an awesome experience. Scarce loot and much more dangerous zeds without being stupidly hard. It seems to me even though there are some valid concerns and criticism, many people are used to zombies that pose zero threat when casually moving near them. I got my ass kicked running directly past them so I had to adapt and change my approach. I don't think the chances of getting knocked down are too high, my only gripe is the getting up animation that takes a bit too long which can be irritating.

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Zetal, at least with me you placed some valid points. Just because people do not reply, or do not bow to your opinions right away, does not mean we ignore you or your points. You made your points - to the people who cares to read. And I read what you and everybody else adressing my posts here is saying.

But we can not all get along and agree with eachother. There are so many mechanics pushing in right now. As an opponent of this patch (not all of it, just the zombie aspect) I will of course try to push as many people I can towards a "fix" for this patch...While the people who loves everything in this patch will try to make this patch a long-timer with no adjustments.

Don't give up, stay on the path of discussing on a reasonable level. Or it will in fact end up in insulting and ignoring other posters, sanity going all post-apocalyptic :)

Just gonna start by saying this cheered me up, even if we still disagree- but I want to get one point clear here: this patch does need adjustments. I'm not going to sit here and argue that this patch is perfection incarnate- there are FPS issues, self-aware helicopters that want to murder you, debug-zone spawns, etc. With that in mind, however, I think the zombies emulate a despair-filled apocalypse much more accurately than previous versions ever did- except maybe the very early versions when zombies didn't even do LoS checks (lol!) but for obvious reasons that was revoked. It was unfair to players. In this version, zombies are harsh, unforgiving, and mean, but I feel that they are reasonable... for the mod. In the standalone, a difficulty level like this would be drool-worthy in my opinion, but people would be hating on it even more than they are now. Zombies with accurate pathfinding, running indoors, etc? Good lord, can you imagine the tears?

Overall, I think the whiplash caused by this patch is due to the 'Hero Syndrome' in which everyone expects themselves to instantly be 'main character' worthy. I say to you all- earn that title. Don't have it given to you- that would be an insult to yourself. You're all capable of achieving success, so do it! Gogogo!

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I was really looking forward to this patch, but the zeds are just borked, the the current loot tables are screwy, im just not finding it fun anymore.

I like the zeds being more of a threat, but the knockdown chance is stupid, the amount of zeds spawning away from population centers is stupid.

and the reach zeds and there eye sight is awesome.

Please tell me if I'm wrong but are Zeds supposed to be poorer than there former selves, poor sight, slower reactions.

not super sprinting killing machines, that NEVER stop following you no matter how far away you are.

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My only gripes in this patch are that I feel infection is pointless.

All it is right now is a more annoying form of bleeding with a less common cure. Antibiotics are far too scarce for the ease of infection. (three lives got first hit infections :l and looting the entirety of cherno twice and elektro once has turned up... three antibiotics.)

I'd like to see infection made much scarcer but be more problematic.

Perhaps forgo blood loss entirely (or only a little bit of it) but make it so fall unconscious a lot easier?

Make the coughing fairly frequent and loud thus drawing many zombies?

cause you to constantly shake with only brief respites when you take painkillers?

Y'know. Make it /different/ to bleeding rather than the same symptoms with a harder cure?

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everyone keep calm and report bugs

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Man, I really hope a fix comes out VERY soon.

The zombies are retarded now.

I have no problem with the stronger ones, them chasing me, ect, but when I run passed one (by passed I mean like 10 meters from it) that isn't even looking near me and I get hit....come on.

If I am in range to be hit, that's fine, but at least have him looking at me and making a motion to hit me, not just make the sound and I fall down from running near a zombie.

And they knock you down like every other hit, which is absolutely dumb.

I will not be playing 1.7.7 at all until this is fixed. It's taken away from what sense of realism there was. :(

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Places where more people go will always have fewer resources... that's just the nature of demand with limited supply. If you get infected in Cherno or Elektro, you will find it hard to get antibiotics. Perhaps, you shouldn't go to Cherno unprepared?

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I don't post much here; I usually just read, but every since this latest patch, my fps have dropped significantly so I thought I would come here to report. I'm not sure if it's the servers fault since there is apparently more things going on to render, but I can't even play this anymore. Last night in Cherno, on a high population server (50 ppl) I was only getting about 10 fps. I tried switching to a low pop server (like 4-5 ppl) and it didn't improve much at all.

I've rolled back to the stable build b/c I read in another post that it could help but it didn't.

My pc specs:

1100t @ 3.9ghz

16 GB of Samsung


Latest Nvidia Drivers, etc, etc.. I rarely have problems running new games on max. Is it just something with Arma?

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Work is being done to address the issues posted

In the meantime, enjoy the POSITIVES of the patch

(like shooting dat bandit skin)

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I don't post much here; I usually just read, but every since this latest patch, my fps have dropped significantly so I thought I would come here to report. I'm not sure if it's the servers fault since there is apparently more things going on to render, but I can't even play this anymore. Last night in Cherno, on a high population server (50 ppl) I was only getting about 10 fps. I tried switching to a low pop server (like 4-5 ppl) and it didn't improve much at all.

I've rolled back to the stable build b/c I read in another post that it could help but it didn't.

My pc specs:

1100t @ 3.9ghz

16 GB of Samsung


Latest Nvidia Drivers, etc, etc.. I rarely have problems running new games on max. Is it just something with Arma?

All bug reports are best posted here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/139033-dayz-177dev-bug-list/

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I looked over the Patch notes and forum and cannot find any information about zombie spawn changes for non lootable buildings, such as cargo containers, watch towers, and H Barriers added into the database on private hives. Our server has several bases that now spawn hoards of zombies at non lootable areas.

I want to know if this is by design or do I need to modify the custom buildings to remove the zombie spawns?

I think these are called infected camps.

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