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3rd Person View, why I support it, and why it should stay in game

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Viktor, if it's all about PVP cheating and so on. Tell me, why should this feature be disabled from the mod while it is possible to have it on / off server side? Some servers run with it off, some servers run with it on (most). Some servers have name tags, some don't. Some have crosshairs on some don't.

It is a matter of taste here and it's up to the servers. IMO. It shouldn't be a big deal. If you find the mod lacks servers running 1st person mode only, then get your own.

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Viktor' date=' if it's all about PVP cheating and so on. Tell me, why should this feature be disabled from the mod while it is possible to have it on / off server side? Some servers run with it off, some servers run with it on (most). Some servers have name tags, some don't. Some have crosshairs on some don't.

It is a matter of taste here and it's up to the servers. IMO. It shouldn't be a big deal. If you find the mod lacks servers running 1st person mode only, then get your own.


Because it is based on server settings?

Well you CAN turn off 3rd person in a mission by scripts but it ain't just a simple setting.

And that wannabe argument was chewed through a thousand times.


You can be 1st place on the murder leaderboard by camping on a tower at cherno all day and looking down with 3rd or you have to risk your life for it.

You cannot just say both are the same.

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Viktor' date=' if it's all about PVP cheating and so on. Tell me, why should this feature be disabled from the mod while it is possible to have it on / off server side? Some servers run with it off, some servers run with it on (most). Some servers have name tags, some don't. Some have crosshairs on some don't.


Because character data is persistent across servers. People PvPing using TPV exploits on TPV-enabled servers can affect FPV-only servers (let's just call them what they are: TPV-enabled is Regular difficulty, FPV-only is Veteran difficulty). And that is the main problem. If character data was on a per-server basis, I'd have no problems about people murdering each other in unfair ways and hoarding tons of loot. However, since those people might later join the Veteran server that I am playing on and then fuck my day up with those NV goggles they looted off someone they spotted while prone on a roof in TPV, then that's a problem.

Global character persistence, that's the main problem.

P.S. don't get me started on crosshairs and server-wide name/rangefinding. That shit is bullshit to the max. Many of my friends died to a, excuse the expression, faggot with a CZ who scanned the tree thicket they were in with a mousewheel and shot when he saw the names pop up behind all the foliage.

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Viktor' date=' if it's all about PVP cheating and so on. Tell me, why should this feature be disabled from the mod while it is possible to have it on / off server side? Some servers run with it off, some servers run with it on (most). Some servers have name tags, some don't. Some have crosshairs on some don't.

It is a matter of taste here and it's up to the servers. IMO. It shouldn't be a big deal. If you find the mod lacks servers running 1st person mode only, then get your own.


Because it is based on server settings?

Well you CAN turn off 3rd person in a mission by scripts but it ain't just a simple setting.

And that wannabe argument was chewed through a thousand times.


You can be 1st place on the murder leaderboard by camping on a tower at cherno all day and looking down with 3rd or you have to risk your life for it.

You cannot just say both are the same.

Then how do you explain people going in barns and such, picking the items, changing servers, spawning in the same spot, picking again new items? How do you explain that? You can't possibly think just because 3rd person is allowed on a server, it gives them people such a big advtange that they get super nuclear weapons.

So far I only played third person, I still died, I had the same slow progress as usual.

I tried attacking bandits, third person enabled, I got whooped. I didn't get super gear to swap servers and pwn. You still gotta be exposed when you fire your gun so please, stop trying. Y'all just haters. Stick to your 1st person servers, name tags off and nobody will detect your ass when you climb trees and what not by hovering over your position, nobody will cheat their way to spot you. And that's it, telling me those people "Cheated" on 3rd person servers to get gear is lame, everyone has 3rd person view on those, aka the same advantage, it's still as harsh in 3rd person and not everyone u kill has gear. Hell I barely ever got to murder someone even with 3rd person. Because it's not that easy.

Y'all probably the people who're the most hated on most servers, I bet you just kill everyone without calling friendly and you're mad some people get you blaming it on 3rd person. Hell I never seen someone whine so much about 3rd person, not even in arma 2 oa, without mods.

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Viktor' date=' if it's all about PVP cheating and so on. Tell me, why should this feature be disabled from the mod while it is possible to have it on / off server side? Some servers run with it off, some servers run with it on (most). Some servers have name tags, some don't. Some have crosshairs on some don't.

It is a matter of taste here and it's up to the servers. IMO. It shouldn't be a big deal. If you find the mod lacks servers running 1st person mode only, then get your own.


Because it is based on server settings?

Well you CAN turn off 3rd person in a mission by scripts but it ain't just a simple setting.

And that wannabe argument was chewed through a thousand times.


You can be 1st place on the murder leaderboard by camping on a tower at cherno all day and looking down with 3rd or you have to risk your life for it.

You cannot just say both are the same.

Then how do you explain people going in barns and such, picking the items, changing servers, spawning in the same spot, picking again new items? How do you explain that? You can't possibly think just because 3rd person is allowed on a server, it gives them people such a big advtange that they get super nuclear weapons.

So far I only played third person, I still died, I had the same slow progress as usual.

I tried attacking bandits, third person enabled, I got whooped. I didn't get super gear to swap servers and pwn. You still gotta be exposed when you fire your gun so please, stop trying. Y'all just haters.

Maybe you are just bad?

Oh and if they fix that there comes the PEOPLE ALT+F4 excuse? And after that there comes the BUT PEOPLE CAN CHEAT EASILYL excuse?

Still two wrongs do not make a right.

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Third person server : Everyone can go third person. Everyone - same deal.

First Person Server : Everyone is forced 1st person, no over shoulder view, everyone - same deal.

What more do you want over that? It's that simple. You choose the server type you want. Any other complaint related to that is void. What advantage would a guy who plays on 3rd person servers have on a 1st person one? The gear? Lol wut, that happens in every game with gear on any server. There's always someone with better gear. Having third person on doesn';t mean you loot faster or get better shots.

I'm glad it's only like 1-4 of you who support this badly, it won't happen. :)

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Third person server : Everyone can go third person. Everyone - same deal.

First Person Server : Everyone is forced 1st person' date=' no over shoulder view, everyone - same deal.

What more do you want over that? It's that simple. You choose the server type you want. Any other complaint related to that is void. What advantage would a guy who plays on 3rd person servers have on a 1st person one? The gear? Lol wut, that happens in every game with gear on any server. There's always someone with better gear. Having third person on doesn';t mean you loot faster or get better shots.

I'm glad it's only like 1-4 of you who support this badly, it won't happen. :)


Its only 1-2 who are that logically challenged that they cannot see that if a character is the same on ALL SERVERS the settings have to be the same on ALL SERVERS.

Equally it is if there is a leaderboard for most murders then the challenge to get a kill must be the same on ALL SERVERS.

Get a CZ. You can zero it on distances. Now use the mighty mousewheel and see how far the guy is away. Zero on that distance. Fire.

And now try the same with guessing the distance while having no help. Except if you have a rangefinder which is an ultra rare drop and still that is another binocular you must first use, which takes up time.

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whatever bro go play arma 2 ace, you can't have this mod your own way just because you obviously see it way too differently compared to most of us. All the servers run in 3rd person for a reason, this is a survival game ,it's perfect, updates are on the way, you can't just have it your own way once again, especially when you request shit that'd affect everyone. Go play on 1st person servers or simply quit if it's not too hardcore 4 u. And I"m done replaying to you.

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Third person server : Everyone can go third person. Everyone - same deal.

First Person Server : Everyone is forced 1st person' date=' no over shoulder view, everyone - same deal.


Wrong. This feature is situational, as in, it doesn't benefit everyone in the same way. In this case, it assists people in hiding much more than people in the open. This is a case of unbalance.

What more do you want over that? It's that simple. You choose the server type you want. Any other complaint related to that is void. What advantage would a guy who plays on 3rd person servers have on a 1st person one? The gear? Lol wut' date=' that happens in every game with gear on any server. There's always someone with better gear. Having third person on doesn';t mean you loot faster or get better shots.


You apparently don't understand the concept of gear circulation. People kill and get killed all the time, true. Smart people might have a slight edge over the average player in Veteran servers. However, smart people have a HUGE edge over the average player in Regular servers. And yes, third person gives you the ability to line up your shots better without the risk of exposing yourself until the very last moment. It reduces the risk of settig up an ambush, or camping a spot. And killing people faster and with more safety means you can loot them faster.

I'm glad it's only like 1-4 of you who support this badly' date=' it won't happen. :)


Don't use ad populum fallacies.

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I don't care how anyone plays, but calling 3rd person "realistic" is a stretch. Yeah, maybe first person limits your view, but 3rd person does the opposite. Where in real life can you stand behind an object and press your nose to it, yet see over the top of it and around the side of it?

If people want to use 3rd person, who cares, but don't use the it's "realistic" argument. They are both equally unrealistic.

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Don't use ad populum fallacies.

You using big words that I don't understand, I'll take that as disrespect.

Thing is, what is your point lol, I see you just spend time here whining on how bad the game is because of 3rd person instead of playing it.

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You using big words that I don't understand' date=' I'll take that as disrespect.


That's your own fault, educate yoursef: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum

Basically, just because many people think it's okay, doesn't mean it's okay.

Thing is' date=' what is your point lol, I see you just spend time here whining on how bad the game is because of 3rd person instead of playing it.


I currently do not have access to a computer that can run ARMA 2. Also, I am not whining, but rather presenting arguments as to why a certain feature in a game that I like should be omitted.

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To the OP, no one is demanding veteran servers only. This is a strawman arguement.

Dayz has brought a huge influx of new people to Arma.

I believe, the longer they stay and play, the more 1st person will seem the best way to play PvP.

Why? Because no one wants to be killed by way of a lame game feature.

Some of us want to make earned kills; But all of us want the other guy to earn his kill --when we're the target.

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Third person server : Everyone can go third person. Everyone - same deal.

First Person Server : Everyone is forced 1st person' date=' no over shoulder view, everyone - same deal.


Wrong. This feature is situational, as in, it doesn't benefit everyone in the same way. In this case, it assists people in hiding much more than people in the open. This is a case of unbalance.

Not long ago I ambushed a guy near a building. He was standing in the I was on a slight hill 50 meters away. I shot at him. He got hit and out of the good netcode he bugged around a bit and made it out through the second door.

Now there I stood. I was on the field and he was behind the building. Which in the end means he will move next to the corners and use 3rs person to spot me while I cannot do anything about it.

This is just seriously retarded.

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You using big words that I don't understand' date=' I'll take that as disrespect.


That's your own fault, educate yoursef: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum

Basically, just because many people think it's okay, doesn't mean it's okay.

Thing is' date=' what is your point lol, I see you just spend time here whining on how bad the game is because of 3rd person instead of playing it.


I currently do not have access to a computer that can run ARMA 2. Also, I am not whining, but rather presenting arguments as to why a certain feature in a game that I like should be omitted.

Are you aware I was being sarcastic right? I know how to google terms. You don't have to link me.

In this situation borksy,

Basically, just because many people think it's okay, doesn't mean it's okay.

it is ok. Trust me.

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And I"m done replaying to you. [Continues to reply for another four posts]

Well, looks like I can't trust you after all.

Anyway, this is becoming much more personal than it needs to be. I think that for the most part, the argument has run its course: It's more up to Rocket now than anything else.

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Third person server : Everyone can go third person. Everyone - same deal.

First Person Server : Everyone is forced 1st person' date=' no over shoulder view, everyone - same deal.


Wrong. This feature is situational, as in, it doesn't benefit everyone in the same way. In this case, it assists people in hiding much more than people in the open. This is a case of unbalance.

Not long ago I ambushed a guy near a building. He was standing in the I was on a slight hill 50 meters away. I shot at him. He got hit and out of the good netcode he bugged around a bit and made it out through the second door.

Now there I stood. I was on the field and he was behind the building. Which in the end means he will move next to the corners and use 3rs person to spot me while I cannot do anything about it.

This is just seriously retarded.

nvm read wrong, edited, too bad. next time ask for friendly and avoid-.. oh wait you just shoot everyone you see.

Well, looks like I can't trust you after all.

Wasn't that meant for alie freak and not Viktor? Wasn't it? Well I still answered to alie freak above.

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Third person server : Everyone can go third person. Everyone - same deal.

First Person Server : Everyone is forced 1st person' date=' no over shoulder view, everyone - same deal.


Wrong. This feature is situational, as in, it doesn't benefit everyone in the same way. In this case, it assists people in hiding much more than people in the open. This is a case of unbalance.

Not long ago I ambushed a guy near a building. He was standing in the I was on a slight hill 50 meters away. I shot at him. He got hit and out of the good netcode he bugged around a bit and made it out through the second door.

Now there I stood. I was on the field and he was behind the building. Which in the end means he will move next to the corners and use 3rs person to spot me while I cannot do anything about it.

This is just seriously retarded.

nvm read wrong, edited, too bad. next time ask for friendly and avoid-.. oh wait you just shoot everyone you see.

Well, looks like I can't trust you after all.

Wasn't that meant for alie freak and not Viktor? Wasn't it? Well I still answered to alie freak above.

Whats wrong with your n key?

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I support 3rd person view. People that claim first person is more hardcore and realistic can fly a kite imo

remove the croshair but keep third person. People with good soundcards and computer skills always turn up the audio and noises for specific things like footsteps and breathing so that they can pinpoint a person sneaking up on them anyway. Getting an unfair advantage so in my book being able to look around a corner is not as bad.

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How many people sat in front of there computer with their hands beside their heads wiggling their fingers?

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I love 3rd person in this game and tbh 1st person when running gives me a headache!!

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Same here, i like 3rd person view, if u a real badass and think its so "casual", go play some CPMA, this is where u can show ur real skill, not in ArmA2.

3rd person is just a cool feature that other common FPS don't have, its another cool thing that appeal player on Arma + u can just go to an hardcore server.

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Same here' date=' i like 3rd person view, if u a real badass and think its so "casual", go play some CPMA, this is where u can show ur real skill, not in ArmA2.

3rd person is just a cool feature that other common FPS don't have, its another cool thing that appeal player on Arma + u can just go to an hardcore server.


You seem to have mistaken this game for Battlefield 3.

Don't worry. Happens to a lot of casual guys.

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This thread is becoming pretty unruly.

Please remember: There's no problem with tame insults, but have some actual substance in your posts as well and keep the personal attacks to a minimum.

You've been warned, gents.

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I've still yet to hear an argument that justifies being able to see people while remaining completely hidden (how do you call that realistic?). I remember back in 1999 the game Rogue Spear allowed you to disable 3rd person, because in Rainbow 6 all people did was hide behind a box or corner and peek their camera around in 3rd person until they saw someone, then pop out and kill them.

The only somewhat reasonable explanation I've seen supporting third person is that the increased FOV acts as peripheral vision (which I know is gone in 1st person), but you can change your FOV in the ARMA2 config files and ARMA2 also has mouse look by holding Alt, so that point is basically moot.

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