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Vilayer server host & phpmyadmin

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Hello all..here is my issue...using Vilayer as our server host. Have full access to the database running a private hive, Namalsk map. Vilayer included Heidi SQL as a third party program to connect to the database. We Hate it. Downloaded Navicat for the free 30 day trial. Much better, but not quite phpmyadmin. There is the problem. Navicat will install as a standalone program where you can connect to your database through that. Phpmyadmin seems to only be installed server side. Contacted Vilayer and they said sure you can use it, but basically we won't help you install it on our server. Great. I've tried reading and watching videos but I can't fugue out what I have to do to get it on our Vilayer server. I cannot tell you how much I would appreciate it if someone could make this a reality for me. I would even pay someone to help me do it. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you

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Guess you'd need a webhost, install phpmyadmin on that webserver, then connect it to the database using your info.

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Guess you'd need a webhost, install phpmyadmin on that webserver, then connect it to the database using your info.

yes you need a php enabled websever and then setup the configs to point to your mysql ip and port hedisql can do anything that phpmyadmin or chive can do

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Ok do you recommend a particular web host?- I know Heidi, navicat, and chive ( only used on Vilayer dedicated game packages which they don't sell anymore) can do everything that phpmyadmin can do but it's so much more user friendly for me to work with. There isn't a way I can directly install phpmyadmin on our server so I don't have to use a web host.. thank you guys for your help, I really appreciate it

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You'd need a webserver - if you have the DayZ Virtual Server Package, I'm sure you can install Apache, then php, and lastly phpmyadmin. If you're now moved to a normal TCAdmin package you can't.

Edited by Zarmaka

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chive is used by dayzcc not vilayer in that case but a lot of hosts use it as it has a clean interface for beginners..phpmyadmin and chive a small php scripts thefore they dont take much space or resourses to run all you need is for them to have php enabled that most free services provide http://www.host-ed.net/ these are quite a good free service and dont bother you with ads and loads of emails etc

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if you have the vilayer dayz vps package you can just move the phpmyadmin files into your @daycc/htdocs and go to the yourip:78/phpmyadmin

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Ok now I'm confused as to what I really need LOL.. we used to have a dedicated server package with Vilayer, but when the dayz control center guy that made that program announced he would no longer be developing our supporting that control panel Vilayer let their customers switch over to one of two packages or stay running dedicated. we opted to switch, now we use tcadmin that they have customized. the package we bought was the best of the two... Arma 2 dayz package ( arma2dayzpackage) as it says on their website.. what would I need to do to be able to run phpmyadmin with that package..- thank you again for your help!

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you need to get a webhost any free one will do

download phpmyadmin

ftp to your webhost and transfer the files

go to your webhost domain and set up phpmyadmin to point to your mysql server on acplayer

and then you should be good to go

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i have just tested it on mine now. send me a pm if you want me to do it

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Hey folks, I am in a similar boat here. Just moved from bottoms up HFB to Vilayer, and I already have a webserver with a new phpmyadmin install. The problem is I can't seem to get the config.inc settings right to connect to the database. I have tried various options, such as including the port in the IP, listing it seperataly, connecting via cookie, config, etc but can't get it to work. Vilayer have stopped answering my ticket for now too, so I am quite frustrated.


Have any of you successfully connected to your vilayer mysql with phpmyadmin, and if so, can I get a copy of your config file (obviously with your server specific details removed). Thanks!

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