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How do you blow off steam?

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When I ragequit at DayZ I put on Primal Carnage and go the T-Rex. After trampling/eating people for a while I feel better :)

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Haha, I troll on Takistan life too!

Sometimes I use the "My legs are brrrrroken!", but I generally like to run cops over in my pink tractor while dressed in a pink suit, playing the trololol song over direct chat.

Dear Jesus I swear I have heard that my legs are brrrrroken thing so many times, yet still very entertaining when I watch the guy who we just healed continue screaming that.

Anyways yeah have you ever tried activating a lighter in a car? boom! it lights the fuel tank on fire, better yet use lock picks jump into someones expensive vehicle like an lav or an armed SUV then light it up.

People go ape shit when they don't know why their car suddenly explodes, it also works on aircraft if i remember correctly.

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Sometimes, I blow up cars, then on voice chat I yell "Oh lord Jesus there's a Fire!"

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Go hunting Zeds, with my axe, 5% are Walkers 45% Crawlers and 50% are hoppers, these Hoppers are fun to hunt and take down, just run up behind them and axe them, they don't have the time to get up and turn around and attack.

So far my best is 36 zeds axed in one playtime. it helps me blow off steam and eventually relaxes me.

Edited by Crazy one

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When I get shot in DayZ. I blow off steam by killing the guy that killed me.

if a Zed killed me...I kill every Zed in a 800 meter radius for about 3 hours.

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I landed on top of Cherno hotel once and didn't know that helis blew up on server restart if they were unreachable.

My bud and I got super pissed (we'd had a frustrating time on this server) and started sniping zombies with our SVD Camo and scoped G36.

Thus was born, "Zombie Rednecks." And now I just do that for fun. :D

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A car I'd spent 12 hours fixing up disappeared, so I went south and stalked a group of newly spawned players for a few hours. I freaked them out by taking out most of a mob that was chasing them with my M14, getting close enough for them to hear me whisper nonsense in voice chat then running away, that kinda thing. At one point they were messing about in a barn around Msta, so I dumped a ton of tin cans outside then cheesed it before they got out.

I could have just slaughtered them at the start, but psychological shenanigans like this are so much more rewarding. And I'm not so insecure that I need to kill bambis.

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DayZ ain't got me stressing, I don't need to blow off no steam cos I ain't getting attached to my gear.

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I sit there and listen to the You are Dead music which calms me more. If i am really angry i am kind of hostile for a couple hours.

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When I get mad, I go for a run, and run probably twice as far and fast as normal. Not a bad habit to be honest :P

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